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names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Cellular Organisms
An Order Of Snails
Pleurotomella elusiva (Dall 1881)
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Pleurotomella elusiva (Dall 1881)
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Register of Marine Species
Pleurotomella elusiva
Species recognized by
wikipedia NL
wikipedia VI
Pleurotomella elusiva
(Dall 1881)
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
, and
GBIF classification
Pleurotomella elusiva
Recognized by
OBIS environmental data records
Mangelia elusiva
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
wikipedia PT
Mangelia elusiva
Recognized by
BHL data coverage
Mangelia elusiva (Dall 1881)
Species recognized by
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Pleurotoma (Drillia) elusiva Dall
Recognized by
NMNH type specimens
Pleurotomella elusiva
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
wikipedia EN
, and
Wikipedia (inferred records)
Pleurotomella elusiva (Dall 1881)
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
World Register of Marine Species
GBIF data coverage
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Alternative Names
Mangelia elusiva (Dall 1881)
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Register of Marine Species
Pleurotoma elusiva Dall 1881
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Register of Marine Species
Mangelia elusiva
(Dall 1881)
Synonym according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Pleurotoma elusiva
Dall 1881
Synonym according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Mangelia elusiva (Dall 1881)
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Mangelia elusiva (Dall 1881)
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Mangelia perpauxilla Watson 1881
Invalid according to
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Pleurotoma elusiva Dall 1881
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Pleurotoma elusiva Dall 1881
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Pleurotomella elusiva (Dall 1881)
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Gastropoda Cuvier 1795
Caenogastropoda Cox 1960
Neogastropoda Wenz 1938
Conoidea J. Fleming 1822
Raphitomidae Bellardi 1875
Pleurotomella Verrill 1872
Pleurotomella elusiva (Dall 1881)
(this page)
Pleurotomella aculeata (Webster 1906)
Pleurotomella aculeola (Hedley 1915)
Pleurotomella allisoni Rehder & Ladd 1973
Pleurotomella amphiblestrum (Melvill 1904)
Pleurotomella amplecta (Hedley 1922)
Pleurotomella anceyi (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1897)
Pleurotomella annulata Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella anomalapex Powell 1951
Pleurotomella balcombensis (Powell 1944)
Pleurotomella bateroensis Lozouet 1999
Pleurotomella bathybia Strebel 1908
Pleurotomella benedicti Verrill & S. Smith
Pleurotomella bezoyensis Lozouet 2017
Pleurotomella borbonica Melvill 1923
Pleurotomella brenchleyi (Angas 1877)
Pleurotomella buccinoides (Shuto 1983)
Pleurotomella bullata (Laseron 1954)
Pleurotomella bureaui (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1897)
Pleurotomella cala (R. B. Watson 1886)
Pleurotomella cancellata Sysoev 1988
Pleurotomella capricornea (Hedley 1922)
Pleurotomella chapplei (Powell 1944)
Pleurotomella circumvoluta (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella clathurellaeformis Schepman 1913
Pleurotomella coelorhaphe (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1896)
Pleurotomella compacta (Hedley 1922)
Pleurotomella contigua (Powell 1944)
Pleurotomella corrida Dall 1927
Pleurotomella cuspidata (Chapple 1934)
Pleurotomella deliciosa Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella demosia (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1896)
Pleurotomella dinora Dall 1908
Pleurotomella ecphora (Melvill 1904)
Pleurotomella elisa Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella endeavourensis Dell 1990
Pleurotomella enderbyensis Powell 1958
Pleurotomella enora (Dall 1908)
Pleurotomella eomargaritata Lozouet 2015
Pleurotomella espisbosensis Lozouet 2015
Pleurotomella eulimenes (Melvill 1904)
Pleurotomella eurybrocha (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1896)
Pleurotomella evadne Melvill 1912
Pleurotomella expeditionis (Dell 1956)
Pleurotomella formosa (Jeffreys 1867)
Pleurotomella frigida Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella gibbera Bouchet & Warén 1980
Pleurotomella granuliapicata Okutani 1964
Pleurotomella grimmertingenensis Marquet, Lenaerts & Laporte 2016
Pleurotomella hadria (Dall 1889)
Pleurotomella hayesiana (Angas 1871)
Pleurotomella helena Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella herminea Dall 1919
Pleurotomella hermione (Dall 1919)
Pleurotomella hypermnestra Melvill 1912
Pleurotomella imitator (Dall 1927)
Pleurotomella innocentia (Dell 1990)
Pleurotomella ipara (Dall 1881)
Pleurotomella itama (Melvill 1906)
Pleurotomella maitasi Engl 2008
Pleurotomella marshalli (Sykes 1906)
Pleurotomella megapex Lozouet 1999
Pleurotomella minuta Sysoev & Ivanov 1985
Pleurotomella neerrepenensis Marquet, Lenaerts & Laporte 2016
Pleurotomella nipri (Numanami 1996)
Pleurotomella normalis (Dall 1881)
Pleurotomella obesa Bouchet & Warén 1980
Pleurotomella ohlini (Strebel 1905)
Pleurotomella orariana (Dall 1908)
Pleurotomella packardii Verrill 1872
Pleurotomella pandionis (A. E. Verrill 1880)
Pleurotomella papyracea (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella parella Dall 1908
Pleurotomella perpauxilla (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella petiti Kantor, Harasewych & Puillandre 2016
Pleurotomella porcellana (R. B. Watson 1886)
Pleurotomella protocarinata Lozouet 2017
Pleurotomella protocostulata Lozouet 2017
Pleurotomella pudens (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella puella Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella rappardiformis Lozouet 2017
Pleurotomella rossi Dell 1990
Pleurotomella rothauseni (Gürs 1998)
Pleurotomella rugosa (Laseron 1954)
Pleurotomella sandersoni Verrill 1884
Pleurotomella sansibarica Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella sepulta (Laseron 1954)
Pleurotomella siberutensis (Thiele 1925)
Pleurotomella simillima Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella spicula (Laseron 1954)
Pleurotomella spinosa Lozouet 2015
Pleurotomella thalassica Dall 1919
Pleurotomella tippetti Kantor, Harasewych & Puillandre 2016
Pleurotomella ursula Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella vaginata Dall 1927
Pleurotomella vera Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella vercoi (G. B. Sowerby Iii 1896)
Pleurotomella virginalis Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella ybessa Figueira & Absalão 2012
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Gastropoda Cuvier 1795
Caenogastropoda L. R. Cox 1960
Neogastropoda Wenz 1938
Conoidea J. Fleming 1822
Raphitomidae Bellardi 1875
Pleurotomella A. E. Verrill 1872
Pleurotomella elusiva (Dall 1881)
(this page)
Gymnobela agassizii (A. E. Verrill & S. Smith 1880)
Pleurotomella aculeata (Webster 1906)
Pleurotomella aculeola (Hedley 1915)
Pleurotomella allisoni Rehder & Ladd 1973
Pleurotomella amphiblestrum (Melvill 1904)
Pleurotomella amplecta (Hedley 1922)
Pleurotomella anceyi (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1897)
Pleurotomella annulata Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella anomalapex Powell 1951
Pleurotomella balcombensis (Powell 1944)
Pleurotomella bateroensis Lozouet 1999
Pleurotomella bathybia Strebel 1908
Pleurotomella benedicti A. E. Verrill & S. Smith 1884
Pleurotomella bezoyensis Lozouet 2017
Pleurotomella borbonica Melvill 1923
Pleurotomella brenchleyi (Angas 1877)
Pleurotomella buccinoides (Shuto 1983)
Pleurotomella bullata (Laseron 1954)
Pleurotomella bureaui (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1897)
Pleurotomella cala (R. B. Watson 1886)
Pleurotomella cancellata Sysoev 1988
Pleurotomella capricornea (Hedley 1922)
Pleurotomella chapplei (Powell 1944)
Pleurotomella circumvoluta (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella clathurellaeformis Schepman 1913
Pleurotomella coelorhaphe (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1896)
Pleurotomella compacta (Hedley 1922)
Pleurotomella contigua (Powell 1944)
Pleurotomella corrida Dall 1927
Pleurotomella cuspidata (Chapple 1934)
Pleurotomella deliciosa Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella demosia (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1896)
Pleurotomella dinora Dall 1908
Pleurotomella ecphora (Melvill 1904)
Pleurotomella elisa Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella endeavourensis Dell 1990
Pleurotomella enderbyensis Powell 1958
Pleurotomella enora (Dall 1908)
Pleurotomella eomargaritata Lozouet 2015
Pleurotomella espisbosensis Lozouet 2015
Pleurotomella eulimenes (Melvill 1904)
Pleurotomella eurybrocha (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1896)
Pleurotomella evadne Melvill 1912
Pleurotomella expeditionis (Dell 1956)
Pleurotomella frigida Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella gibbera Bouchet & Warén 1980
Pleurotomella granuliapicata Okutani 1964
Pleurotomella grimmertingenensis Marquet, Lenaerts & Laporte 2016
Pleurotomella hadria (Dall 1889)
Pleurotomella hayesiana (Angas 1871)
Pleurotomella helena Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella herminea Dall 1919
Pleurotomella hermione (Dall 1919)
Pleurotomella imitator (Dall 1927)
Pleurotomella innocentia (Dell 1990)
Pleurotomella intermedia Gougerot & Le Renard 1982
Pleurotomella ipara (Dall 1881)
Pleurotomella irminonvilla Pacaud 2021
Pleurotomella itama (Melvill 1906)
Pleurotomella maitasi Engl 2008
Pleurotomella marshalli (Sykes 1906)
Pleurotomella megapex Lozouet 1999
Pleurotomella minuta Sysoev & D. L. Ivanov 1985
Pleurotomella neerrepenensis Marquet, Lenaerts & Laporte 2016
Pleurotomella nipri (Numanami 1996)
Pleurotomella normalis (Dall 1881)
Pleurotomella obesa Bouchet & Warén 1980
Pleurotomella ohlini (Strebel 1905)
Pleurotomella orariana (Dall 1908)
Pleurotomella packardii A. E. Verrill 1872
Pleurotomella pandionis (A. E. Verrill 1880)
Pleurotomella papyracea (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella parella Dall 1908
Pleurotomella perpauxilla (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella petiti Kantor, Harasewych & Puillandre 2016
Pleurotomella porcellana (R. B. Watson 1886)
Pleurotomella protocarinata Lozouet 2017
Pleurotomella protocostulata Lozouet 2017
Pleurotomella pudens (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella puella Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella rappardiformis Lozouet 2017
Pleurotomella rossi Dell 1990
Pleurotomella rothauseni (Gürs 1998)
Pleurotomella rugosa (Laseron 1954)
Pleurotomella sandersoni Verrill 1884
Pleurotomella sansibarica Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella sepulta (Laseron 1954)
Pleurotomella siberutensis (Thiele 1925)
Pleurotomella simillima Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella spicula (Laseron 1954)
Pleurotomella spinosa Lozouet 2015
Pleurotomella striatulata (Lamarck 1803)
Pleurotomella thalassica Dall 1919
Pleurotomella tippetti Kantor, Harasewych & Puillandre 2016
Pleurotomella ursula Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella vaginata Dall 1927
Pleurotomella vera Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella vercoi (G. B. Sowerby Iii 1896)
Pleurotomella virginalis Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella ybessa Figueira & Absalão 2012
14 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Pleurotomella elusiva (Dall 1881)
(this page)
Pleurotomella aculeata (Webster 1906)
Pleurotomella aculeola (Hedley 1915)
Pleurotomella allisoni Rehder & Ladd 1973
Pleurotomella amphiblestrum (Melvill 1904)
Pleurotomella amplecta (Hedley 1922)
Pleurotomella anceyi (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1897)
Pleurotomella annulata Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella anomalapex Powell 1951
Pleurotomella balcombensis (Powell 1944)
Pleurotomella bateroensis Lozouet 1999
Pleurotomella bathybia Strebel 1908
Pleurotomella benedicti Verrill & S. Smith
Pleurotomella bezoyensis Lozouet 2017
Pleurotomella borbonica Melvill 1923
Pleurotomella brenchleyi (Angas 1877)
Pleurotomella buccinoides (Shuto 1983)
Pleurotomella bullata (Laseron 1954)
Pleurotomella bureaui (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1897)
Pleurotomella cala (R. B. Watson 1886)
Pleurotomella cancellata Sysoev 1988
Pleurotomella capricornea (Hedley 1922)
Pleurotomella chapplei (Powell 1944)
Pleurotomella circumvoluta (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella clathurellaeformis Schepman 1913
Pleurotomella coelorhaphe (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1896)
Pleurotomella compacta (Hedley 1922)
Pleurotomella contigua (Powell 1944)
Pleurotomella corrida Dall 1927
Pleurotomella cuspidata (Chapple 1934)
Pleurotomella deliciosa Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella demosia (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1896)
Pleurotomella dinora Dall 1908
Pleurotomella ecphora (Melvill 1904)
Pleurotomella elisa Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella endeavourensis Dell 1990
Pleurotomella enderbyensis Powell 1958
Pleurotomella enora (Dall 1908)
Pleurotomella eomargaritata Lozouet 2015
Pleurotomella espisbosensis Lozouet 2015
Pleurotomella eulimenes (Melvill 1904)
Pleurotomella eurybrocha (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1896)
Pleurotomella evadne Melvill 1912
Pleurotomella expeditionis (Dell 1956)
Pleurotomella formosa (Jeffreys 1867)
Pleurotomella frigida Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella gibbera Bouchet & Warén 1980
Pleurotomella granuliapicata Okutani 1964
Pleurotomella grimmertingenensis Marquet, Lenaerts & Laporte 2016
Pleurotomella hadria (Dall 1889)
Pleurotomella hayesiana (Angas 1871)
Pleurotomella helena Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella herminea Dall 1919
Pleurotomella hermione (Dall 1919)
Pleurotomella hypermnestra Melvill 1912
Pleurotomella imitator (Dall 1927)
Pleurotomella innocentia (Dell 1990)
Pleurotomella ipara (Dall 1881)
Pleurotomella itama (Melvill 1906)
Pleurotomella maitasi Engl 2008
Pleurotomella marshalli (Sykes 1906)
Pleurotomella megapex Lozouet 1999
Pleurotomella minuta Sysoev & Ivanov 1985
Pleurotomella neerrepenensis Marquet, Lenaerts & Laporte 2016
Pleurotomella nipri (Numanami 1996)
Pleurotomella normalis (Dall 1881)
Pleurotomella obesa Bouchet & Warén 1980
Pleurotomella ohlini (Strebel 1905)
Pleurotomella orariana (Dall 1908)
Pleurotomella packardii Verrill 1872
Pleurotomella pandionis (A. E. Verrill 1880)
Pleurotomella papyracea (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella parella Dall 1908
Pleurotomella perpauxilla (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella petiti Kantor, Harasewych & Puillandre 2016
Pleurotomella porcellana (R. B. Watson 1886)
Pleurotomella protocarinata Lozouet 2017
Pleurotomella protocostulata Lozouet 2017
Pleurotomella pudens (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella puella Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella rappardiformis Lozouet 2017
Pleurotomella rossi Dell 1990
Pleurotomella rothauseni (Gürs 1998)
Pleurotomella rugosa (Laseron 1954)
Pleurotomella sandersoni Verrill 1884
Pleurotomella sansibarica Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella sepulta (Laseron 1954)
Pleurotomella siberutensis (Thiele 1925)
Pleurotomella simillima Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella spicula (Laseron 1954)
Pleurotomella spinosa Lozouet 2015
Pleurotomella thalassica Dall 1919
Pleurotomella tippetti Kantor, Harasewych & Puillandre 2016
Pleurotomella ursula Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella vaginata Dall 1927
Pleurotomella vera Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella vercoi (G. B. Sowerby Iii 1896)
Pleurotomella virginalis Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella ybessa Figueira & Absalão 2012
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Pleurotomella elusiva (Dall 1881)
(this page)
Pleurotomella aculeata (Webster 1906)
Pleurotomella aculeola (Hedley 1915)
Pleurotomella allisoni Rehder & Ladd 1973
Pleurotomella amphiblestrum (Melvill 1904)
Pleurotomella amplecta (Hedley 1922)
Pleurotomella anceyi (Dautzenberg & Fischer 1897)
Pleurotomella annulata Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella anomalapex Powell 1951
Pleurotomella balcombensis (Powell 1944)
Pleurotomella bateroensis Lozouet 1999
Pleurotomella bathybia Strebel 1908
Pleurotomella benedicti Verrill & S. Smith
Pleurotomella bezoyensis Lozouet 2017
Pleurotomella brenchleyi (Angas 1877)
Pleurotomella buccinoides (Shuto 1983)
Pleurotomella bullata (Laseron 1954)
Pleurotomella bureaui (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1897)
Pleurotomella cala (R. B. Watson 1886)
Pleurotomella cancellata Sysoev 1988
Pleurotomella capricornea (Hedley 1922)
Pleurotomella catharinae Verrill & S. Smith
Pleurotomella chapplei (Powell 1944)
Pleurotomella circumvoluta (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella clathurellaeformis Schepman 1913
Pleurotomella coelorhaphe (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1896)
Pleurotomella compacta (Hedley 1922)
Pleurotomella contigua (Powell 1944)
Pleurotomella corrida Dall 1927
Pleurotomella cuspidata (Chapple 1934)
Pleurotomella deliciosa Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella demosia (Dautzenberg & Fischer 1896)
Pleurotomella dinora Dall 1908
Pleurotomella ecphora (Melvill 1904)
Pleurotomella elisa Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella endeavourensis Dell 1990
Pleurotomella enderbyensis Powell 1958
Pleurotomella enora (Dall 1908)
Pleurotomella eomargaritata Lozouet 2015
Pleurotomella espisbosensis Lozouet 2015
Pleurotomella eulimenes (Melvill 1904)
Pleurotomella eurybrocha (Dautzenberg & Fischer 1896)
Pleurotomella evadne Melvill 1912
Pleurotomella expeditionis (Dell 1956)
Pleurotomella formosa (Jeffreys 1867)
Pleurotomella frigida Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella gibbera Bouchet & Warén 1980
Pleurotomella granuliapicata Okutani 1964
Pleurotomella grimmertingenensis Marquet, Lenaerts & Laporte 2016
Pleurotomella hadria (Dall 1889)
Pleurotomella hayesiana (Angas 1871)
Pleurotomella helena Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella herminea Dall 1919
Pleurotomella hermione (Dall 1919)
Pleurotomella hypermnestra Melvill 1912
Pleurotomella ida Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella imitator (Dall 1927)
Pleurotomella innocentia (Dell 1990)
Pleurotomella ipara (Dall 1881)
Pleurotomella itama (Melvill 1906)
Pleurotomella maitasi Engl 2008
Pleurotomella marshalli (Sykes 1906)
Pleurotomella megapex Lozouet 1999
Pleurotomella minuta Sysoev & Ivanov 1985
Pleurotomella neerrepenensis Marquet, Lenaerts & Laporte 2016
Pleurotomella nipri (Numanami 1996)
Pleurotomella normalis (Dall 1881)
Pleurotomella obesa Bouchet & Warén 1980
Pleurotomella ohlini (Strebel 1905)
Pleurotomella orariana (Dall 1908)
Pleurotomella packardii Verrill 1872
Pleurotomella pandionis (A. E. Verrill 1880)
Pleurotomella papyracea (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella parella Dall 1908
Pleurotomella perpauxilla (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella petiti Kantor, Harasewych & Puillandre 2016
Pleurotomella porcellana (R. B. Watson 1886)
Pleurotomella protocarinata Lozouet 2017
Pleurotomella protocostulata Lozouet 2017
Pleurotomella pudens (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella puella Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella rappardiformis Lozouet 2017
Pleurotomella rossi Dell 1990
Pleurotomella rothauseni (Gürs 1998)
Pleurotomella rugosa (Laseron 1954)
Pleurotomella sandersoni Verrill 1884
Pleurotomella sansibarica Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella sepulta (Laseron 1954)
Pleurotomella siberutensis (Thiele 1925)
Pleurotomella simillima Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella spicula (Laseron 1954)
Pleurotomella spinosa Lozouet 2015
Pleurotomella thalassica Dall 1919
Pleurotomella tippetti Kantor, Harasewych & Puillandre 2016
Pleurotomella ursula Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella vaginata Dall 1927
Pleurotomella vera Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella vercoi (G. B. Sowerby Iii 1896)
Pleurotomella virginalis Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella ybessa Figueira & Absalão 2012
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Pleurotomella elusiva (Dall 1881)
(this page)
Pleurotomella aculeata (Webster 1906)
Pleurotomella aculeola (Hedley 1915)
Pleurotomella allisoni Rehder & Ladd 1973
Pleurotomella amphiblestrum (Melvill 1904)
Pleurotomella amplecta (Hedley 1922)
Pleurotomella anceyi (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1897)
Pleurotomella annulata Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella anomalapex Powell 1951
Pleurotomella balcombensis (Powell 1944)
Pleurotomella bateroensis Lozouet 1999
Pleurotomella bathybia Strebel 1908
Pleurotomella benedicti Verrill & S. Smith
Pleurotomella bezoyensis Lozouet 2017
Pleurotomella borbonica Melvill 1923
Pleurotomella brenchleyi (Angas 1877)
Pleurotomella buccinoides (Shuto 1983)
Pleurotomella bullata (Laseron 1954)
Pleurotomella bureaui (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1897)
Pleurotomella cala (R. B. Watson 1886)
Pleurotomella cancellata Sysoev 1988
Pleurotomella capricornea (Hedley 1922)
Pleurotomella chapplei (Powell 1944)
Pleurotomella circumvoluta (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella clathurellaeformis Schepman 1913
Pleurotomella coelorhaphe (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1896)
Pleurotomella compacta (Hedley 1922)
Pleurotomella contigua (Powell 1944)
Pleurotomella corrida Dall 1927
Pleurotomella cuspidata (Chapple 1934)
Pleurotomella deliciosa Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella demosia (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1896)
Pleurotomella dinora Dall 1908
Pleurotomella ecphora (Melvill 1904)
Pleurotomella elisa Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella endeavourensis Dell 1990
Pleurotomella enderbyensis Powell 1958
Pleurotomella enora (Dall 1908)
Pleurotomella eomargaritata Lozouet 2015
Pleurotomella espisbosensis Lozouet 2015
Pleurotomella eulimenes (Melvill 1904)
Pleurotomella eurybrocha (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1896)
Pleurotomella evadne Melvill 1912
Pleurotomella expeditionis (Dell 1956)
Pleurotomella formosa (Jeffreys 1867)
Pleurotomella frigida Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella gibbera Bouchet & Warén 1980
Pleurotomella granuliapicata Okutani 1964
Pleurotomella grimmertingenensis Marquet, Lenaerts & Laporte 2016
Pleurotomella hadria (Dall 1889)
Pleurotomella hayesiana (Angas 1871)
Pleurotomella helena Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella herminea Dall 1919
Pleurotomella hermione (Dall 1919)
Pleurotomella hypermnestra Melvill 1912
Pleurotomella imitator (Dall 1927)
Pleurotomella innocentia (Dell 1990)
Pleurotomella ipara (Dall 1881)
Pleurotomella itama (Melvill 1906)
Pleurotomella maitasi Engl 2008
Pleurotomella marshalli (Sykes 1906)
Pleurotomella megapex Lozouet 1999
Pleurotomella minuta Sysoev & Ivanov 1985
Pleurotomella neerrepenensis Marquet, Lenaerts & Laporte 2016
Pleurotomella nipri (Numanami 1996)
Pleurotomella normalis (Dall 1881)
Pleurotomella obesa Bouchet & Warén 1980
Pleurotomella ohlini (Strebel 1905)
Pleurotomella orariana (Dall 1908)
Pleurotomella packardii Verrill 1872
Pleurotomella pandionis (A. E. Verrill 1880)
Pleurotomella papyracea (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella parella Dall 1908
Pleurotomella perpauxilla (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella petiti Kantor, Harasewych & Puillandre 2016
Pleurotomella porcellana (R. B. Watson 1886)
Pleurotomella protocarinata Lozouet 2017
Pleurotomella protocostulata Lozouet 2017
Pleurotomella pudens (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella puella Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella rappardiformis Lozouet 2017
Pleurotomella rossi Dell 1990
Pleurotomella rothauseni (Gürs 1998)
Pleurotomella rugosa (Laseron 1954)
Pleurotomella sandersoni Verrill 1884
Pleurotomella sansibarica Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella sepulta (Laseron 1954)
Pleurotomella siberutensis (Thiele 1925)
Pleurotomella simillima Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella spicula (Laseron 1954)
Pleurotomella spinosa Lozouet 2015
Pleurotomella thalassica Dall 1919
Pleurotomella tippetti Kantor, Harasewych & Puillandre 2016
Pleurotomella ursula Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella vaginata Dall 1927
Pleurotomella vera Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella vercoi (G. B. Sowerby Iii 1896)
Pleurotomella virginalis Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella ybessa Figueira & Absalão 2012
GBIF classification
Pleurotomella Verrill 1872
Pleurotomella elusiva (Dall 1881)
(this page)
Mangilia bellistriata Clark 1895
Pleurotomella aculeata (Webster 1906)
Pleurotomella aculeola (Hedley 1915)
Pleurotomella agonia Dall
Pleurotomella allisoni Rehder & Ladd 1973
Pleurotomella amphiblestrum (Melvill 1904)
Pleurotomella amplecta (Hedley 1922)
Pleurotomella anceyi (Dautzenberg & Fischer 1897)
Pleurotomella annulata Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella anomalapex Powell 1951
Pleurotomella aquilarium
Pleurotomella atypica
Pleurotomella balcombensis (Powell 1944)
Pleurotomella bateroensis Lozouet 1999
Pleurotomella bathybia Strebel 1908
Pleurotomella benedicti Verrill & S. Smith
Pleurotomella brenchleyi (Angas 1877)
Pleurotomella buccinoides (Shuto 1983)
Pleurotomella bullata (Laseron 1954)
Pleurotomella bureaui (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1897)
Pleurotomella cala (R. B. Watson 1886)
Pleurotomella cancellata Sysoev 1988
Pleurotomella capricornea (Hedley 1922)
Pleurotomella catharinae Verrill & S. Smith
Pleurotomella catherinae Verrill & Smith 1884
Pleurotomella chapplei (Powell 1944)
Pleurotomella circumvoluta (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella clathurellaeformis Schepman 1913
Pleurotomella coelorhaphe (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1896)
Pleurotomella compacta (Hedley 1922)
Pleurotomella contigua (Powell 1944)
Pleurotomella corrida Dall 1927
Pleurotomella cossmanni (Morellet & Morellet 1946)
Pleurotomella cuspidata (Chapple 1934)
Pleurotomella deliciosa Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella demosia (Dautzenberg & Fischer 1896)
Pleurotomella dinora Dall 1908
Pleurotomella ecphora (Melvill 1904)
Pleurotomella elisa Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella endeavourensis Dell 1990
Pleurotomella enderbyensis Powell 1958
Pleurotomella enora (Dall 1908)
Pleurotomella eomargaritata Lozouet 2015
Pleurotomella esmeralda Olsson 1964
Pleurotomella espisbosensis Lozouet 2015
Pleurotomella eulimenes (Melvill 1904)
Pleurotomella eurybrocha (Dautzenberg & Fischer 1896)
Pleurotomella evadne Melvill 1912
Pleurotomella expeditionis (Dell 1956)
Pleurotomella formosa (Jeffreys 1867)
Pleurotomella frigida Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella gibbera Bouchet & Warén 1980
Pleurotomella granuliapicata Okutani 1964
Pleurotomella gypsina Dall
Pleurotomella hadria (Dall 1889)
Pleurotomella hawaiiana Dall
Pleurotomella hayesiana (Angas 1871)
Pleurotomella helena Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella herminea Dall 1919
Pleurotomella hermione (Dall 1919)
Pleurotomella hypermnestra Melvill 1912
Pleurotomella ida Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella imitator (Dall 1927)
Pleurotomella ipara (Dall 1881)
Pleurotomella itama (Melvill 1906)
Pleurotomella leucomata (Dall 1881)
Pleurotomella maitasi Engl 2008
Pleurotomella marshalli (Sykes 1906)
Pleurotomella minuta Sysoev & Ivanov 1985
Pleurotomella nereidum
Pleurotomella normalis (Dall 1881)
Pleurotomella obesa Bouchet & Warén 1980
Pleurotomella ohlini (Strebel 1905)
Pleurotomella orariana (Dall 1908)
Pleurotomella packardii Verrill 1872
Pleurotomella pandionis (A. E. Verrill 1880)
Pleurotomella papyracea (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella parella Dall 1908
Pleurotomella perpauxilla (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella porcellana (R. B. Watson 1886)
Pleurotomella pudens (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella puella Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella rossi Dell 1990
Pleurotomella rothauseni (Gürs 1998)
Pleurotomella rugosa (Laseron 1954)
Pleurotomella sandersoni Verrill 1884
Pleurotomella sansibarica Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella sepulta (Laseron 1954)
Pleurotomella siberutensis (Thiele 1925)
Pleurotomella simillima Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella spicula (Laseron 1954)
Pleurotomella spinosa Lozouet 2015
Pleurotomella thalassica Dall 1919
Pleurotomella tornata (Verrill 1884)
Pleurotomella ursula Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella vaginata Dall 1927
Pleurotomella vera Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella vercoi (G. B. Sowerby Iii 1896)
Pleurotomella virginalis Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella ybessa Figueira & Absalão 2012
22 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Gastropoda Cuvier 1797
Conoidea Fleming 1822
Mangeliidae P. Fischer 1883
Mangelia Risso 1826
Mangelia elusiva (Dall 1881)
(this page)
Mangelia acloneta (Dall 1889)
Mangelia acrocarinata Dall 1927
Mangelia aculea (Dall 1919)
Mangelia alcippe (Dall 1918)
Mangelia aleutica Dall 1871
Mangelia althorpi Dall 1919
Mangelia amatula (Dall 1919)
Mangelia areia Dall 1927
Mangelia astricta Reeve 1846
Mangelia atonia (Dall 1881)
Mangelia attenuata
Mangelia bandella (Dall 1881)
Mangelia bartletti (Dall 1889)
Mangelia biconica C. B. Adams 1850
Mangelia brachystoma (Philippi 1844)
Mangelia branneri Arnold 1903
Mangelia carlottae Dall 1919
Mangelia cerina
Mangelia ceroplasta Bush 1885
Mangelia cesta Dall 1919
Mangelia cetolaca Dall 1908
Mangelia chasmata Dall 1927
Mangelia christina Dall 1927
Mangelia coarctata (Forbes 1840)
Mangelia constricta (Gabb 1865)
Mangelia cratera Dall 1927
Mangelia crossata Dall 1927
Mangelia cryera Dall 1927
Mangelia crystallina (Gabb 1865)
Mangelia dalli (Verrill 1882)
Mangelia densilineata (Dall 1921)
Mangelia eriopis Dall 1919
Mangelia eriphyle Dall 1919
Mangelia evadne Dall 1919
Mangelia exsculpta (Watson 1881)
Mangelia granitica Dall 1919
Mangelia hexagona Gabb 1865
Mangelia hooveri Arnold 1903
Mangelia ipara (Dall 1881)
Mangelia ischna Dall 1927
Mangelia janira (Dall 1919)
Mangelia lastica Dall 1927
Mangelia leuca Bush 1893
Mangelia loraeformis Dall 1927
Mangelia louisa (Dall 1919)
Mangelia macra
Mangelia melantica
Mangelia merita Hinds 1843
Mangelia monocingulata Dall 1889
Mangelia munivakensis Dall 1919
Mangelia nebula
Mangelia nuperrima (Tiberi 1855)
Mangelia oldroydi Arnold 1903
Mangelia painei Arnold 1903
Mangelia pelagica (Dall 1881)
Mangelia perattenuata Dall 1905
Mangelia percompacta Dall 1927
Mangelia philodice Dall 1919
Mangelia plicosa
Mangelia pomara (Dall 1919)
Mangelia pourtalesii (Dall 1881)
Mangelia powisiana (Dautzenberg 1887)
Mangelia quadrata (Reeve 1845)
Mangelia quadriseriata (Dall 1919)
Mangelia rhabdea Dall 1927
Mangelia rugirima Dall 1889
Mangelia rugulosa (Philippi 1844)
Mangelia sagena Dall 1927
Mangelia scipio Dall 1889
Mangelia sculpturata Dall 1886
Mangelia sericifila Dall 1927
Mangelia smithii (Forbes 1840)
Mangelia stellata (Morch 1860)
Mangelia striosa (C. B. Adams 1852)
Mangelia strongyla Dall 1927
Mangelia subcircularis Dall 1927
Mangelia subsida (Dall 1881)
Mangelia tachnodes Dall 1927
Mangelia toreumata Dall 1889
Mangelia variegata
Mangelia verdensis (Dall 1919)
Mangelia victoriana (Dall 1897)
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Mangelia elusiva
(this page)
Bela brachystoma
Bela powisiana
Mangelia abyssicola
Mangelia abyssorum
Mangelia adansoni
Mangelia ahuiri
Mangelia alaskensis
Mangelia albaecostulis
Mangelia alfredi
Mangelia althorpi
Mangelia antonia
Mangelia anxia
Mangelia attenuata
Mangelia attenuatus
Mangelia balteata
Mangelia brunnea
Mangelia capillacea
Mangelia carlottae
Mangelia ceroplasta
Mangelia cithara
Mangelia climakis
Mangelia coarctata
Mangelia costata
Mangelia costulata
Mangelia crassilabrum
Mangelia cylindrica
Mangelia dempsta
Mangelia densestriata
Mangelia digitale
Mangelia dysoni
Mangelia fulvicans
Mangelia fulvocincta
Mangelia fusca
Mangelia fuscata
Mangelia fuscoligata
Mangelia gazellae
Mangelia glareosa
Mangelia goodallii
Mangelia hafisi
Mangelia halitropis
Mangelia hamata
Mangelia harrisoni
Mangelia helena
Mangelia hilum
Mangelia holbollii
Mangelia hyemalis
Mangelia interfossa
Mangelia interlirata
Mangelia jacksonensis
Mangelia jucunda
Mangelia lanceolata
Mangelia levidensis
Mangelia linearis
Mangelia lischkei
Mangelia lyrica
Mangelia magellanica
Mangelia malayana
Mangelia marmorosa
Mangelia melanitica
Mangelia meredithiae
Mangelia michaelseni
Mangelia misera
Mangelia muricoides
Mangelia nitens
Mangelia nuperrima
Mangelia nuperrimum
Mangelia oriza
Mangelia paessleri
Mangelia paucicostata
Mangelia payraudeaui
Mangelia pellucida
Mangelia perattenuata
Mangelia perissa
Mangelia pessulata
Mangelia phaethusa
Mangelia pomara
Mangelia ponderosa
Mangelia powisiana
Mangelia pupiformis
Mangelia purissima
Mangelia quadrilineata
Mangelia sagena
Mangelia sculpturata
Mangelia secalina
Mangelia secreta
Mangelia senegalensis
Mangelia sicula
Mangelia smithii
Mangelia stgallae
Mangelia striolata
Mangelia subcancellata
Mangelia subdiaphana
Mangelia subsida
Mangelia tabulata
Mangelia tanzaniana
Mangelia teres
Mangelia toreumata
Mangelia wareni
Mangelia yuraensis
Mangelia zonata
235 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Pleurotomella elusiva
(this page)
Pleurotomella abyssorum
Pleurotomella aculeata
Pleurotomella aguayoi
Pleurotomella allisoni
Pleurotomella amphiblestrum
Pleurotomella anceyi
Pleurotomella annulata
Pleurotomella anomalapex
Pleurotomella aperta
Pleurotomella araneosa
Pleurotomella atlantica
Pleurotomella bairdi
Pleurotomella bairdii
Pleurotomella bathybia
Pleurotomella benedicti
Pleurotomella bruneri
Pleurotomella bureaui
Pleurotomella cala
Pleurotomella cancellata
Pleurotomella catharinae
Pleurotomella chariessa
Pleurotomella circumvoluta
Pleurotomella clathurellaeformis
Pleurotomella climacella
Pleurotomella coeloraphe
Pleurotomella corrida
Pleurotomella curta
Pleurotomella deliciosa
Pleurotomella demosia
Pleurotomella demulcata
Pleurotomella dinora
Pleurotomella diomedeae
Pleurotomella ecphora
Pleurotomella edgariana
Pleurotomella elisa
Pleurotomella endeavourensis
Pleurotomella enderbyensis
Pleurotomella enora
Pleurotomella eulimenes
Pleurotomella eurybrocha
Pleurotomella evadne
Pleurotomella expeditionis
Pleurotomella extensa
Pleurotomella formosa
Pleurotomella frielei
Pleurotomella frigida
Pleurotomella fulvotincta
Pleurotomella gibbera
Pleurotomella granuliapicata
Pleurotomella hadria
Pleurotomella helena
Pleurotomella herminea
Pleurotomella hermione
Pleurotomella hypermnestra
Pleurotomella ida
Pleurotomella illicita
Pleurotomella imitator
Pleurotomella ipara
Pleurotomella itama
Pleurotomella koehleri
Pleurotomella lanceata
Pleurotomella leptalea
Pleurotomella lottae
Pleurotomella maitasi
Pleurotomella marshalli
Pleurotomella megalembryon
Pleurotomella minuta
Pleurotomella normalis
Pleurotomella obesa
Pleurotomella ohlini
Pleurotomella orariana
Pleurotomella pachia
Pleurotomella packardii
Pleurotomella pandionis
Pleurotomella papyracea
Pleurotomella parella
Pleurotomella perpauxilla
Pleurotomella porcellana
Pleurotomella pudens
Pleurotomella puella
Pleurotomella raineri
Pleurotomella reconditum
Pleurotomella rhytismeis
Pleurotomella rossi
Pleurotomella saffordi
Pleurotomella sandersoni
Pleurotomella sansibarica
Pleurotomella siberutensis
Pleurotomella simillima
Pleurotomella simplicissima
Pleurotomella sulcifera
Pleurotomella tcherniai
Pleurotomella thalassica
Pleurotomella tincta
Pleurotomella ursula
Pleurotomella vaginata
Pleurotomella vera
Pleurotomella virginalis
Pleurotomella vitrea
Pleurotomella ybessa
28 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
World Register of Marine Species
Pleurotomella elusiva (Dall 1881)
(this page)
Pleurotomella aculeata (W. H. Webster 1906)
Pleurotomella aculeola (Hedley 1915)
Pleurotomella agassizi mexicana Dall 1889
Pleurotomella allisoni Rehder & Ladd 1973
Pleurotomella amphiblestrum (Melvill 1904)
Pleurotomella amplecta (Hedley 1922)
Pleurotomella anceyi (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1897)
Pleurotomella annulata Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella anomalapex Powell 1951
Pleurotomella antemnaensis Vera-Peláez 2002
Pleurotomella balcombensis (Powell 1944)
Pleurotomella bateroensis Lozouet 1999
Pleurotomella bathybia Strebel 1908
Pleurotomella benedicti A. E. Verrill & S. Smith 1884
Pleurotomella bezanconi (Cossmann 1902)
Pleurotomella bezoyensis Lozouet 2017
Pleurotomella borbonica Melvill 1923
Pleurotomella brenchleyi (Angas 1877)
Pleurotomella buccinoides (Shuto 1983)
Pleurotomella bullata (Laseron 1954)
Pleurotomella bureaui (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1897)
Pleurotomella cala (R. B. Watson 1886)
Pleurotomella cancellata Sysoev 1988
Pleurotomella capricornea (Hedley 1922)
Pleurotomella chapplei (Powell 1944)
Pleurotomella circumvoluta (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella clathurellaeformis Schepman 1913
Pleurotomella coelorhaphe (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1896)
Pleurotomella corrida Dall 1927
Pleurotomella cossmanni Koperberg 1931
Pleurotomella deliciosa Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella demosia (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1896)
Pleurotomella dimeres (Cossmann 1889)
Pleurotomella dinora Dall 1908
Pleurotomella ecphora (Melvill 1904)
Pleurotomella elisa Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella endeavourensis Dell 1990
Pleurotomella enderbyensis Powell 1958
Pleurotomella enora (Dall 1908)
Pleurotomella eulimenes (Melvill 1904)
Pleurotomella eurybrocha (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer 1896)
Pleurotomella evadne Melvill 1912
Pleurotomella expeditionis (Dell 1956)
Pleurotomella fragilis (Deshayes 1834)
Pleurotomella frigida Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella gibbera Bouchet & Warén 1980
Pleurotomella granuliapicata Okutani 1964
Pleurotomella guepellensis (Cossmann 1889)
Pleurotomella hadria (Dall 1889)
Pleurotomella helena Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella herminea Dall 1919
Pleurotomella hermione (Dall 1919)
Pleurotomella hosdenacensis Gougerot & Le Renard 1982
Pleurotomella imitator (Dall 1927)
Pleurotomella intermedia Gougerot & Le Renard 1982
Pleurotomella ipara (Dall 1881)
Pleurotomella irminonvilla Pacaud 2021
Pleurotomella itama (Melvill 1906)
Pleurotomella linophora (Cossmann 1889)
Pleurotomella maitasi Engl 2008
Pleurotomella marshalli (Sykes 1906)
Pleurotomella megapex Lozouet 1999
Pleurotomella minuta Sysoev & D. L. Ivanov 1985
Pleurotomella mioweberi (F. Nordsieck 1972)
Pleurotomella normalis (Dall 1881)
Pleurotomella obesa Bouchet & Warén 1980
Pleurotomella obesula Landau, Harzhauser & Giannuzzi-Savelli 2022
Pleurotomella ohlini (Strebel 1905)
Pleurotomella orariana (Dall 1908)
Pleurotomella ornata Koperberg 1931
Pleurotomella pachycolpa (Cossmann & Pissarro 1900)
Pleurotomella packardii A. E. Verrill 1872
Pleurotomella pandionis (A. E. Verrill 1880)
Pleurotomella papyracea (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella parella Dall 1908
Pleurotomella perpauxilla (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella polycolpa (Cossmann 1889)
Pleurotomella porcellana (R. B. Watson 1886)
Pleurotomella protocarinata Lozouet 2017
Pleurotomella protocostulata Lozouet 2017
Pleurotomella pudens (R. B. Watson 1881)
Pleurotomella puella Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella rappardiformis Lozouet 2017
Pleurotomella rossi Dell 1990
Pleurotomella ryukyuensis MacNeil 1961
Pleurotomella sandersoni A. E. Verrill 1884
Pleurotomella sansibarica Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella siberutensis (Thiele 1925)
Pleurotomella simillima Thiele 1912
Pleurotomella spicula (Laseron 1954)
Pleurotomella striarella (Lamarck 1804)
Pleurotomella striatulata (Lamarck 1803)
Pleurotomella thalassica Dall 1919
Pleurotomella tumens (Bellardi 1877)
Pleurotomella turrita Landau, Harzhauser & Giannuzzi-Savelli 2022
Pleurotomella ursula Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella vaginata Dall 1927
Pleurotomella vera Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella virginalis Thiele 1925
Pleurotomella ybessa Figueira & Absalão 2012
17 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.