“Paxula n. gen. Type Columbella paxillus Murdoch.
With the type I associate C. transitans Murdoch, Mitrella leptalea Suter, M. subantarctica Suter, and Paxula murdochi nom. nov. for Columbella huttoni Murdoch, not of Suter (vide antea). This is a very compact little assemblage, all the members of which have a sharp straight spire, and highly characteristic aperture (well shown in Murdoch's original figures of transitans and paxillus) which has a medially inflated shortly pyriform shape, a considerably excavated pillar, twisted below, but with no trace at any stage of a plait or groove, and a very short canal flexed to the left. Specific differences in the group seem limited to variation in spiral sculpture and slenderness of shell. The range of localities given by Suter for Murdoch's transitans is worth noting; it probably does not reach the South Island, while the Subantarctic records refer to subantarctica. The Pliocene Columbella angustata Hutton is, however, not referable here, but is a Turrid.”
(Finlay, 1927: 430)