Penitella turnerae found in shale near Lincoln City, OR by Bob Mead. Longest shell is 5.5 cm long and 2.6 cm wide. Right valve is above, left valve is below. Anterior end is to the right. (Photo by: Dave Cowles, May 2006)
A view of the inside of the left valve. Note the projecting myophore near the hinge. There are no hinge teeth. The siphonoplax, which would normally be attached to the posterior end of the shell at the left, is detached from this specimen.
A Penitella penita shell from Toleak Point, WA. No animal is present. The right valve is shown. Anterior is to the right. The siphonoplax plates flare on the left. The protoplax covers the top right of the shell. (Photo by: Dave Cowles, Sept. 2006