Image of Elliptotellina urinatoria (Suter 1911)
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Elliptotellina urinatoria (Suter 1911)


provided by NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates

Tellina urinatoria, n. sp. Plate 54, fig. 13.

Shell small, thin, compressed, transversely oval, very inequilateral, white, convex at both ends. Beaks at about the anterior third of length, acute, slightly raised, and directed forwards. Anterior end short, convex, the dorsal margin oblique, slightly rounded. Posterior end produced, rounded, the dorsal margin straight, very slowly descending; basal margin broadly convex, slightly ascending anteriorly. Sculpture consisting of very fine and close concentric lines, crossed by microscopic radiate striæ. Colour white. Interior polished, white, smooth. Hinge: 2 cardinal teeth in each valve, the anterior left and posterior right stouter, triangular, cleft at the top; 2 laterals in each valve, the anterior teeth nearer the cardinals. Adductor-scars unequal. Pallial sinus large, reaching the anterior adductor-scar.

Length, 7.5 mm.; height, 5 mm.; diameter, 2.3 mm.

Type in the Canterbury Museum, Christchurch.

Hab.—Twenty-four miles south-east of Long Point, in 120 fathoms (E. R. Waite).”

(Suter, 1913: 950)