A: dorsal view, B: cerebral and tentacular eyes, C: ventral view, D: distal part of the cirrus in a living animal, E: connection of proximal part of cirrus and prostatic vesicle, .... c r : cirrus, c s : corrugated surface, c v d : common vas deferens, o v : oviduct, p h : pharynx, v d : vasa deferentia.
reconstruction of copulatory apparatus in fully sexually mature specimen. a f p : accessory female pore, c r : cirrus, c s : corrugated surface, d v : ductus vaginalis, f p : female pore, L v : Lan?s vesicle, mp : male pore, p v : prostatic vesicle, s g : shell glands, s v : seminal vesicle, v : vagina.