Carolina Noreña, Daniel Marquina, Jacinto Perez, Bruno Almon
Figure 4.Prostheceraeus vittatus. A dorsal view of a living animal B living animal feeding on ascidians C dorsal view of a fixed specimen D sagittal reconstruction of the copulatory apparatus E sagittal reconstruction of a whole specimen. Anterior to the left in D, E.
Carolina Noreña, Daniel Marquina, Jacinto Perez, Bruno Almon
Figure 5.Prostheceraeus moseleyi. A, B, C dorsal views of living animals D sagittal reconstruction of the reproductive system E dorso-ventral histological sections of the whole animal F dorso-ventral histological sections of the copulatory apparatus G sagittal histological section in the region of the pharynx and copulatory apparatus H sagittal reconstruction of a whole specimen. Anterior to the right in C, D, E, F, G and H.
Carolina Noreña, Daniel Marquina, Jacinto Perez, Bruno Almon
Figure 7.Species photographed but not collected. A, B Prostheceraeus roseus C Stylostomum ellipse D, E Oligocladus sanguinolentus F, G Thysanozoon brocchii.