Garymunida soelae is a species of squat lobster in the family Munididae.[1][2][3] The species is named for the research vessel Soela, which is the vessel on which the type specimen was collected. The males measure about 28.2 millimetres (1.11 in) and the females about 14.1 millimetres (0.56 in). It is found off of Indonesia, northwestern Australia, and New Caledonia, at depths between 450 and 620 metres (1,480 and 2,030 ft). It is also found off of Fiji, where it resides between depths of about 680 and 725 metres (2,231 and 2,379 ft).[4]
Garymunida soelae is a species of squat lobster in the family Munididae. The species is named for the research vessel Soela, which is the vessel on which the type specimen was collected. The males measure about 28.2 millimetres (1.11 in) and the females about 14.1 millimetres (0.56 in). It is found off of Indonesia, northwestern Australia, and New Caledonia, at depths between 450 and 620 metres (1,480 and 2,030 ft). It is also found off of Fiji, where it resides between depths of about 680 and 725 metres (2,231 and 2,379 ft).
Agononida soelae is een tienpotigensoort uit de familie van de Munididae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1986 door Baba.
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties蘇利亞宦蝦(学名:Agononida soelae)为鎧甲蝦科宦蝦科下的一个种。
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