White color (Borradaile, 1903: pg. 438)
"A Leucosilia with the carapace subcircular, covered with flattened granules which in the branchial regions pass into minute, flat-topped spines ; the front short, barely hiding the epistome ; a large hollow in the carapace on each side just behind the front and a ridge separating these hollows and running back to the gastric region, where it bears 5 knobs, 2 knobs one behind another on the cardiac region, and a blunt knob at each end of the hind margin; the chelipeds about [one half] as long again as the carapace, granular, the granules being smallest on the hands, the fingers longer than the palms, fur- rowed, slender, and set with slender teeth of various sizes ; the walking-legs short and slender, with long end-joints." (Borradaile, 1903: pg. 438)
Respiration: "In the Leucosiidae the openings for the ingoing stream [of water] are situated at the base of the maxillipeds of the third pair, and the water is led thither by a groove on the body, outside the efferent channel and parallel with it, covered by the third pair of maxillipeds." (Borradaile, 1903)
"Length: 12 mm. Breadth: 11mm. " (Borradaile, 1903: pg. 438)