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Macropodia doracis R. B. Manning & Holthuis 1981

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Macropodia doracis

Stenorhynchus aegyptius.—A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier, 1900:155 [part] [not Stenorynchus egyptius H. Milne Edwards, 1834 = Cancer longirostris Fabricius, 1775].

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Pillsbury Material: None.

Other Material: Cape Verde Islands: between Ilhéu Branco and Ilhéu Raso, 110–180 m, sand, rocks, Talisman No. 105, 27 Jul 1883, 1 ov (W, holotype).

DESCRIPTION.—Size small, carapace length of adult less than 10 mm (7.8 mm).

Rostrum (Figure 76a) moderately long, extending almost to but falling short of end of distal segment of antennal peduncle, ornamented with curved hairs. Apices of rostral teeth appressed. Rostrum upturned dorsally. Nuchal region with lateral spinule, visible in dorsal view (Figure 76a). Protogastric region smooth, lacking dorsal tubercles medially. Hepatic regions each with low, conical prominence dorsally. Hepatic lobes each with bluntly rounded tubercle apically. Gastric region with high, erect spine dorsally. Cardiac region with broad, obtuse prominence dorsally, lower than gastric spine. Branchial regions each with 1 low dorsal epibranchial tubercle, 1 broadly rounded anterolateral epibranchial tubercle, 1 dorsal mesobranchial tubercle, and 1 metabranchial tubercle situated almost on posterior margin. Anterolateral margins with rounded tubercle posterior to hepatic lobe.

Basal antennal segment (Figure 76b) with 2 tubercles on each side, larger, almost spiniform, anteriormost. Distal article of antennal peduncle about twice as long as penultimate. Epistome with rounded lobule near opening of antennal gland and with tubercle at base of antenna.

Ocular peduncle lacking distinct anterior lobe. Cornea with distal dorsal tubercle.

Cheliped (Figure 76c) of adult female slender, fingers, measured dorsally, longer than palm, latter with row of spinules dorsally. Merus with 2 prominent dorsal tubercles.

Dactylus of second pereiopod slender, slightly curved distally, apex broken; merus shorter than carapace. Merus of each walking leg with blunt, unarmed dorsal projection (Figure 76d). Dactyli of fourth and fifth pereiopods (Figure 76e,f) strongly arcuate, ventral margin toothed along entire margin.

MEASUREMENTS.—Carapace length of ovigerous female 7.8 mm.

DISTRIBUTION.—Known only from the type-locality in the Cape Verde Islands.

*Macropodia gilsoni (Capart, 1951)

Achaeopsis gilsoni Capart, 1951:65, fig. 20, pl. 1: figs. 4, 10, pl. 2: fig. 3.—Rossignol, 1957:115 [key].

Macropodia gilsoni.—Monod, 1956:555, figs. 811–822.—Longhurst, 1958:89.—Rossignol, 1962:123.—Crosnier, 1964:34.

Macropodia intermedia.—Guinot and Ribeiro, 1962:78.—Forest and Guinot, 1966:115.—Crosnier, 1970:1215 [listed], 1218. [Not M. intermedia Bouvier, 1940.]

Macropodia.—Voss, 1966:22.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Pillsbury Material: Liberia: Sta 68, 70 m, broken shell, 4, 2 (1 ov) (L).

Ivory Coast: Sta 42, 62–75 m, mud with brown, branched Foraminifera, 1, 1 (W). Sta 45, 73–97 m, 2, 2 ov (W). Sta 47, 37 m, bottom with Jullienella, 1 ov (L). Sta 50, 128–192 m, 1 ov (L). Sta 59, 55–64 m, mud with dense branched Foraminifera, 1 (L). Sta 62, 46 m, brown branched and foliate Foraminifera, 6, 6 (4 ov) (L). Sta 63, 64 m, sandy mud with shells, 5, 8 (5 ov) (W). Sta 64, 68 m, 2, 1 ov (L).

Ghana: Sta 16, 46 m, mud with Foraminifera, shells, 2 (1 ov) (W). Sta 23, 42 m, foliate brown to orange bryozoans, 1 (W). Sta 28, 49–53 m, 4, 4 ov (L). Sta 30, 61–64 m, coral, 2 (W). Sta 32, 110 m, 1 ov (W).

Nigeria: Sta 237, 101 m, 1, 2 (L). Sta 239, 73 m, 8, 7 (L). Sta 241, 59–63 m, mud and shell, 1 1, 8 (5 ov) (W).

Cameroon: Sta 259, 59 m, mud and broken shell, 3, 3 (W). Sta 260, 46 m, 1 (L).

Geronimo Material: Gabon: Sta 235, 100 m, 1 (W).

Undaunted Material: Angola: Sta 95, 126 m, 2, 1 ov (L).

Other Material: Cameroon: 03°54′N, 08°53′E, 64 m, Aug 1963, A. Crosnier, 5, 2 (1 ov) (W). 03°55.5′N, 08°52.5′E, 60 m, Ombango, A. Crosnier, 5 Jan 1963, 1 ov (W).

DESCRIPTION.—Capart, 1951:65.

Figures: Capart, 1951, fig. 20, pl. 1: figs. 4, 10, pl. 2: fig. 3; Monod, 1956, figs. 811–822.

Male Pleopod: Capart, 1951, pl. 2: fig. 3 (Cabinda); Monod, 1956, fig. 821 (Senegal).

MEASUREMENTS.—Carapace lengths of males 6.5 to 19 mm, of non-ovigerous females 7.5 to 14 mm, of ovigerous females 11 to 16.7 mm.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Pillsbury Material: Ivory Coast: Sta 60, 79–82 m, coral or rock, 1, 1 (L). Sta 65, 46–49 m, 1 (holotype), 1 (L).

Ghana: Sta 22, 51 m, rough bottom, 1 (W).

Nigeria: Sta 230, 82–97 m, hard ground, with gorgonians, coral, rock, 1 (W).

DESCRIPTION.—Size small, carapace lengths of adults less than 10 mm. Rostrum (Figure 77a,e) short, overreaching base but falling short of middle of fifth article of antennal peduncle, ornamented with curved hairs. Apices of rostral teeth divergent in some specimens. Rostrum slightly upturned dorsally (Figure 77b). Nuchal region usually with lateral spinule or tubercle, visible in dorsal view. Protogastric region smooth, lacking dorsal tubercles medially. Hepatic regions each with low, conical prominence dorsally. Hepatic lobes each with apical spinule, flanked mesially with spine on anterior margin in some specimens. Gastric and cardiac regions each with low, conical prominence. Branchial regions with poorly marked prominences: 1 low, rounded epibranchial, 1 broad dorsal mesobranchial, 1 low metabranchial near posterior margin, and sharp tubercles laterally. Anterolateral margins with sharp, anteroventrally directed spine posterior to hepatic lobe.

Basal antennal segment (Figure 77b) with 1–3 spinules or sharp tubercles, anteriormost largest. Distal article of antennal peduncle about 3 times as long as penultimate. Epistome with spinule near opening of antennal gland, occasionally with spinule anteriorly near base of antenna.

Ocular peduncles lacking distinct anterior lobe. Cornea with distinct dorsal tubercle.

Chelipeds of adult males larger and more robust than in females. Fingers as long as palm, latter with row of spinules dorsally. Merus with 3 erect dorsal spines or lobes.

Dactylus of second pereiopod (Figure 77c) slender, slightly curved distally, 7/9 as long as merus, latter longer than carapace and antennal peduncles. Meri of second through fifth pereiopods each with single large distal dorsal spine, latter lower on merus of fifth pereiopod. Dactyli of fourth and fifth (Figure 77b) pereiopods strongly arched, ventral margin toothed along entire margin.

MEASUREMENTS.—Carapace lengths of males 5.2 to 9.4 mm, of females 4.2 and 7.3 mm.
bibliographic citation
Manning, Raymond B. and Holthuis, L. B. 1981. "West African Brachyuran crabs." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-379. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.306