
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Platymaia turbynei Stebbing

Platymaia turbynei Stebbing, 1903:3–5, pl. 5,—Barnard, 1950: 31–32, 816, figs. 6a, c.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—6 , 16 (8 ovig.), 1 damaged juv., 8.0–45.0 mm, smallest ovig. 39.6 mm (1, USNM 136236–39; 4, AM P.17795).

Anton Bruun Cruises: Between Tulear and Madagascar, trawled, August 1964, 1 spec.; Sta. 397C, 600–665 m, 11 specs.; Sta. 398B, 740 m, 8 specs. Mozambique Channel, Sta. 399B, 850–960 m, 3 specs.

DISTRIBUTION.—Southeast Africa from Cape Natal (Durban) to southern Mozambique Channel; previously recorded as far north as Delagoa Bay (Lourenço Marques) only.
bibliographic citation
Griffin, D. J. G. and International Indian Ocean Expedition, 1962-. 1974. "Spider crabs (Crustacea: Brachyura: Majidae) from the International Indian Ocean Expedition, 1963-1964." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-35. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.182