A marine species of crab.
L. A. Borradaile thought that Cymo quadrilobatus was identical to Cymo tuberculatus after encountering a specimen of the former retrieved from a 1899-1990 expedition. However, according to the World Register of Marine Species, both are accepted as two different species.
In the 1899-1900 expedition a specimen was recovered on the shore of Male, Goifurfehendu and Faiifolu Atolls. (Borradaile, p. 251)
Areas where this species is found include Chagos, Madagascar, Mauritius, the Red Sea, Reunion, Seychelles, Somalia, and the Western Islands. (WoRMS)
Cymo quadrilobatus is een krabbensoort uit de familie van de Xanthidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1884 door Miers.
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties四叶波纹蟹(学名:Cymo quadrilobatus)为扇蟹科波纹蟹属的动物。分布于保克海峡、安曼以及中国大陆的西沙群岛等地,生活环境为海水,常见于珊瑚礁浅水处。[1]