Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Automate dolichognatha De Man, 1888
Automate dolichognatha De Man, 1888:529, pl. 22: fig. 5.—Chace, 1988:64.
Automate gardineri.—Chace, 1972:74, fig. 23.
MATERIAL.—Manning 1971 Collection: Sta ASC-15, English Bay: 2 females [1.2–2.2].
Smithsonian 1976 Collection: Sta 3A–76, English Bay: 1 ovig. female [3.6].—Sta 5A–76, Shelly Beach: 1 female [1.9].
Other Collections: Olson (1970), McArthur Point, sandy bottom tide pool: 1 ovig. female [5.8].
SIZE.—Carapace lengths of females, 1.2–5.8 mm; of ovigerous females,3.6–5.8 mm.
HABITAT.—All five specimens were taken from tide pools.
DISTRIBUTION.—Pantropical, except for eastern Atlantic (see above); central Atlantic from Ascension; western Atlantic from North Carolina, Yucatan, and Antilles; eastern Pacific from Mexico to the Galapagos (Wicksten, 1981, synonymized A. haightae Boone, 1931, from the eastern Pacific with this species); Indo-West Pacific from Samoa to the Red Sea; intertidal to shallow sublittoral.
- bibliographic citation
- Manning, Raymond B. and Chace, Fenner Albert, Jr. 1990. "Decapod and stomatopod crustaceans from Ascension Island, south Atlantic Ocean." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-91.
Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Automate dolichognatha De Man, 1888
Automate dolichognatha De Man, 1888a:529, pl. 22: fig 5 [type locality: “Insel Noordwachter,” presumably Djaga Utara in the southwestern Java Sea near Djakarta, Indonesia].—D.M. and A.H. Banner, 1973:299, fig. 1.
A[usomate] Gardineri Coutière, 1902:337 [type locality: 4 Maldive atolls, Gilbert Islands, Masqat, and Djibouti].
Automate kingsleyi Hay, 1917:72 [type locality: Beaufort, North Carolina].
Automate haighsae Boone, 1931:184, fig. 22 [type locality: north shore of Isla Taboguilla, Bahia de Panama].
Automate johnsoni Chace, 1955:13, fig. 7 [type locality: Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands].
DIAGNOSIS.—Rostrum acute, subrectangular or rounded, not nearly reaching anteriorly to level of extreme anterior margin of carapace; stylocerite not reaching level of distal margin of 1st antennular segment; antennal scale not overreaching 2nd antennular segment, with lateral margin nearly straight, distolateral tooth slightly overreaching distal margin of blade; basal segment of antennal peduncle (basicerite) armed with small distal tooth; major chela with margins smooth, not rugose; 3rd pereopod with dactyl simple, not subspatulate, with about 5 spinules on flexor margin of propodus; maximum carapace length to base of rostrum about 7 mm.
RANGE.—Pantropical, except for eastern Atlantic; usually intertidal or shallow subtidal.
*Batella Holthuis, 1955
Cheirothrix Bate, 1888:532 [type species, by monotypy: Cheirothrix parvimanus Bate, 1888:533; gender: feminine. Invalid junior homonym of Cheirothrix Pictet and Humbert, 1866:51 (Pisces)].
Batella Holthuis, 1955:92 [substitute name for Cheirothrix Bate, 1888; type species: Cheirothrix parvimanus Bate, 1888; gender: feminine].
DIAGNOSIS.—Body not unusually compressed from side to side; rostrum distinct, acute in dorsal and lateral aspects; carapace without high carina throughout length of dorsal midline; abdomen without triangular flap articulated at posteroventral angle of 6th somite; telson not terminating posteriorly in triangular tooth; eyes largely concealed from dorsal aspect, visible in anterior aspect; mandible with molar process but without palp; 3rd maxilliped not unusually broadened to form partial operculum over other mouthparts; 1st pereopods similar, not necessarily equal, carried extended with movable finger dorsal or lateral, not ventral, major chela without molar-like tooth on movable finger; 2nd chela with fingers about as long as palm, carpus with 5 articles; pereopods without strap-like epipods; appendix masculina not overreaching exopod of 2nd pleopod.
RANGE.—Northern East China Sea, Philippines, and Torres Strait; 15–296 meters.
- bibliographic citation
- Chace, Fenner Albert, Jr. 1997. "The Caridean shrimps (Crustacea:Decapoda) of the Albatross Philippine Expedition, 1907-1910, Part 7: Families Atyidae, Eugonatonotidae, Rhynchocinetidae, Bathypalaemonidae, Processidae, and Hippolytidae." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-106.
Depth range
provided by World Register of Marine Species
Shallow-waters (0-100 m)
Poupin, J. (2018). Les Crustacés décapodes des Petites Antilles: Avec de nouvelles observations pour Saint-Martin, la Guadeloupe et la Martinique. Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, 264 p. (Patrimoines naturels ; 77).
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