Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Leptalpheus forceps Williams
Leptalpheus forceps Williams, 1965a: 192, figs. 1, 2.—Dawson 1967:224.
TYPE-LOCALITY.—Gallants Point, Newport River, Carteret County, North Carolina.
DISTRIBUTION.—North Carolina and Mississippi; subtidal. (See “Remarks” under 136. Alpheus simus.)
*Genus Metalpheus Coutière, 1908
Only one western Atlantic species is known.
*142. Metalpheus rostratipes (Pocock)
Alpheus rostratipes Pocock, 1890:522.—Crosnier and Forest 1966:246, figs. 12–14.
MATERIAL.—Antigua Island (Sta. 73–56: 1 ).—Dominica (Sta. 75–59: 1 , 3 juv.).—Saint Lucia Island (Sta. 65–59: 1 , 1 ovig. ).—Isla de Cozumel (Sta. 51–60: 1 , 2 [1 ovig.], 1 juv.).—Bahía de la Ascensión (Sta. 52–60: 3 , 3 [2 ovig.]; Sta. 67–60: 3 , 2 ovig. , 2 juv.; Sta. 85–60: 1 ovig. ).—Bahía del Espíritu Santo (Sta. 41–60: 8 , 6 [5 ovig.], 2?).
HABITAT.—All of the specimens mentioned above were probably living in the interstices of eroded coral and coral rock.
TYPE-LOCALITY.—Fernando de Noronha.
DISTRIBUTION.—Puerto Rico and Yucatan Peninsula to Fernando de Noronha; probably pantropical; to a depth of 12 meters.
- bibliographic citation
- Chace, Fenner Albert, Jr. 1972. "The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expeditions with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-179.