Photis is a genus of amphipod crustaceans, containing the following species:[1]
Photis is a genus of amphipod crustaceans, containing the following species:
Photis aequimanus Schellenberg, 1925 Photis africana Schellenberg, 1925 Photis aina J. L. Barnard, 1970 Photis albus Budnikova, 1985 Photis angustimanus Ren, 2006 Photis antennata Chevreux, 1926 Photis ariakensis (Hirayama, 1984) Photis baeckmannae Gurjanova, 1951 Photis beringiensis Tzvetkova, 1980 Photis bifurcata J. L. Barnard, 1962 Photis brevicaudatus (Norman, 1867) Photis brevipes Shoemaker, 1942 Photis californica Stout, 1913 Photis cavimana Ledoyer, 1979 Photis chiconola J. L. Barnard, 1964 Photis coeca J. L. Barnard, 1962 Photis conchicola Alderman, 1936 Photis davei Myers, 2009 Photis dentata Shoemaker, 1945 Photis dolichommata Stebbing, 1910 Photis elephantis J. L. Barnard, 1962 Photis fischmanni Gurjanova, 1951 Photis goreensis Schellenberg, 1925 Photis hawaiensis J. L. Barnard, 1955 Photis inornatus Myers et al., 2012 Photis japonica Hirayama, 1984 Photis kapapa J. L. Barnard, 1970 Photis kurilica Gurjanova, 1955 Photis lacia J. L. Barnard, 1962 Photis lamellifera Schellenberg, 1928 Photis lamina Hirayama, 1984 Photis linearmanus Conlan, 1994 Photis longicaudata (Bate & Westwood, 1862) Photis longidactyla Griffiths, 1974 Photis longimana Walker, 1904 Photis longipes (Della Valle, 1893) Photis macinerneyi Conlan, 1983 Photis macrocarpa Stebbing, 1888 Photis macromana McKinney et al., 1978 Photis macrotica J. L. Barnard, 1962 Photis malinalco J. L. Barnard, 1967 Photis melanica McKinney, 1980 Photis nana (Walker, 1904) Photis nataliae Bulycheva, 1952 Photis nigricola Lowry, 1979 Photis obesa Chevreux, 1926 Photis oligochaeta Conlan, 1983 Photis pachydactyla Conlan, 1983 Photis paeowai Myers, 1995 Photis parvidons Conlan, 1983 Photis phaeocula Lowry, 1979 Photis pirloti Myers, 1985 Photis pollex Walker, 1895 Photis producta (Stimpson, 1856) Photis pugnator Shoemaker, 1945 Photis reinhardi Krøyer, 1842 Photis serae Souza-Filho & Serejo, 2010 Photis sinensis Ren, 2006 Photis spasskii Gurjanova, 1951 Photis spinicarpa Shoemaker, 1942 Photis strelkovi Gurjanova, 1953 Photis tenuicornis Sars, 1882 Photis tropherus Thomas & J. L. Barnard, 1991 Photis typhlops Conlan, 1994 Photis uncinata K. H. Barnard, 1932 Photis vinogradovi Gurjanova, 1951 Photis viuda J. L. Barnard, 1962 Photis zhujiangensis Ren, 2006