Bright-red color
Females: Ventral projection on the genital segment at an angle of 45 degrees and has two peaks. Genital segment does not carry bumps on the distal or proximal end.
Males: Exopodite of the left P5 contains serrated plate with a flat top, which is serrated on all edges. Serrations they are dull and densely placed.
Central Arctic Ocean, Kara Sea, Norwegian Sea, Greenland Sea, North Atlantic
Oceanic, meso- to bathypelagic species. Found below 200m in sub-Arctic seas and below 50m in the central Arctic. Juvenile stages may occur at smaller depths.
Female: The base of the frontal organ is set low. The back corners of the last thoracic segments protrude slightly and are rounded and pubescent on the bottom edge. The genital segment is symmetrical with a transverse fold, which is best developed in the left proximal side of the segment. The ventral protuberance is tilted backward and has 2 peaks very close to each other. The genital field is symmetrical, mounts small and incomplete. A1 almost as long as the cephalothorax. The outer edge of the first segment of the exopodite of P1 is convex and carries a small spine. The outer spine of the first segment of P1 reaches beyond the base of the next spine.
Male: Exopodite of P1 contains 3 segments. The penultimate segment of the exopodite of the left P5 contains a serrated plate, which has a flat top and lacks a sharpened tip. Serrations are present not only on the bottom edge, but on all edges, they are dull and densely placed.
Egg-brooding species. Carry resistant sacs with a strong, highly visible membrane, which contain 40-80 black to dark brown eggs.
Females: 9.80-11.00 mm
Males: 6.21-8.00 mm
Active predators, feed on smaller copepods. Implements a sit-and-wait strategy, staying motionless in the water column, until prey comes into reach, then rapidly jumps towards the prey by movements of the thoracopods and the first antennae and catches the victim with the enlarged maxillipeds.