Whitish, pellucid, without any conspicuous pigment.
Can be distinguished from other species by smaller size, by the well-marked separation of the last 2 thoracic segments and different structure of P5 in both sexes.
Namibie, Congo, Woods Hole, Norwegian Sea, Arctic Ocean
Hyperbenthic species
Body has an oblong oval shape from dorsal view. The 4th thoracic segment separate from the 5th by a clearly marked suture. Abdomen 3 times shorter than the cephalothorax. Caudal rami longer than wide. A1 reach to the end of the 2nd abdominal segment.
Exopodite of A2 longer than the endopodite.
Spinules on the endopodite of P4 in a single oblique row.
P5 short and robust. Basipodite coarsely spinulose on the inner surface. The proximal segment much shorter and narrower than the other 2 and carries an oblique row of 4 spines.
P5 very asymmetrical, the right leg extremely reduced in size, hardly reaching the middle of the 1st segment of the left leg.
Females: 1,75 mm
Male: 1,50-2,40 mm
Xanthocalanus propinquus is een eenoogkreeftjessoort uit de familie van de Phaennidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1902 door Sars G.O..
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