Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Oithona setigera Dana, 1853
Oithona setigera Dana, 1853:1101–1102, pl. 76: fig. 6a-f.—Kiefer, 1929:6.—Mori, 1937:110, pl. 60: figs 1, 2.—Sewell, 1947:257.—Nishida et al., 1977:147–149, figs. 19–20.
MATERIAL.—2 from PN-14-60 and 1 from PN-25-60.
FEMALE.—Length of females 1.62, 1.69, and 1.57 mm; Pr/Ur-0.9, 0.9, and 0.9. Knob near genital opening with short, straight, thick spine, denticulate on posterior edge and small spine ventral to it (Figure 11a). Ur4 ventrally with 2 rows of 5 or 6 hairs, increasing in length laterally (Figure 11b). Ri2P4 (Figure 11e) both setae modified, thick, curved, with flange on distal ; proximal seta on Ri3P4 virtually straight, but thicker, with flange on distal ½. P5 with hairs on medial edge.
- bibliographic citation
- Ferrari, Frank D. and Bowman, Thomas E. 1980. "Pelagic copepods of the family Oithonidae (Cyclopoida) from the east coasts of Central and South America." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-27.
Oithona setigera: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia NO
Oithona setigera er en art av hoppekreps innen slekten Acartia som Baird beskrev i 1843. Den er et dyreplankton som utgjør føde for blant annet fiskeyngel. Den lever av alger og plankton.
Arten ble første gang beskrevet av James Dwight Dana i 1852.
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