Hyun Woo Bang, Jeffrey G. Baguley, Heejin Moon
Figure 1.Pentacletopsyllus montagni gen. et sp. n. female: A habitus, dorsal B habitus, lateral C cephalothorax, lateral D tooth-like process of cephalothorax lateral anterior margin E rostrum, dorsal F caudal ramus, dorsal.
Hyun Woo Bang, Jeffrey G. Baguley, Heejin Moon
Figure 2.Pentacletopsyllus montagni gen. et sp. n. female: A antennule, dorsal B antenna, dorsal C labrum, posterior D mandible E maxillule (inset showing armature on coxa) F maxilla (inset showing armature on middle endite) G maxilliped.
Hyun Woo Bang, Jeffrey G. Baguley, Heejin Moon
Figure 5.Pentacletopsyllus montagni gen. et sp. n. male: A habitus, dorsal B rostrum, dorsal C Urosome (excluding P5-bearing somite), ventral D anal somite and left caudal rami, lateral.
Hyun Woo Bang, Jeffrey G. Baguley, Heejin Moon
Figure 6.Pentacletopsyllus montagni gen. et sp. n. male: A antennule, ventral B third segment of antennule, anterior C fourth segment of antennule, anterior D fifth segment of antennule, anterior E P4, anterior F P4 endopod 3 (arrow indicating reduced outer seta), anterior G P5, anterior.