Tomislav Karanovic, Kichoon Kim, Wonchoel Lee
Figure 1.Stenhelia pubescens Chislenko, 1978, scanning electron micrographs, female 1: A habitus, lateral B cephalothorax, lateral C free thoracic somites, lateral D fifth pedigerous somite and genital double-somite, lateral, with one spermatophore attached on ventral side E fourth and fifth urosomites, lateral F anal somite and caudal rami, lateral G first legs and proximal part of second and third legs, lateral H distal part of right antennula, dorsal.
Tomislav Karanovic, Kichoon Kim, Wonchoel Lee
Figure 2.Stenhelia pubescens Chislenko, 1978, scanning electron micrographs, ovigerous female 2: A habitus, ventral B rostrum and left antennula, ventral C mouth appendages, ventral D first leg, anterior E second, third, and fourth legs, anterior F exopod of fifth leg and sixth leg, ventral G anal somite and caudal rami, ventral H posterior part of left caudal ramus, ventral.
Tomislav Karanovic, Kichoon Kim, Wonchoel Lee
Figure 3.Stenhelia pubescens Chislenko, 1978, line drawings, female 3: A urosome, dorsal B urosome, ventral (armature on left caudal ramus omitted) C rostrum, dissected and compressed, dorsal D sixth leg, dorso-lateral E sixth leg, ventro-lateral F fifth leg second endopodal seta from inner side, anterior.
Tomislav Karanovic, Kichoon Kim, Wonchoel Lee
Figure 4.Stenhelia pubescens Chislenko, 1978, line drawings, female 3: A mandibula, posterior B mandibular coxa, anterior C maxillula, praecoxa arthrite, posterior D maxilular palp, posterior E maxilla, anterior F maxilliped, anterior.
Tomislav Karanovic, Kichoon Kim, Wonchoel Lee
Figure 5.Stenhelia pubescens Chislenko, 1978, line drawings, female 3: A antennula, ventral B basis, endopod, and first exopodal segment of antenna, anterior C antennal exopod, anterior D first leg, anterior. Arrowhead indicates the presence of caudal suture on the fourth antennular segment.
Tomislav Karanovic, Kichoon Kim, Wonchoel Lee
Figure 6.Stenhelia pubescens Chislenko, 1978, line drawings, female 3: A second leg, anterior B third leg, anterior.
Tomislav Karanovic, Kichoon Kim, Wonchoel Lee
Figure 7.Stenhelia pubescens Chislenko, 1978, line drawings, female 3: A fourth leg, anterior B fifth leg, dissected and flattened, anterior.