
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Bomolochus exilipes Wilson

Bomolochus exilipes Wilson, 1911:377.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—21 from the gill area of 10 Archosargus probatocephalus (Walbaum) collected by the author at Charlotte Harbor, Florida, Oct 1970, Jul 1972, Apr 1973, Jun 1975, and Jul 1975; 2 from the gill area of 2 Calamus arctifrons Goode and Bean, collected from the same locality, Jul 1972.

FEMALE.—Body form as in Figure 36. Total length 841 μm, greatest width 464 μm (measured at widest part cephalon). Cephalon about 30% of total body length. Thoracic segments bearing legs 2–5 free. Genital segment (Figure 37) wider than longer (135 × 124 μm). Abdomen (Figure 37) segments 1–3 measure (length × width) 44 × 103 μm, 30 × 94 μm, and 47 × 86 μm, respectively; last abdominal segment (Figure 38) with 2 large patches of spinules on ventral surface. Caudal rami (Figure 38) about twice as long as wide (50 × 24 μm), each ramus with a ventral patch of spinules and 6 setae as in figure (note the more anterior placement of the lateral seta, which is usually near midlength of the outer margin in other bomolochids).

First antenna (Figure 39) 6-segmented, the stout setae on first 2 segments only lightly plumose, an aesthete on each of last 2 segments; Rostral hooks present (Figure 40). Second antenna (Figure 41) with rows of fine hooklets on last segment, tips of 4 subterminal and terminal spines recurved as hooks. Oral area as in Figure 42. Paragnath with hairs and a fine fringe on posterior edge. First maxilla with 3 stout plumose setae and a smaller naked seta. Maxilliped (Figure 43) claw with accessory process. Legs 1–4 biramose. Leg 1 (Figure 44) basipod with rows of spinules as in the figure; exopod first segment with large spine corrugated along outer edge, second and third segments fused, bearing a short outer spine and 6 plumose setae; endopod first and second segments each with an inner seta and a row of spinules along distal margin, last segment with 5 plumose setae. Leg 2 (Figure 45) coxopod with a row of stout hairs at outer distal corner, basipod with an outer plumose seta; exopod first segment with stout hairs on outer margin and a spine at outer distal corner, second segment with an outer spine and an inner seta, last segment with 3 outer spines and 6 setae plumose on inner margins but outermost seta fringed on outer margin, next 4 setae with short plumosities on outer margin and innermost seta with usual plumosities on both margins; endopod segments wider than long, first segment with an inner seta and a row of spinules along distal margin, second segment similar except 2 inner setae, last segment with 2 short plumose outer setae and 3 normally plumose terminal setae. Leg 3 (Figure 46) coxopod with 3 stout spinules at outer distal corner, basipod with outer naked seta; exopod first segment with short spinules along outer edge and a fringe and spine at outer distal corner, second segment with fringe and spine at outer distal corner and an inner seta, last segment with 2 outer spines (proximalmost with a fringe at base) and 6 setae armed as in leg 2; endopod armed as in leg 2 except with 1 fewer inner setae on each of last 2 segments. Leg 4 (Figure 47) coxopod with a row of spinules at outer distal corner, basipod as in leg 3; exopod armed as in leg 3 except lacking spinules on outer edge of first segment, smaller fringes at bases of outer spines, outer edges of all 4 spines fringed (stout spinules in leg 3), and outer terminal seta with short plumosities along outer edge (fringed in leg 3); endopod first 2 segments armed as in leg 3, last segment with an outer fringed spine, a middle seta with stout spinules, an inner short seta with stout spinules, and a row of long spinules at base of inner seta. Leg 5 (Figure 48) free segment with patches of heavy spinules as in the figure, an outer lateral spine, an outer terminal spine, a midterminal lightly plumose seta (about twice length of spines), and an inner spine longer than other spines (all spines with stout marginal spinules). Leg 6 represented by 3 long setae at area of egg sac attached (Figure 37).

bibliographic citation
Cressey, Roger F. 1983. "Parasitic copepods from the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, II: Bomolochidae." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-35. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.389