Chondracanthus is a parasitic copepod genus in the family Chondracanthidae, containing the following species:[1]
Chondracanthus is a parasitic copepod genus in the family Chondracanthidae, containing the following species:
Chondracanthus australis Ho, 1991 Chondracanthus barnardi Ho, 1972 Chondracanthus brotulae Capart, 1959 Chondracanthus colligens Barnard, 1955 Chondracanthus cottunculi Rathbun, 1886 Chondracanthus deltoideus Fraser, 1920 Chondracanthus distortus C. B. Wilson, 1922 Chondracanthus genypteri G. M. Thomson, 1890 Chondracanthus goldsmidi Tang, Andrews & Cobcroft, 2007 Chondracanthus gracilis Fraser, 1920 Chondracanthus heterostichi Ho, 1972 Chondracanthus horridus Heller, 1865 Chondracanthus irregularis Fraser, 1920 Chondracanthus janebennettae Causey, 1953 Chondracanthus lepidionis Kabata, 1970 Chondracanthus lepophidii Ho, 1974 Chondracanthus lophii Johnston, 1836 Chondracanthus merluccii (Holten, 1802) Chondracanthus multituberculatus (Markevich, 1956) Chondracanthus narium Kabata, 1969 Chondracanthus neali Leigh-Sharpe, 1930 Chondracanthus nodosus (O. F. Müller, 1776) Chondracanthus ornatus T. Scott, 1900 Chondracanthus palpifer C. B. Wilson, 1912 Chondracanthus pinguis C. B. Wilson, 1912 Chondracanthus polymixiae Yamaguti, 1939 Chondracanthus psetti Kroyer, 1863 Chondracanthus pusillus Kabata, 1968 Chondracanthus shiinoi Yamaguti, 1963 Chondracanthus solidus (Gusev, 1951) Chondracanthus theragrae Yamaguti, 1939 Chondracanthus triventricosus Sekerak, 1970 Chondracanthus tuberculatus Nordmann, 1832 Chondracanthus wilsoni Ho, 1971 Chondracanthus yabei J. S. Ho, I.H. Kim & Nagasawa, 2005 Chondracanthus yanezi Atria, 1980 Chondracanthus zei Delaroche, 1811