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names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Anemones And Corals
Soft Corals
Cellular Organisms
Anemones And Corals
Soft Corals
Litophyton setoensis (Utinomi 1954)
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Litophyton setoensis (Utinomi 1954)
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Register of Marine Species
Litophyton setoensis
(Utinomi 1954)
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
, and
GBIF classification
Litophyton setoensis
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Litophyton setoensis (Utinomi 1954)
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
World Register of Marine Species
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Nephthea setoensis
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Alternative Names
Nephthea setoensis Utinomi 1954
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Register of Marine Species
Nephthea setoensis
Utinomi 1954
Synonym according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Nephthea setoensis Utinomi 1954
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Nephthea setoensis Utinomi 1954
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Litophyton setoensis (Utinomi 1954)
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Anthozoa Ehrenberg 1834
Octocorallia Haeckel 1866
Alcyonacea Lamouroux 1812
Nephtheidae Gray 1862
Litophyton Forskål 1775
Litophyton setoensis (Utinomi 1954)
(this page)
Litophyton acuticonicum (Verseveldt 1974)
Litophyton acutum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton amentaceum (Studer 1894)
Litophyton arboreum Forskål 1775
Litophyton bayeri (Verseveldt 1966)
Litophyton berdfordi (Shann 1912)
Litophyton brachiatum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton brassicum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton brewerensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton bumastum (Verseveldt 1973)
Litophyton burfordensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton capnelliformis (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton carnatum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton carnosum (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton cervispiculosum (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton chabrolii (Andouin 1828)
Litophyton cockburnensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton columnaris (Studer 1895)
Litophyton compactum (Verseveldt 1966)
Litophyton concinnum (Kükenthal 1905)
Litophyton corallinum (Kükenthal 1910)
Litophyton crassum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton cupressiformis (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton curvum van Ofwegen 2016
Litophyton darleyensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton daviesensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton debilis (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton digitatum (Wright & Studer 1889)
Litophyton dipensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton elfordensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton elongatum (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton erectum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton erinaceum Kükenthal 1905
Litophyton filamentosum (Verseveldt 1973)
Litophyton folium Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton formosanum Kükenthal 1903
Litophyton fusum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton globulosum (May 1899)
Litophyton graafae Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton gracillimum (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton grandis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton griseum (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton horseshoeensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton juniperum (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton laevis (Kükenthal 1913)
Litophyton lanternarium (Verseveldt 1973)
Litophyton legiopolypum (Verseveldt & Alderslade 1982)
Litophyton lighti Roxas 1933
Litophyton maldivensis (Hickson 1905)
Litophyton mollis (Macfadyen 1936)
Litophyton myrmidonensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton nigrum (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton obtusum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton orientale Roxas 1933
Litophyton oxleyensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton pacificum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton pandoraensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton projectum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton pseudorowleyensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton pyramidalis (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton ramosum (Quoy & Gaimard 1833)
Litophyton rigidum Light 1915
Litophyton rowleyensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton sanctuaryensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton savignyi (Ehrenberg 1834)
Litophyton sibogae (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton simplex Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton simulatum (Verseveldt 1970)
Litophyton snakeensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton sphaerophorum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton spinulosum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton squamatum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton striatum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton swainensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton tenuis (Kükenthal 1896)
Litophyton territoryensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton thujarium (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton tongaensis (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton verrucosum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton viridis (May 1899)
Litophyton viscidum Utinomi 1954
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Malacalcyonacea McFadden, van Ofwegen & Quattrini 2022
Nephtheidae Gray 1862
Litophyton Forskål 1775
Litophyton setoensis (Utinomi 1954)
(this page)
Litophyton acuticonicum (Verseveldt 1974)
Litophyton acutum van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton amentaceum (Studer 1895)
Litophyton arboreum Forskål 1775
Litophyton armatum Kükenthal 1903
Litophyton bayeri (Verseveldt 1966)
Litophyton bedfordi (Shann 1912)
Litophyton brachiatum van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton brassicum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton brewerensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton bumastum (Verseveldt 1973)
Litophyton burfordensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton capnelliformis (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton carnatum van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton cervispiculosum (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton chabrolii (Audouin 1828)
Litophyton cockburnensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton columnaris (Studer 1895)
Litophyton compactum (Verseveldt 1966)
Litophyton concinnum (Kükenthal 1905)
Litophyton corallinum (Kükenthal 1910)
Litophyton crassum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton cupressiformis (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton curvum van Ofwegen 2016
Litophyton darleyensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton daviesensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton debilis (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton digitatum (Wright & Studer 1889)
Litophyton dipensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton elfordensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton elongatum (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton erectum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton erinaceum Kükenthal 1905
Litophyton filamentosum (Verseveldt 1973)
Litophyton folium van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton formosanum Kükenthal 1903
Litophyton fusum van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton globulosum (May 1899)
Litophyton graafae van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton gracillimum (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton grandis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton griseum (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton horseshoeensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton indicum Thomson & Henderson 1906
Litophyton juniperum (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton laevis (Kükenthal 1913)
Litophyton lanternarium (Verseveldt 1973)
Litophyton legiopolypum (Verseveldt & Alderslade 1982)
Litophyton lighti Roxas 1933
Litophyton maldivensis (Hickson 1905)
Litophyton mollis (Macfadyen 1936)
Litophyton myrmidonensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton nigrum (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton obtusum van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton orientale Roxas 1933
Litophyton oxleyensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton pacificum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton pandoraensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton philippinensis Light 1915
Litophyton projectum van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton pseudorowleyensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton pyramidalis (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton ramosum (Quoy & Gaimard 1833)
Litophyton rigidum Light 1915
Litophyton rowleyensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton sanctuaryensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton savignyi (Ehrenberg 1834)
Litophyton sibogae (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton simplex van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton simulatum (Verseveldt 1970)
Litophyton snakeensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton sphaerophorum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton spinulosum van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton squamatum van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton striatum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton swainensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton tenuis (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton territoryensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton thujarium (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton tongaensis (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton verrucosum van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton viridis (May 1898)
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Litophyton setoensis (Utinomi 1954)
(this page)
Litophyton acuticonicum (Verseveldt 1974)
Litophyton acutum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton amentaceum (Studer 1894)
Litophyton arboreum Forskål 1775
Litophyton bayeri (Verseveldt 1966)
Litophyton berdfordi (Shann 1912)
Litophyton brachiatum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton brassicum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton brewerensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton bumastum (Verseveldt 1973)
Litophyton burfordensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton capnelliformis (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton carnatum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton carnosum (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton cervispiculosum (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton chabrolii (Andouin 1828)
Litophyton cockburnensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton columnaris (Studer 1895)
Litophyton compactum (Verseveldt 1966)
Litophyton concinnum (Kükenthal 1905)
Litophyton corallinum (Kükenthal 1910)
Litophyton crassum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton cupressiformis (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton curvum van Ofwegen 2016
Litophyton darleyensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton daviesensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton debilis (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton digitatum (Wright & Studer 1889)
Litophyton dipensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton elfordensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton elongatum (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton erectum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton erinaceum Kükenthal 1905
Litophyton filamentosum (Verseveldt 1973)
Litophyton folium Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton formosanum Kükenthal 1903
Litophyton fusum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton globulosum (May 1899)
Litophyton graafae Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton gracillimum (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton grandis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton griseum (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton horseshoeensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton juniperum (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton laevis (Kükenthal 1913)
Litophyton lanternarium (Verseveldt 1973)
Litophyton legiopolypum (Verseveldt & Alderslade 1982)
Litophyton lighti Roxas 1933
Litophyton maldivensis (Hickson 1905)
Litophyton mollis (Macfadyen 1936)
Litophyton myrmidonensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton nigrum (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton obtusum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton orientale Roxas 1933
Litophyton oxleyensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton pacificum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton pandoraensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton projectum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton pseudorowleyensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton pyramidalis (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton ramosum (Quoy & Gaimard 1833)
Litophyton rigidum Light 1915
Litophyton rowleyensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton sanctuaryensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton savignyi (Ehrenberg 1834)
Litophyton sibogae (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton simplex Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton simulatum (Verseveldt 1970)
Litophyton snakeensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton sphaerophorum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton spinulosum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton squamatum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton striatum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton swainensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton tenuis (Kükenthal 1896)
Litophyton territoryensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton thujarium (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton tongaensis (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton verrucosum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton viridis (May 1899)
Litophyton viscidum Utinomi 1954
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Litophyton setoensis (Utinomi 1954)
(this page)
Litophyton acuticonicum (Verseveldt 1974)
Litophyton amentaceum (Studer 1894)
Litophyton arboreum Forskal 1775
Litophyton bayeri (Verseveldt 1966)
Litophyton berdfordi (Shann 1912)
Litophyton brassicum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton bumastum (Verseveldt 1973)
Litophyton capnelliformis (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton carnosum (Kükenthal)
Litophyton cervispiculosum (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton chabrolii (Andouin 1828)
Litophyton columnaris (Studer 1895)
Litophyton compactum (Verseveldt 1966)
Litophyton concinnum (Kükenthal 1905)
Litophyton corallinum (Kükenthal 1910)
Litophyton crassum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton cupressiformis (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton curvum van Ofwegen 2016
Litophyton debilis (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton digitatum (Wright & Studer 1889)
Litophyton elongatum (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton erectum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton erinaceum Kükenthal
Litophyton filamentosum (Verseveldt 1973)
Litophyton formosanum Kükenthal 1903
Litophyton fulvum Forskal 1775
Litophyton globulosum (May 1899)
Litophyton gracillimum (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton graeffei (Kükenthal 1896)
Litophyton griseum (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton juniperum (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton laevis (Kükenthal 1913)
Litophyton lanternarium (Verseveldt 1973)
Litophyton legiopolypum (Verseveldt & Alderslade 1982)
Litophyton lighti Roxas 1933
Litophyton maldivensis (Hickson 1905)
Litophyton mollis (Macfadyan 1936)
Litophyton nigrum (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton orientale Roxas 1933
Litophyton pacificum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton pyramidalis (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton ramosum (Quoy & Gaimard 1833)
Litophyton rigidum Light
Litophyton rubrum (Kükenthal 1910)
Litophyton savignyi (Ehrenberg 1834)
Litophyton sibogae (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton simulatum (Verseveldt 1970)
Litophyton sphaerophorum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton striatum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton tenuis (Kükenthal 1896)
Litophyton thujarium (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton tongaensis (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton viridis (May 1898)
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Litophyton setoensis (Utinomi 1954)
(this page)
Litophyton acuticonicum (Verseveldt 1974)
Litophyton acutum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton amentaceum (Studer 1894)
Litophyton arboreum Forskål 1775
Litophyton bayeri (Verseveldt 1966)
Litophyton berdfordi (Shann 1912)
Litophyton brachiatum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton brassicum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton brewerensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton bumastum (Verseveldt 1973)
Litophyton burfordensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton capnelliformis (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton carnatum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton carnosum (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton cervispiculosum (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton chabrolii (Andouin 1828)
Litophyton cockburnensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton columnaris (Studer 1895)
Litophyton compactum (Verseveldt 1966)
Litophyton concinnum (Kükenthal 1905)
Litophyton corallinum (Kükenthal 1910)
Litophyton crassum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton cupressiformis (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton curvum van Ofwegen 2016
Litophyton darleyensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton daviesensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton debilis (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton digitatum (Wright & Studer 1889)
Litophyton dipensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton elfordensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton elongatum (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton erectum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton erinaceum Kükenthal 1905
Litophyton filamentosum (Verseveldt 1973)
Litophyton folium Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton formosanum Kükenthal 1903
Litophyton fusum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton globulosum (May 1899)
Litophyton graafae Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton gracillimum (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton grandis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton griseum (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton horseshoeensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton juniperum (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton laevis (Kükenthal 1913)
Litophyton lanternarium (Verseveldt 1973)
Litophyton legiopolypum (Verseveldt & Alderslade 1982)
Litophyton lighti Roxas 1933
Litophyton maldivensis (Hickson 1905)
Litophyton mollis (Macfadyen 1936)
Litophyton myrmidonensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton nigrum (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton obtusum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton orientale Roxas 1933
Litophyton oxleyensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton pacificum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton pandoraensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton projectum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton pseudorowleyensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton pyramidalis (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton ramosum (Quoy & Gaimard 1833)
Litophyton rigidum Light 1915
Litophyton rowleyensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton sanctuaryensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton savignyi (Ehrenberg 1834)
Litophyton sibogae (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton simplex Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton simulatum (Verseveldt 1970)
Litophyton snakeensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton sphaerophorum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton spinulosum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton squamatum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton striatum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton swainensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton tenuis (Kükenthal 1896)
Litophyton territoryensis Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton thujarium (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton tongaensis (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton verrucosum Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton viridis (May 1899)
Litophyton viscidum Utinomi 1954
GBIF classification
Litophyton Forsskål 1775
Litophyton setoensis (Utinomi 1954)
(this page)
Ammothea amicorum (Blainville)
Ammothea parasitica Duchassaing & Michelotti 1860
Lithophytum armatum Kükenthal 1903
Lithophytum confertum Kükenthal 1903
Lithophytum macrospiculatum Thomson & Mc Queen 1908
Litophyton acuticonicum (Verseveldt 1974)
Litophyton amentaceum (Studer 1894)
Litophyton arboreum Forsskål 1775
Litophyton bayeri (Verseveldt 1966)
Litophyton berdfordi (Shann 1912)
Litophyton brassicum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton bumastum (Verseveldt 1973)
Litophyton capnelliformis (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton carnosum (Kükenthal)
Litophyton cervispiculosum (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton chabrolii (Andouin 1828)
Litophyton columnaris (Studer 1895)
Litophyton compactum (Verseveldt 1966)
Litophyton concinnum (Kükenthal 1905)
Litophyton corallinum (Kükenthal 1910)
Litophyton crassum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton cupressiformis (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton curvum van Ofwegen 2016
Litophyton debilis (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton digitatum (Wright & Studer 1889)
Litophyton elongatum (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton erectum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton erinaceum Kükenthal
Litophyton filamentosum (Verseveldt 1973)
Litophyton formosanum Kükenthal 1903
Litophyton fulvum Forskål 1775
Litophyton globulosum (May 1899)
Litophyton gracillimum (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton graeffei (Kükenthal 1896)
Litophyton griseum (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton juniperum (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton laevis (Kükenthal 1913)
Litophyton lanternarium (Verseveldt 1973)
Litophyton legiopolypum (Verseveldt & Alderslade 1982)
Litophyton lighti Roxas 1933
Litophyton maldivensis (Hickson 1905)
Litophyton mollis (Macfadyan 1936)
Litophyton nigrum (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton orientale Roxas 1933
Litophyton pacificum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton pyramidalis (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton ramosum (Quoy & Gaimard 1833)
Litophyton rigidum Light
Litophyton rubrum (Kükenthal 1910)
Litophyton savignyi (Ehrenberg 1834)
Litophyton sibogae (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton simulatum (Verseveldt 1970)
Litophyton sphaerophorum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton striatum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton tenuis (Kükenthal 1896)
Litophyton thujarium (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton tongaensis (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton viridis (May 1898)
Litophyton viscidum Utinomi 1954
Nephthea ceylonensis Thomson & Henderson 1905
Nephthea hirsuta Tixier-Durivault 1966
Nephthya amboinensis Burchardt 1902
Nephthya burmaensis Ridley 1882
Nephthya concinna Kükenthal 1905
Nephthya tenuispina Thomson & Simpson 1909
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Nephthea setoensis
(this page)
Nephthea aberrans
Nephthea acuticonica
Nephthea albida
Nephthea amentacea
Nephthea armata
Nephthea arvispiculosa
Nephthea bayeri
Nephthea berdfordi
Nephthea brassica
Nephthea bumasta
Nephthea capnelliformis
Nephthea cervispiculosa
Nephthea chabrolii
Nephthea columnaris
Nephthea compacta
Nephthea concinna
Nephthea corallina
Nephthea crassa
Nephthea cupressiformis
Nephthea debilis
Nephthea digitata
Nephthea elatensis
Nephthea elongata
Nephthea erecta
Nephthea filamentosa
Nephthea galbuloides
Nephthea globulosa
Nephthea gracillima
Nephthea grisea
Nephthea hirsuta
Nephthea junipera
Nephthea laevis
Nephthea lanternaria
Nephthea legiopolypa
Nephthea mollis
Nephthea nigra
Nephthea pacifica
Nephthea pyramidalis
Nephthea rubra
Nephthea sibogae
Nephthea simulata
Nephthea striata
Nephthea tenuis
Nephthea thujaria
Nephthea tixierae
Nephthea tongaensis
Nephthea zanzibarensis
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Litophyton setoensis
(this page)
Litophyton acuticonicum
Litophyton acutifolium
Litophyton acutum
Litophyton amentaceum
Litophyton arboreum
Litophyton armatum
Litophyton bayeri
Litophyton berdfordi
Litophyton brachiatum
Litophyton brassicum
Litophyton brewerensis
Litophyton bumastum
Litophyton burfordensis
Litophyton capnelliformis
Litophyton carnatum
Litophyton carnosum
Litophyton cervispiculosa
Litophyton cervispiculosum
Litophyton chabrolii
Litophyton cockburnensis
Litophyton columnaris
Litophyton compactum
Litophyton concinnum
Litophyton corallinum
Litophyton crassum
Litophyton crosslandi
Litophyton cupressiformis
Litophyton curvum
Litophyton darleyensis
Litophyton daviesensis
Litophyton debilis
Litophyton digitatum
Litophyton dipensis
Litophyton elfordensis
Litophyton elongatum
Litophyton erectum
Litophyton erinaceum
Litophyton filamentosum
Litophyton folium
Litophyton formosanum
Litophyton fulvum
Litophyton fusum
Litophyton globulosum
Litophyton graafae
Litophyton gracillimum
Litophyton graeffei
Litophyton grandis
Litophyton griseum
Litophyton horseshoeensis
Litophyton indicum
Litophyton juniperum
Litophyton laevis
Litophyton lanternarium
Litophyton legiopolypum
Litophyton lighti
Litophyton liltvedi
Litophyton maldivensis
Litophyton mollis
Litophyton myrmidonensis
Litophyton nigrum
Litophyton obtusum
Litophyton orientale
Litophyton oxleyensis
Litophyton pacificum
Litophyton pandoraensis
Litophyton philippinensis
Litophyton projectum
Litophyton pseudorowleyensis
Litophyton pyramidalis
Litophyton ramosum
Litophyton rigidum
Litophyton rowleyensis
Litophyton rubrum
Litophyton sanctuaryensis
Litophyton sanderi
Litophyton savignyi
Litophyton sibogae
Litophyton simplex
Litophyton simulatum
Litophyton snakeensis
Litophyton squamatum
Litophyton striatum
Litophyton stuhlmanni
Litophyton swainensis
Litophyton tenuis
Litophyton territoryensis
Litophyton thujarium
Litophyton tongaensis
Litophyton verrucosum
Litophyton viridis
World Register of Marine Species
Litophyton setoensis (Utinomi 1954)
(this page)
Litophyton acuticonicum (Verseveldt 1974)
Litophyton acutum van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton amboinensis (Burchardt 1898)
Litophyton amentaceum (Studer 1895)
Litophyton arboreum Forskål 1775
Litophyton armatum Kükenthal 1903
Litophyton bayeri (Verseveldt 1966)
Litophyton bedfordi (Shann 1912)
Litophyton brachiatum van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton brassicum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton brewerensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton bumastum (Verseveldt 1973)
Litophyton burfordensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton capnelliformis (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton carnatum van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton cervispiculosum (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton chabrolii (Audouin 1828)
Litophyton cockburnensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton columnaris (Studer 1895)
Litophyton compactum (Verseveldt 1966)
Litophyton concinnum (Kükenthal 1905)
Litophyton corallinum (Kükenthal 1910)
Litophyton crassum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton cupressiformis (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton curvum van Ofwegen 2016
Litophyton darleyensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton daviesensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton debilis (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton digitatum (Wright & Studer 1889)
Litophyton dipensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton elfordensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton elongatum (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton erectum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton erinaceum Kükenthal 1905
Litophyton filamentosum (Verseveldt 1973)
Litophyton folium van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton formosanum Kükenthal 1903
Litophyton fusum van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton globulosum (May 1899)
Litophyton graafae van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton gracillimum (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton grandis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton griseum (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton horseshoeensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton indicum Thomson & Henderson 1906
Litophyton juniperum (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton laevis (Kükenthal 1913)
Litophyton lanternarium (Verseveldt 1973)
Litophyton legiopolypum (Verseveldt & Alderslade 1982)
Litophyton lighti Roxas 1933
Litophyton maldivensis (Hickson 1905)
Litophyton mollis (Macfadyen 1936)
Litophyton myrmidonensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton nigrum (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton obtusum van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton orientale Roxas 1933
Litophyton oxleyensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton pacificum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton pandoraensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton philippinensis Light 1915
Litophyton projectum van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton pseudorowleyensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton pyramidalis (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton ramosum (Quoy & Gaimard 1833)
Litophyton rigidum Light 1915
Litophyton rowleyensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton sanctuaryensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton savignyi (Ehrenberg 1834)
Litophyton sibogae (Thomson & Dean 1931)
Litophyton simplex van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton simulatum (Verseveldt 1970)
Litophyton snakeensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton sphaerophorum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton spinulosum van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton squamatum van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton striatum (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton swainensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton tenuis (Kükenthal 1895)
Litophyton territoryensis van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton thujarium (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton tongaensis (Kükenthal 1903)
Litophyton verrucosum van Ofwegen 2020
Litophyton viridis (May 1898)