Found in the Barents Sea, White Sea, Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, Chukchi Sea, Sea of Okhotsk.
Neritic, widely distributed species, often found in very large numbers.
Hydroid unkown.
Umbrella tall, with thick walls. Has 8 bulbs, of which the perradial ones carry 3-5 tentacles and the interradial ones - no more than 3. Tentacles very flexible, in live specimens several times longer than the umbrella. Ocelli absent. Manubrium is short, the gastric stem is well developed. From the corners of the mouth opening originate 4 branching tentacles, which are ornamented with 3 or 4 projections with nematocysts. The gonad enwraps the manubrium like a ring. Manubrium and bulbs vary in color from brownish-yellow to dark brown to black. Very often carry budding jellyfish on the manubrium, of which the most mature are located near the base, and the youngest near the mouth lobes. Sometimes secondary buds are found on the budding jellyfish.
Height up to 3 mm, width up to 2 mm.