The shortnose guitarfish (Zapteryx brevirostris) is a species of fish in the Rhinobatidae family found in the southwest Atlantic in coastal parts near sandy sea floors of southern Brazil, through Uruguay, to northeast Argentina.[1] It reaches a length of 66 cm (2.17 ft).[2] Their diet consist of Crabs, worms, clams and small fishes. The guitarfish has become critically endangered because of the rapid decline caused by overfishing.
Some researchers have taken some into captivity and were put into breeding programs at the Ubatuba aquarium in Brazil and some were successful.
The shortnose guitarfish (Zapteryx brevirostris) is a species of fish in the Rhinobatidae family found in the southwest Atlantic in coastal parts near sandy sea floors of southern Brazil, through Uruguay, to northeast Argentina. It reaches a length of 66 cm (2.17 ft). Their diet consist of Crabs, worms, clams and small fishes. The guitarfish has become critically endangered because of the rapid decline caused by overfishing.
Some researchers have taken some into captivity and were put into breeding programs at the Ubatuba aquarium in Brazil and some were successful.