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White Sturgeon

Acipenser transmontanus Richardson 1836

Lifespan, longevity, and ageing

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Maximum longevity: 104 years (wild)
Joao Pedro de Magalhaes
de Magalhaes, J. P.
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AnAge articles


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The White Sturgeon is found on the Pacific slope of North America from the Aleutian Islands, AK to Baja, CA. It is anadromous fish, spending most of its life in sea near the shore and can be found in estuaries of large rivers. It migrates far inland in large rivers to spawn. (Kee, et. al. 1981; Boschung, 1985).

Biogeographic Regions: nearctic (Native )

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Dershimer, C. 2001. "Acipenser transmontanus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Acipenser_transmontanus.html
Charles Dershimer, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
William Fink, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web


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There are several distinguishing characteristics of the white sturgeon. Its body is elongate and cylindrical and can be large, with sizes as large as 3.8 to 6 meters and weights as high as 630 kg.

It has no scales but five rows of "scutes" along the body. There are 11-14 plates in front of the single dorsal fin, 38-48 plates from the head along the central caudal axis, and 9-12 from the head to the pelvic fins. Dorsal color is light gray while the ventral surface is white.

The mouth is ventral, moderate in size and directed downward. The white sturgeon has no teeth, instead using its 'vacuum cleaner' like mouth that is capable of siphoning up food. This fish is recognized by its short broad snout with four barbels closer to the tip of the snout than the mouth. (Hart, 1973; Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission 1996).

Range mass: 630 (high) kg.

Other Physical Features: ectothermic ; heterothermic ; bilateral symmetry

Sexual Dimorphism: sexes alike

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Dershimer, C. 2001. "Acipenser transmontanus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Acipenser_transmontanus.html
Charles Dershimer, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
William Fink, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy

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Average lifespan
Status: wild:
100.0 years.

Average lifespan
Status: wild:
80.0 years.

Average lifespan
Status: wild:
82.0 years.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Dershimer, C. 2001. "Acipenser transmontanus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Acipenser_transmontanus.html
Charles Dershimer, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
William Fink, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

Historically, white sturgeon spent their life in several habitats; streams, rivers, estuaries, and marine waters. They are anadromous fish but may spend much or all of their lives in fresh water if they cannot reach the sea (Hart 1973). White sturgeon historically occurred on the Pacific Coast, reproducing in at least three large river systems, including Sacramento-San Joaquin River in California, the Columbia River basin in the Pacific Northwest, and the Fraser River system in British Columbia (Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior, 1994). The building of dams along the rivers has impacted the populations of white sturgeons by creating landlocked populations and destroying spawning grounds.

White sturgeon are still distributed throughout the river systems of the Pacific northwest, but these populations are isolated and their migration is limited within the series of pools and lakes that make up these new dammed rivers (Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, 2000)

Aquatic Biomes: rivers and streams; coastal

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Dershimer, C. 2001. "Acipenser transmontanus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Acipenser_transmontanus.html
Charles Dershimer, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
William Fink, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy

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White Sturgeon have been described as opportunistic feeders, feeding on the bottom with their long snouts and using their barbels to detect food. When small they feed on clams, mussels, crayfish, worms, and fish eggs. At a larger size, they prey on fish such as smelt, anchovies, lamprey, shad and salmon.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Dershimer, C. 2001. "Acipenser transmontanus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Acipenser_transmontanus.html
Charles Dershimer, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
William Fink, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web


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The size combined with the "characteristic quality of its flesh" makes it a valuable game fish in areas were it is not protected. Its roe can be used for caviar, and Columbia river roe production is "second only to the former Soviet Union" (Hart 1973; Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission 1996).

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Dershimer, C. 2001. "Acipenser transmontanus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Acipenser_transmontanus.html
Charles Dershimer, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
William Fink, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web

Conservation Status

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In 1994, the population of White Sturgeon located in the Kootenai river was granted endangered status. The population has been declining since the 1960's and there has been a complete lack of recruitment of breeding juveniles in the population since 1974. The decline corresponds to the opening of the Libby Dam in Montana and possibly from poor water quality and the effects of contaminants (Fish and Wildlife Service 1994).

Joint efforts between Canada and the United States are underway to address the needs of the Kootenai population by developing a regional recovery strategy (Duke, 2000).

US Federal List: endangered

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: critically endangered

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Dershimer, C. 2001. "Acipenser transmontanus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Acipenser_transmontanus.html
Charles Dershimer, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
William Fink, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

Perception Channels: tactile ; chemical

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Dershimer, C. 2001. "Acipenser transmontanus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Acipenser_transmontanus.html
Charles Dershimer, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
William Fink, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

White Sturgeons are the largest freshwater fish in North America. The largest white sturgeon was taken from the Snake River in Idaho in 1898 and it weighed 682 kilograms (Duke 2000).

The name comes from "acipenser," an Old World name meaning sturgeon and transmontantanus meaning beyond the mountains. This seems fitting for a fish found west in the New World (Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission 1996).

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Dershimer, C. 2001. "Acipenser transmontanus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Acipenser_transmontanus.html
Charles Dershimer, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
William Fink, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

The exact reproductive window for white sturgeon is not known, however for sturgeons in general the males reproduce for 10 to 20 years and females for 15 to 25 years. The size or age of maturity is variable, and spawning occurs when the physical environment permits vitellogenesis (egg development) and cues ovulation. Landlocked sturgeons have been observed to spawn during periods of peak river flow with high water velocities that disperse and prevent clumping of the eggs. White sturgeon are broadcast spawners because they release their eggs and sperm in fast water. Information from Fish and Wildlife Service (1994)

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male)
Sex: male:
6022 days.

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female)
Sex: female:
8212 days.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Dershimer, C. 2001. "Acipenser transmontanus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Acipenser_transmontanus.html
Charles Dershimer, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
William Fink, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web

Columbia River habitat

provided by EOL authors
The Columbia River Basin of northwestern North America is an important habitat for Acipenser transmontanus. The Columbia River is the largest North American watercourse by volume that discharges to the Pacific Ocean. With headwaters at Columbia Lake, in Canadian British Columbia, the course of the river has a length of approximately 2000 kilometers and a drainage basin that includes most of the land area of Washington, Oregon and Idaho as well as parts of four other U.S. states and two Canadian provinces. The hydrology and aquatic habitat of the Columbia River basin has been adversely altered by numerous large dams. There are over 250 reservoirs and around 150 hydroelectric projects in the basin, including 18 mainstem dams on the Columbia and its main tributary, the Snake River. Water quality has deteriorated over the last century, due to agricultural runoff and logging practices, as well as water diversions that tend to concentrate pollutants in the reduced water volume. For example nitrate levels in the Columbia generally tripled in the period from the mid 1960s to the mid 1980s, increasing from a typical level of one to three milligrams per liter. Considerable loading of herbicides and pesticides also has occurred over the last 70 years, chiefly due to agricultural land conversion and emphasis upon maximizing crop yields. Heavy metal concentrations in sediment and in fish tissue had become an issue in the latter half of the twentieth century; however, considerable progress has been made beginning in the 1980s with implementation of provisions of the U.S.Clean Water Act, involving attention to smelter and paper mill discharges along the Columbia. Other large demersal fish species occurring in the Columbia Basin are the 76 cm Pacific lamprey (Lampetra tridentata); the 55 cm Brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebolosus); the 61 cm largescale sucker (Catostomus macrocheilus); the 64 cm longnose sucker (Catostomus catostomus catostomus); and the 65 cm Utah sucker (Catostomus ardens). Other large benthopelagic fish in the Columbia are the 63 cm northern pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus oregonensis) and the 45 cm Tui chub (Gila bicolor).
C.Michael Hogan
bibliographic citation
C.Michael Hogan. 2012. Columbia River. Eds. P.Saundry & C.Cleveland. Encyclopedia of Earth. National Council for Science and the Environment. Washington DC
C. Michael Hogan (cmichaelhogan)
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EOL authors

Brief Summary

provided by FAO species catalogs
This anadromous sturgeon spends most of its time in the sea. It is thought to stay close to shore in shallow water were it has been seen leaping.It has been taken in water temperatures ranging from 0.0º C to 23.3º C, in salt, brackish and fresh water. Mature adults move grat distances and may enter fresh water in the fall and winter (Scott & Crossman, 1973).White sturgeon take a wide range of food, but about one-half of stomachs containing fish, especially eulachons (Thaleichthys pacificus), their main food item, and sculpins (Cottus spp.), sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus), and lampreys. Of the invertebrates, chironomid larvae are the most important food item followed by caryfish (Pacifastacus sp.), stoney fly larvae Ephemeroptera larvae, mysids, Daphnia spp. and freshwater copepods. The age at attainment of sexual maturity is variable. First spawning in Fraser River is from 11 to 22 years for males, and from 11 to 34 for females. Subsequent spawning is apparently at increasing intervals of years: in young females the interval is 4 years, and 9-11 in older females (Semakula & Larkin, 1968). The spawning period and water temperature is variable: usually May and June, at a water temperature from 8.9 to 16.7º C, but could be later for distant migrants (Scott & Crosman, 1990); March to June (Moyle, 1976); February to June in the Sacramento River, at a water temperature from 7.8 to 17.8º C, peaking at 14.4º C (Kohlhorst, 1976); spawning probably takes place over rocky bottom in swift currents, near rapids; the eggs are adhesive (Scott & Crosman, 1990).


provided by FAO species catalogs
Maximum size: 6.10 m TL; maximum weight: 816 Kg; maximum reported age: 106 years.


provided by FAO species catalogs
Pacific coast and rivers of North America from the Gulf of Alaska to Baja California (Scott & Crossman, 1990). Translocated to lower Colorado, Arizona; reported from northern Baja California, Mexico (Eschmeyer et al., 1983; Lamb & Edgell, 1986; Scott & Crosman, 1990).

Diagnostic Description

provided by FAO species catalogs
Spiracle present. Snout and caudal peduncle subconical. Gill membranes joined to isthmus. Mouth transverse. Gill rakers long, 34-36 on first arch. D: 44-48, A: 28-30 rays; 11-14 dorsal scutes, large, pointed; 38-48 lateral scutes, large, diamond-shaped; 9-12 ventral scutes. No scutes between dorsal and caudal or anal and caudal fins; 8 or 9 small scutes, in pairs between anus and anal fulcrum. Body covered with patches of very minute dermal denticles, and sometimes secundary rows of small scutes between usual rows. Dorsal surface dark to lighter grey, pale olive, or grey-brown, sometimes speckled with white. Sides pale grey to white. Ventral surface white. Fins dusky to opaque grey. Viscera pale black and heavily pigmented.


  • Carl, G.C., W.A. Clemens & C.C. Lindsey - 1959 . The freshwater fishes of British Columbia B.C. Prov. Mus. Handb. (3rd revision). 5. 192 p. Reprinted 1977.
  • Clemens, W.A. & G.V. Wilby - 1961 . Fishes of the Pacific coast of Canada. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada Bull. 2nd ed. (68):443 p.
  • Doroshov, S. - 1997. Culture of white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus. In Book of Abstracts. World Aquaculture '97. February 19-23, 1997, Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. p. 126.
  • Duke, S., P. Anders, G. Ennis, R. Hallock, J. Hammond, S. Ireland, J. Laufle, R. Lauzier, L. Lockhard, B. Marotz, V.L. Paragamian & R. Westerhof - 1999 . Recovery plan for Kootenai river white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus). J. Appl. Ichthyol. 15:157-163.
  • Eschmeyer, W.N., E.S. Herald & H. Hammann - 1983. A field guide to Pacific coast fishes of North America. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, U.S.A. 336 p.
  • Escobar-Fernández, R & M. Siri - 1997. Nombres vernáculos y científicos de los peces del Pacífico mexicano. Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Sociedad Ictiológica Mexicana, A.C. Mexico.
  • Fry, D. H., Jr. - 1973. Anadromous fishes of California. California Department of Fish and Game. 111 pp.
  • Goodson, G. - 1988 . Fishes of the Pacific coast. Alaska to Peru including the Gulf of California and the Galapagos Islands. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California. 267 p.
  • Hart, J.L. - 1973 . Pacific fishes of Canada. Fish. Res. Board Can. Bull. 180. 740 p. Reprinted 1988.
  • Kohlhorst, D. W - 1976. Sturgeon spawning in the Sacramento River in 1973, as determined by distribution of larvae. Calif. Fish Game . 62(1):32-40.
  • Lamb, A. & P. Edgell - 1986. Coastal fishes of the Pacific northwest. Harbour Publishing Co. Ltd., B.C., Canada. 224 p.
  • Miller D. J. & R. N. Lea - 1972 (1976). Guide to the coastal marine fishes of California. California., Department of Fish and Game Bulletin 157 . 249 pp.
  • Morrow, J.E. - 1980. The freshwater fishes of Alaska. University of. B.C. Animal Resources Ecology Library. 248p.
  • Moyle, P. B. - 1976. Inland fishes of California. University of California Press, Berkeley. 405 pp.
  • Page, L.M & B.M. Burr - 1991 . A field guide to freshwater fishes of North America north of Mexico. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston. 432 p.
  • Quast, J.C. & E.L. Hall - 1972 . List of fishes of Alaska and adjacent waters with a guide to some of their literature. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS SSRF-658. 47 p.
  • Radtke, L. D. - 1966 . Distribution of smelt, juvenile sturgeon, and starry flounder in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta with observations on food of sturgeon. In J. L. Turner and D. W. Kelly (comp.) Ecological studies of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Part II Fishes of the Delta. p. 115-129.
  • Scott, W. B. & E. J. Crossman - 1990. Freshwater fishes of Canada. Bull. Fish. Res. Board Can. 184. 966 pp.
  • Semakula, S. & P. Larkin - 1968. Age, growth, food and yield of the white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) of the Fraser River, British Columbia. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 25:2589-2602.


provided by Fishbase
Anadromous. Fish that ascend rivers to spawn, as salmon and hilsa do. Sub-division of diadromous. Migrations should be cyclical and predictable and cover more than 100 km.
Rainer Froese
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provided by Fishbase
Dorsal spines (total): 0; Dorsal soft rays (total): 44 - 48; Analsoft rays: 28 - 31
Cristina V. Garilao
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Trophic Strategy

provided by Fishbase
Spends most of its time in the sea, usually close to shore (Ref. 27547). Enters estuaries of large rivers and moves far inland to spawn (Ref. 5723). Individuals larger than 48.3 cm feed mainly on fishes; smaller ones feed mainly on chironomids, but also takes small crustaceans, other insects and mollusks (Ref. 1998). Feeding ceases just before spawning (Ref. 1998).
Pascualita Sa-a
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Life Cycle

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Adults return to the sea after spawning (Ref. 27547). Spawning frequency interval every 4 years for younger females and every 10-11 years in older females (Ref. 1998).
Cristina V. Garilao
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Diseases and Parasites

provided by Fishbase
Epitheliocystis. Bacterial diseases
Allan Palacio
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Diagnostic Description

provided by Fishbase
Distinguished by the 2 rows of 4 to 8 bony plates on a midventral line between the anus and anal fin, and about 45 rays in the dorsal fin (Ref. 27547). Gray or brownish above, paler below; fins gray (Ref. 27547). Barbels situated closer to snout tip than to mouth; no obvious scutes behind dorsal and anal fins (Ref. 86798).
Cristina V. Garilao
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provided by Fishbase
Spends most of its time in the sea, usually close to shore (Ref. 27547). Enters estuaries of large rivers and moves far inland to spawn (Ref. 5723). Individuals larger than 48.3 cm feed mainly on fishes; smaller ones feed mainly on chironomids, but also takes small crustaceans, other insects and mollusks (Ref. 1998). Feeding ceases just before spawning (Ref. 1998). Excellent food fish that is sold fresh, smoked or frozen (Ref. 9988). Eggs marketed as caviar (Ref. 1998). In the past, the airbladder was made into isinglass (Ref. 27547).
Rainer Froese
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provided by Fishbase
fisheries: commercial; aquaculture: commercial; gamefish: yes
Rainer Froese
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White sturgeon

provided by wikipedia EN

White sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) is a species of sturgeon in the family Acipenseridae of the order Acipenseriformes. They are an anadromous fish species ranging in the Eastern Pacific; from the Gulf of Alaska to Monterey, California. However, some are landlocked in the Columbia River Drainage, Montana, and Lake Shasta in California, with reported sightings in northern Baja California, Mexico.[3]


A 7.6 foot long white sturgeon caught in 1998.

A. transmontanus is distinguished by the two rows of four to eight ganoid bony plates between the anus and anal fin, with about 45 rays present in the dorsal fin. Coloring can range from gray to brownish on the dorsal side, paler on the ventral side, and gray fins. Barbels are situated anterior to the mouth, closer to the snout than the mouth.

At sexual maturity, A. transmontanus can reach 1.6 m (5.2 ft) in length, while the maximum length recorded of any age class is 6.1 m (20 ft), with common lengths around 2.1 m (6.9 ft). While age at maturity is uncertain, possible age ranges of known A. transmontanus specimens range from 11–34 years old.[3] The most authentic record of the maximum weight of this species is reported to be 630 kg (1,390 lb), while other unauthenticated records show a higher weight estimate, as with the 816 kg (1,799 lb) estimate for an individual with a reported age of 104 years.[4][3] In one 1995 study, a sample of adults weighed from 34 to 75 kg (75 to 165 lb).[5] A specimen, considered the largest in the state in recent years, of 210 kg (460 lb) at a length of 2.8 m (9.2 ft) was recorded relatively recently in California.[6]


Alternate common names include: Pacific Sturgeon, Oregon Sturgeon, Columbia Sturgeon, Snake River Sturgeon and Sacramento Sturgeon. The specific name is derived from the Latin words acipenser (sturgeon), trans (beyond), and montanus (mountain).

A white sturgeon at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, California

The white sturgeon is part of a Pacific clade of species including Kaluga (Huso dauricus), Sakhalin (Acipenser mikadoi), Green (Acipenser medirostris), Chinese (Acipenser sinensis) and Amur (Acipenser schrenkii) Sturgeon.[7] Recent genetic analysis supports a close relationship between (A. transmontanus) and (A. schrenckii), which is only found in Asia, showing a common ancestor between the two around 45.8 million years ago. Using microsatellites, genetic differentiation between different river systems in the Pacific Northwest and California is high enough to be able to distinguish between white sturgeon populations and validate a structure in which watershed (A. transmontanus) resides in.

Extant sturgeon species are polyploid, containing more than two paired sets of chromosomes, derived from an extinct ancestor containing 60 chromosomes.[8] Genome duplication during sturgeon evolution has led to three different groups of species with 120, 240, and 360 chromosomes. Recent study of microsatellite inheritance in white sturgeon supports that it is an ancestral octoploid, with 240 chromosomes.[9]

Distribution and habitat

White sturgeon are native to several large North American rivers that drain to the Pacific Ocean. They primarily live in estuaries of large rivers, but migrate to spawn in freshwater, and travel long distances between river systems. Reproducing populations have been documented along the West Coast, from northern Mexico up to the Aleutian Islands in Alaska. White sturgeon are commonly found in deep, soft bottomed areas of estuaries, where movements in the water column is dependent on salinity.[10] Historical ranges have been modified substantially by overharvesting, habitat changes due to dams, and river regulations; all affecting habitat quality, suitability and connectivity.[7]

In the lower Fraser River, British Columbia, movement and abundance are assessed by acoustic tags and mark recapture methods. While the model developed by Robichaud, English and Nelson[11] assumes a closed homogenous population, acoustic tags and mark-recapture data shows that they are sedentary during the winter months and mobile in the spring and fall, with data indicating that they leave the Fraser River and enter the Strait of Georgia during their mobile periods; this conclusion has been validated by microchemical evidence of marine exposure in Fraser River white sturgeon fin rays.

Construction of dams for hydroelectric power production affects seasonal movement of white sturgeon in many river systems, with the Columbia River Basin being a large contributor to shifts in the distribution and movement. The dams present in the basin have largely blocked the upstream movement of sturgeon, due to designs of fish ladders being more specified for salmon and steelhead. While downstream passage of sturgeon through the dams has been reported, the route of passage was never identified. Downstream movement through the dams are only possible through operating turbines, open spill gates and the ice and trash sluiceway.[12]


Larval white sturgeon 10–11 mm (0.39–0.43 in) in TL experience the highest mortality when they transition from endogenous to exogenous feeding, around 8–14 days post-hatch depending on conditions. Once larvae metamorphose into young of the year (YOY) and juveniles, they actively feed on the substrate, dominantly (Corophium) spp., relying on water currents to carry them downriver to areas of suitable food. The availability of (Corophium) spp. could play a key role in the survival of larval and YOY white sturgeon in the Columbia River and could possibly explain the apparent poor survival of larvae and YOY in some Snake and Columbia River reservoirs that apparently have successful spawning but poor recruitment.[13] Juveniles less than 600 mm (2.0 ft) TL are known to feed on tube-dwelling amphipods, mysids, isopods, (Corophium) spp, and other benthic invertebrates, as well as on the eggs and fry of other fish species.[14] Adults greater than 600 mm (2.0 ft) consume a variety prey species, adjusting to a piscivorous diet of herring, shad, starry flounder, goby, smelt, anchovy, lamprey, and salmon, as well as benthic items such as invasive overbite clam.[14][15] With feeding movements influenced due to tidal cycles, studies show more active movement at night, hinting that white sturgeon may be nocturnal foragers.[12]

Studies have shown that dietary lipid requirements on larval white sturgeon effect overall body composition, plasma biochemical parameters and liver fatty acids. With increasing dietary lipid levels, whole body and muscle lipid content increases, as well as increased plasma triglycerides and cholesterol content. This shows that larval sturgeon post-hatch grow faster on high lipid diets, reducing glycogen stores but increasing stores of lipid in the liver.[16] The importance of this can help to understand growth rates in changing environments with varying food sources.


A juvenile white sturgeon

"White sturgeons are iteroparous breeders with a spawning period in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers between mid-February to late May, with peak activity during March and April" - Kohlhorst 1976.[17]

There is much uncertainty around reproduction timing of events in white sturgeon, with many papers reporting differing results dependent on the river system observed. Chapman, Van Enennaam and Doroshov[18] witnessed sexually mature females 950 mm (3.12 ft) FL in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River system estimated around 9 years old by using the Von Bertalannfy growth function, while the youngest sexual mature was a male 750 mm (2.46 ft) FL estimated to be six years old. However, other reports have sexual maturity for white sturgeon at 12 and 10 years old for females and males. Uncertainty around age estimates from fin ray annulus may account for any disparity.

Spawning periodicity is thought to be 2 to 4 years for females and 1 to 2 years for males. Behavior during spawning is not well known, but it is known that they are communal broadcast spawners, where a female's eggs are fertilized by many males. When ready to spawn, white sturgeon choose a variety of substrates dependent on the river system, spawning on gravel or rocky substrate in moderate to fast currents, with observed depths of 3–23 m (9.8–75.5 ft), and water velocities at the bottom on a range of 0.6-2.4 m/sec.[19] When eggs are released by the female, they are negatively buoyant, and develop an adhesive coat upon contact with water, which allows them to attach to the substrate near where they were spawned. Hatching time is temperature dependent, and can range from 3–13 days. Optimal temperature is between 14–16 °C (57–61 °F), with mortality observed below 8 °C (46 °F) and above 2 °C (36 °F).[20]

Importance to humans

A white sturgeon farm in California

White sturgeon are a resource to a variety of different social and economic groups around the world. Aquaculture facilities cultivate white sturgeon in California and juveniles can be sold to aquarists. They were once the main food source for First Nations people in the 1800s, until overfishing by commercial fleets for caviar drove them to near extinction by the early 1900s.[21] Besides their meat, other important economic products associated with caught sturgeon are caviar, isinglass, and oil. While selling a wild white sturgeon and eggs is illegal in California, it is legal to buy legal caviar from California White sturgeon farms.[22][23] Poaching is an ongoing issue, in which caviar can sell on the black market for 100-150 dollars a pound, while a consumer buying legally made caviar from California sturgeon farms pays anywhere from 40-700 dollars for an ounce.[24]

White sturgeon also play a role in sport fishing in the Pacific Northwest, while closed to retention in the Columbia River Basin, catch and release fishing is allowed, with enough popularity for guiding services to offer fishing trips targeted specifically at white sturgeon.

Conservation status

Trends in white sturgeon abundance has been monitored in California for decades, with data showing large variations in recruitment, including 5 or more consecutive years of low or no recruitment, with probable cause being due to low flows during winter and/or spring months. Although some present white sturgeon populations have been reduced over the past 30 years, some population trends in California are promising, resulting in new angling regulations, monitoring, research efforts, fish passage and habitat restoration.[21]

Despite being a relatively robust population that includes tens of thousands of sub-adults and adults, management is complicated due to exposure of pollutants, freshwater and estuary alteration, harvest, and because of its long life span, which can mask detection of reproductive success.[7] NatureServe ranks white sturgeon globally secure, but imperiled in California due to anthropogenic impacts on their habitats. The American Fisheries Society considers them to be Endangered.[25] The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) of Wild Fauna and Flora has white sturgeon listed as Appendix II, which includes species not necessarily threatened with extinction, but in which trade must be controlled to avoid utilization incompatible with their survival.[26]


  1. ^ Duke, S. (USF&WS), Down, T.; Ptolemy, J.; Hammond, J.; Spence, C.; et al. (Ministry of Water, Land & Air Protection, Canada) (2022). "Acipenser transmontanus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2022: e.T234A97440736. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2004.RLTS.T234A97440736.en. Retrieved 21 July 2022.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)|date= / |doi= mismatch
  2. ^ "Appendices | CITES". cites.org. Retrieved 2022-01-14.
  3. ^ a b c [Acipenser transmontanus summary page. (n.d.). Retrieved October 04, 2017, from https://www.fishbase.se/summary/2594]
  4. ^ Hildebrand, L.; McLeod, C.; McKenzie, S. (1999). "Status and management of white sturgeon in the Columbia River in British Columbia, Canada: an overview". Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 15 (4–5): 164–172. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0426.1999.tb00227.x.
  5. ^ Watson, L. R., Yun, S. C., Groff, J. M., & Hedrick, R. P. (1995). Characteristics and pathogenicity of a novel herpesvirus isolated from adult and subadult white sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 22(3), 199-210.
  6. ^ White Sturgeon, UC Davis California Fish Website [1].
  7. ^ a b c Hildebrand, L. R.; Drauch Schreier, A.; Lepla, K.; McAdam, S. O.; McLellan, J.; Parsley, M. J.; Paragamian, V. L.; Young, S.P. (2016). "Status of White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus Richardson, 1863) throughout the species range, threats to survival, and prognosis for the future". Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 32: 261–312. doi:10.1111/jai.13243.
  8. ^ Dingerkus, G; Howell, W. (1976-11-19). "Karyotypic analysis and evidence of tetraploidy in the North American paddlefish, Polyodon spathula". Science. 194 (4267): 842–844. Bibcode:1976Sci...194..842D. doi:10.1126/science.982045. ISSN 0036-8075. PMID 982045.
  9. ^ Drauch Schreier, A.; Gille, D.; Mahardja, B.; May, B. (2011). "Neutral markers confirm the octoploid origin and reveal spontaneous autopolyploidy in white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus". Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 27: 24–33. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0426.2011.01873.x.
  10. ^ [Kohlhorst, D. W.; Botsford, L. W.; Brennan, J. S.; Caillet, G. M. (1991): Aspects of the structure and dynamics of an exploited central California population of White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus). In: Acipenser. Actes du premier colloque international sur l’esturgeon. P. Williot (Ed.). CEMAGREF, Bordeaux, France, pp. 277–293. 518 pp. (ISBN 2-85362-208-8)]
  11. ^ Robichaud, David; English, Karl K.; Nelson, Troy C. (2017). "Annual Movements of Acoustic-Tagged White Sturgeon in the Lower Reaches of the Fraser River and its Tributaries". Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 146 (4): 611–625. doi:10.1080/00028487.2017.1294542.
  12. ^ a b Parsley, Michael J.; Popoff, Nicholas D.; Wright, Corey D.; van der Leeuw, Bjorn K. (July 2008). "Seasonal and Diel Movements of White Sturgeon in the Lower Columbia River". Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 137 (4): 1007–1017. doi:10.1577/t07-027.1. ISSN 0002-8487.
  13. ^ [Muir, W. D., McCabe, G. J., Parsley, M. J., & Hinton, S. A. (2000). Diet of first-feeding larval and young-of-the-year White Sturgeon in the lower Columbia river. Northwest Science, 74(1), 25-33]
  14. ^ a b Crossman, James A.; Jay, Kathleen J.; Hildebrand, Larry R. (2016). "Describing the Diet of Juvenile White Sturgeon in the Upper Columbia River Canada with Lethal and Nonlethal Methods". North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 36 (2): 421–432. doi:10.1080/02755947.2015.1125976.
  15. ^ "Acipenser transmontanus (Oregon sturgeon)". Animal Diversity Web.
  16. ^ Gawlicka, A.; Herold, M. A.; Barrows, F. T.; de la Noue, J.; Hung, S. S. O. (2002). "Effects of dietary lipids on growth, fatty acid composition, intestinal absorption and hepatic storage in white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus R.) larvae". Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 18 (4–6): 673–681. doi:10.1046/j.1439-0426.2002.00371.x.
  17. ^ State of California. "Life History Conceptual Model for White Sturgeon". Data Portal. California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
  18. ^ Chapman, F. A.; Van Eenennaam, J. P.; Doroshov, S. I. "The reproductive condition of white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, in San Francisco Bay, California". Fishery Bulletin. 94: 628–634.
  19. ^ Marineau, Mathieu D.; Wright, Scott A.; Whealdon-Haught, Daniel R.; Kinzel, Paul J. (2017). "Physical characteristics of the lower San Joaquin River, California, in relation to white sturgeon spawning habitat, 2011–14". Scientific Investigations Report. doi:10.3133/sir20175069.
  20. ^ Coutant, Charles C. (2004). "A Riparian Habitat Hypothesis for Successful Reproduction of White Sturgeon". Reviews in Fisheries Science. 12: 23–73. doi:10.1080/10641260490273023. S2CID 85121758.
  21. ^ a b [Israel, J., Drauch, A., Gingras, M. (2009). Life history conceptual model for white sturgeon. Unpubl. technical report to Bay Delta Ecosystem Restoration and Improvement Program, Sacramento, CA, USA, 54 pp.]
  22. ^ "Raising Sturgeon". Sterling Caviar. Retrieved 27 October 2022.
  23. ^ "About". Tsar Nicoulai Caviar. Retrieved 27 October 2022.
  24. ^ Schreier, A.; Stephenson, S.; Rust, P.; Young, S. (2015). "The case of the endangered Kootenai River white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) highlights the importance of post-release genetic monitoring in captive and supportive breeding programs". Biological Conservation. 192: 74–81. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2015.09.011.
  25. ^ Jelks, Howard L.; Walsh, Stephen J.; Burkhead, Noel M.; Contreras-Balderas, Salvador; Diaz-Pardo, Edmundo; Hendrickson, Dean A.; Lyons, John; Mandrak, Nicholas E.; McCormick, Frank; Nelson, Joseph S.; Platania, Steven P.; Porter, Brady A.; Renaud, Claude B.; Schmitter-Soto, Juan Jacobo; Taylor, Eric B.; Warren, Melvin L. (August 2008). "Conservation Status of Imperiled North American Freshwater and Diadromous Fishes" (PDF). Fisheries. 33 (8): 372–407. doi:10.1577/1548-8446-33.8.372.
  26. ^ How CITES works. Retrieved 14 November 2017.

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White sturgeon: Brief Summary

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White sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) is a species of sturgeon in the family Acipenseridae of the order Acipenseriformes. They are an anadromous fish species ranging in the Eastern Pacific; from the Gulf of Alaska to Monterey, California. However, some are landlocked in the Columbia River Drainage, Montana, and Lake Shasta in California, with reported sightings in northern Baja California, Mexico.

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