Ahchovia mitchilli: Egg with blastoderm of 4 cells, surface view.
Stolephorus lyolepis.
Anchovia mitchilli: Egg with blastoderm in advanced state of cleavage; pb, periblast.
Anchovia mitchilli: Larval fish 15 mm. in length.
Anchovia mitchilli: Egg showing advanced stage in development of embryonic shield....,lateral view, gr, germ ring.
Anchovia mitchilli: Egg with advanced embryo.
Anchovia mitchilli: Larval fish 3.4 mm. in length.
Anchovia mitchilli: Egg with blastoderm, showing early germ ring (gr).
Anchovia mitchilli: Adult fish 7 cm in length.
Anchovia mitchilli: Egg with blastoderm of 2 cells, lateral view.
Anchovia mitchilli: Egg showing blastoderm spreading over yolk; gr, germ ring.
Anchovia mitchilli: Larval fish 5 mm. in length.
Anchovia mitchilli newly hatched, actual length 1.9 mm.
Anchovia mitchilli: Egg with blastoderm showing fully developed germ ring (gr) and beginning of embryonic shield (es).
Anchovia mitchilli: Larval fish 7.5 mm. in length.
Anchovia mitchilli: Larval fish 12 hours after hatching, actual length 2.7 mm..
Anchovia mitchilli: Larval fish 3 days after hatching, actual length 2.7 mm..
Anchovia mitchilli: Egg showing blastopore nearly closed; bp, blastopore; gr, germ ring.
Anchovia mitchilli: Larval fish 36 hours after hatching, actual length 2.9 mm..
Anchovia mitchilli: Larval fish 10 mm in length.
Anchovia mitchilli: Egg with blastoderm of 32 cells, lateral view.
Anchovia mitchilli: Egg showing advance stage in development of embryonic shield (es), embryonic area (ea) outlined.
Anchovia mitchilli: Egg with embryo showing 18 to 30 somites; Kv, Kupffer's vesicle.