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Dorsal-fin rays 13–14; anal-fin rays 15–17; pectoral-fin rays 13–15; total gill rakers (rarely 23) 24–28; vertebrae 33–34. Medium to large species, seldom exceeding 70 mm SL; trunk broadly tapering; caudal peduncle broad, its depth more than length of subcaudal photophore group; post-temporal spine spinose dorsally, its length substantially less than one-half distance from its base to point of dorsal spine; third basal post-temporal spine long, second basal spine prominent; dorsal spine high, with flangelike anterior portion not rising sharply from dorsal surface; supraabdominal photophores positioned in a step-wise arrangement, with first photophore raised above other two; abdominal keel scales very spinose, including those ventral to preanal photophores; subcaudal scales either smooth or with single short spine; jaws medium; gill rakers long; preopercle spine curves slightly anteriorly; pigment in preservative dark dorsally with very narrow bar extending toward midline; pigment diffuse on trunk.
Anal photophore number 10; less than 3.6 times body depth at end of dorsal fin; caudal peduncle broad , head length less than 2.8 times narrowest peduncle depth. Post-temporal spine with two distinct basal spines; anal-subcaudal photophore distance less than one-third the length of the subcaudal group; anal photophore number 10 to 13. Post-temporal spine complex, bearing one or two basal supplementary spines; dorso-lateral edge of fused, post-temporal-supracleithrum serrate; abdominal keel scales with spiny ventral surfaces; supra-anal photophore group usually not distinctly separated anal group . Post-temporal basal spines well developed, ventralmost basal spine length greater than one-half length of post-temporal spine; gill-raker number 24–28.
Off Japan.
Baird RC. 1971. The Systematics, Distribution, and Zoogeography of the Marine Hatchetfishes (family Sternoptychidae). Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zooology 142(1):1–128.
Baird RC. 1971. The Systematics, Distribution, and Zoogeography of the Marine Hatchetfishes (family Sternoptychidae). Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zooology 142(1):1–128.
To approximately 70 mm SL.
Sagami Bay, Japan, depth 153 fathoms.
Holotype: USNM 51451.
Polyipnus stereope is a species of ray-finned fish in the family Sternoptychidae. It occurs in deep water in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, at depths between about 150 and 280 metres (500 and 900 ft).[2]
Polyipnus stereope is a species of ray-finned fish in the family Sternoptychidae. It occurs in deep water in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, at depths between about 150 and 280 metres (500 and 900 ft).