Diagnostic Description
provided by Fishbase
Height first dorsal greater than head length. Underside of snout, suborbital and all of mandibular rami naked; prominent open pores on lower jaws and ventral margin of suborbital region. Spinules on body scales needlelike, in subparallel to convergent rows; about 38 lateral line scales over distance equal to predorsal length. Snout conical, bluntly pointed, about 34% of HL. Mouth small, upper jaw 26% of HL. Teeth in notably broad, short, cardiform bands in both jaws. No dark band encircling trunk; first dorsal fin dusky overall. Anterior dermal window of light organ between pelvic bases, in advance of insertions. Barbel small, more than 3 into orbit, about 6% of HL; preoral length 28%; postorbital length 38%; orb.-preop. 30%.
- Recorder
- Cristina V. Garilao