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Metamorphosed females with body short, globular, head length 46.0–57.0% SL, head depth 47.6–58.8% SL, head width 35.7–37.3% SL; length of premaxilla 38.1–52.9% SL; length of lower jaw 32.1–55.9% SL; length of illicium 35.7–54.9% SL; width of escal bulb 6.2–8.2% SL; a short distal escal appendage, with smooth rounded distal tip, showing no signs of damage, length 2.3–2.5% SL. Jaw teeth relatively few, 6–14 in each premaxilla, 9–11 in each dentary; longest premaxillary tooth 5.0–14.9% SL, longest dentary tooth 8.8–19.6% SL; dorsal- and anal-fin rays 3; pectoral-fin rays 18 or 19; caudal-fin rays 9, ninth ray (ventral-most) 18.6–22.6% SL.
Metamorphosed females of A. longidens differ from those of A. dolichonema in having a much shorter distal escal appendage (2.3–2.5% SL versus 27.6–35.7% SL), a shorter illicium (35.7–54.9% SL versus 63.6–70.5% SL), a wider head (35.7–37.3% SL versus 25.0–28.1% SL), and a greater number of pectoral-fin rays (18–19 versus 16).
The two known specimens of A. longidens were collected in the Gulf of Panama (7°30'N, 79°19'W) and from off the coast of Costa Rica (9°11'N, 85°08'W).
Mesopelagic. Both specimens were captured with open nets fished at maximum depths of about 1250–1280 m.
Known from two metamorphosed females (42–50 mm).
DANA station 1203(14), Eastern Tropical Pacific, Gulf of Panama, 7°30'N, 79°19'W, open conical ring-trawl, 2500 m wire out, bottom depth 2550 m, 2030 hr, 11 January 1922.
Holotype of Acentrophryne longidens: ZMUC P921981, 50 mm.