Tomato clownfish have a distinct orange body, which may turn black in older individuals. Behind the head of the fish, a black-edged bar extends from the top of the head towards the belly. A second black-edged white bar may be found around the mid-section of the body.
Amphiprion frenatus have 9-10 dorsal-fin spines and 16-18 dorsal soft rays. This species also has 2 anal-fin spines and 13-15 anal soft rays.
Tomato clownfish can grow up to 14 cm in length. Females are larger than males.
Range length: 14 (high) cm.
Other Physical Features: ectothermic ; bilateral symmetry
Sexual Dimorphism: female larger
The knowledge surrounding longetivity for this species is sparse, even though more is known about this species than other anemonefishes. At most, they live 6-10 years in teh wild, and 18 years in captivity.
Average lifespan
Status: wild: 6-10 years.
Range lifespan
Status: captivity: 18 (high) years.
Tomato clownfish are known to inhabit lagoon reefs, particularly with embayments. According to Fautin and Allen (1992), this species does not migrate, and has developed a relationship with the anemone Entacmaea quadricolor.
Range depth: 1 to 12 m.
Habitat Regions: tropical
Aquatic Biomes: reef
Tomato clownfish are known to be found in the Oriental Region of the Western Pacific, namely, South China Sea, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Viet Nam, China, Philippines, and Taiwan. They have been found to inhabit waters as far north as the Ryukyu Islands and the southern parts of Japan. The longitudinal coordinates for this area are 25 N - 35 S.
Biogeographic Regions: oriental (Native ); pacific ocean (Native )
Tomato clownfish eat algae, zooplankton, and small, aquatic crustaceans.
A characteristic of all anemonefish belonging to the genus Amphiprion is that they are mutualistic with anemones. This means that they live together with large anemones, and each helps the other species. When a tomato clownfish brings food back to an anemone, the anemone is rewarded with crumbs from the meal. In turn, the fish is protected from predators while within the anemone. The anemonefish also help the anemones by cleaning and caring for them, which again benefits the anemone greatly.
Animal Foods: aquatic crustaceans; zooplankton
Plant Foods: algae
Primary Diet: herbivore (Algivore); planktivore
Amphiprion frenatus is a symbiont to the bulb-tentacle sea anemone, Entacmaea quadricolor. Although they can both live without each other, their health and rate of survival are increased when tomato clownfish live within its tentacles.
Mutualist Species:
Tomato clownfish have a positive economic importance for humans through the pet trade industry.
Positive Impacts: pet trade
No literature found stated that tomato clownfish have a negative economic importance for humans.
Beginning as an egg, tomato clownfish will take about one week to hatch and become larvae. After hatching, larvae will drift for about 16 days in plankton-rich waters. At the end of this drifting journey, the larvae will look for anemones of their own to inhabit. Their development from there depends upon social roles. A juvenile will only develop into a sexually mature male if this role in the anemone is not already filled. When the female of the anemone is absent, the largest mature male will then change into the sexually mature female.
Damselfishes that live in anemones have biological attributes that help them to live in this unique environment. As they mature, they gain a special mucus coat that has specific chemicals that counter the anemone's sting. These fishes are also known to have a special swimming pattern that helps them to survive in the anemone.
According to Wickler (1963), Amphiprion frenatus, like other anemonefishes, is not immune to the anemone, but instead stimulates the nematocysts (stinging cells) to fire. If these fish choose to live outside of an anemone, they usually take up residence in coral branches.
It is possible to make a general guess at the age of tomato clownfish by the stripes on their bodies. When young, these fish will have more white stripes on their hind regions. However, not all individuals lose the juvenile pattern as they mature.
This species is not listed on any of the endangered or threatened lists that are listed below.
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: no special status
Not much is known about the communication of tomato clownfish, except that when they are either defending themselves or attacking others, they will make a "tack-tack" sound.
Communication Channels: acoustic
Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; chemical
In all of the literature available, no specific predators were given for the tomato clownfish or even for their genus, Amphiprion.
A pair of tomato clownfish will mate for life. However, if one partner leaves, then the other will find a replacement for its lost mate.
Mating System: monogamous
One of the most interesting characteristics of anemonefishes is that all offspring are born male, and mature as such. Therefore, all females are sex-reversed. This sexual metamorphosis occurs when the female of a group leaves. This will trigger the largest male remaining to switch sexes and will allow the largest juvenile to become a mature male. The adult pair will then continue to stunt the growth of the remaining offspring.
When courting a female, a male will exhibit both sterotyped and ritualised behavior. A male will chase a female, as he becomes more bold. He also has the tendancy to show off for his mate by erecting his dorsal, anal, and pelvic fins as he remains in one spot near her, much like a statue. Another form of behavior recorded among A. frenatus is "signal jumping," which means that a male will move rapidly around an anemone in an up and down manner. In the beginning of their courtship, a male will also spend a large amount of time picking out the nesting site that he will eventually guard if he is successful in mating with a female. At the end of courtship, she will also help her mate in clearing the nesting site of algae and other debris. When laying eggs, a female will place the adhesive eggs on a rock near the anemone. The male then watches over them until they hatch.
Tomato clownfish, like all Amphiprion, will breed all year long in the tropics, but only in the warmer months of temperate locations. Spawning occurs during a full moon, which is characteristic of all anemomefishes.
Breeding interval: Tomato clownfish, like all Amphiprion, will breed all year long in the tropics, but only in the warmer months of temperate locations.
Breeding season: Spawning occurs during a full moon, which is characteristic of all anemome fishes.
Range number of offspring: 100 to >1,000.
Average gestation period: 6-7 days.
Average time to independence: 8-12 days.
Key Reproductive Features: year-round breeding ; sequential hermaphrodite (Protandrous ); sexual ; oviparous
After the eggs are laid near the host anemone, the male looks after the eggs, and both the male and female will protect the eggs as well. After the larvae hatch, they swim away to find an anemone of their own to inhabit, and no further care is given by the parents.
Parental Investment: pre-hatching/birth (Protecting: Male, Female)
Amphiprion frenatus és una espècie de peix de la família dels pomacèntrids i de l'ordre dels perciformes.[4]
És monògam[7] i hermafrodita.[8]
Viu a zones de clima tropical (25°N-35°S ), associat als esculls de corall, a 1-12 de fondària[5] i en simbiosi amb l'anemone Entacmaea quadricolor.[9]
Es troba a l'oest del Pacífic: des del Golf de Tailàndia fins al sud-oest de Palau, el sud del Japó i Java.[5]
Pot ésser criat en captivitat.[10][11][12][13]
Amphiprion frenatus és una espècie de peix de la família dels pomacèntrids i de l'ordre dels perciformes.
Der Weißbinden-Glühkohlen-Anemonenfisch (Amphiprion frenatus), auch Roter Anemonenfisch genannt, ist eine Fischart aus der Familie der Riffbarsche. Er lebt in den Korallenriffen an den Küsten des westlichen Indonesiens, der Philippinen, im Südchinesischen Meer, im Golf von Thailand, an den Küsten Taiwans und des südlichen Japan in Wassertiefen von einem bis 12 Metern.
Der Körper und die Flossen des Fisches sind rot, bei Jungfischen und den kleineren Männchen orangerot, bei den Weibchen leuchtend rot. Die Flanken der Weibchen sind oben meist schwarz. Ein breiter, weißer Querstreifen zieht sich direkt hinter dem Auge über den Kopf. Jungfische haben einen zweiten weißen Querstreifen in der Körpermitte, der verschwindet, wenn sie eine Länge von etwa 30 mm erreicht haben.
Die Rückenflosse hat neun bis zehn Hart- und 16 bis 18 Weichstrahlen, die Afterflosse zwei Hart- und 13 bis 15 Weichstrahlen. Amphiprion frenatus wird 12 bis 14 Zentimeter lang. Er ist schon im Aquarium nachgezüchtet worden.
Die Fische akzeptieren nur die Blasenanemone (Entacmaea quadricolor) als Symbiosepartner.
Der Weißbinden-Glühkohlen-Anemonenfisch (Amphiprion frenatus), auch Roter Anemonenfisch genannt, ist eine Fischart aus der Familie der Riffbarsche. Er lebt in den Korallenriffen an den Küsten des westlichen Indonesiens, der Philippinen, im Südchinesischen Meer, im Golf von Thailand, an den Küsten Taiwans und des südlichen Japan in Wassertiefen von einem bis 12 Metern.
Клоўн таматавы (Amphiprion frenatus) — рыба сямейства памацэнтравых.
Тэрытарыяльны і агрэсіўны від, жыве парамі сярод жыгучых шчупальцаў актыніяў, якія даюць яму абарону ад драпежнікаў. Сілкуецца водарасьцямі, бесхрыбетнымі і рэшткамі ежы сваёй актыніі. Асноўны колер чырвоны. Па галаве праходзіць вэртыкальная белая паласа з чорным кантам. Памер да 14 см. У супольнасьці коралавага рыфу рыбы існуюць у сымбіёзе з актыніямі (марскімі анэмонамі) віду Entacmaea quadricolor.
Сустракаецца на рыфах у заходняй частцы Ціхага акіяна, у тым ліку: поўдзень Сіямскага заліву, поўнач Палаў, поўдзень Японіі, востраў Ява, Інданэзія.
Зьяўляецца аб’ектам акварыюмістыкі.
Протандрычны гермафрадыт. Перавызначэньне Перевізначення плоці самца адбываецца пасьля гібелі саміцы.
Клоўн таматавы (Amphiprion frenatus) — рыба сямейства памацэнтравых.
Тэрытарыяльны і агрэсіўны від, жыве парамі сярод жыгучых шчупальцаў актыніяў, якія даюць яму абарону ад драпежнікаў. Сілкуецца водарасьцямі, бесхрыбетнымі і рэшткамі ежы сваёй актыніі. Асноўны колер чырвоны. Па галаве праходзіць вэртыкальная белая паласа з чорным кантам. Памер да 14 см. У супольнасьці коралавага рыфу рыбы існуюць у сымбіёзе з актыніямі (марскімі анэмонамі) віду Entacmaea quadricolor.
The tomato clownfish (Amphiprion frenatus) is a species of marine fish in the family Pomacentridae, the clownfishes and damselfishes. It is native to the waters of the Western Pacific, from the Japan to Indonesia.[2] Other common names include blackback anemonefish, bridled anemonefish, fire clown, and red tomato clown.[3]
Clownfish or anemonefish are fishes that, in the wild, form symbiotic mutualisms with sea anemones and are unaffected by the stinging tentacles of the host anemone, see Amphiprioninae § Symbiosis and mutualism. The sea anemone protects the clownfish from predators, as well as providing food through the scraps left from the anemone's meals and occasional dead anemone tentacles. In return, the clownfish defends the anemone from its predators, and parasites.[4] Clownfish are small-sized, 10–18 centimetres (3.9–7.1 in), and depending on species, they are overall yellow, orange, or a reddish or blackish color, and many show white bars or patches. Within species there may be color variations, most commonly according to distribution, but also based on sex, age and host anemone. Clownfish are found in warmer waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans and the Red Sea in sheltered reefs or in shallow lagoons.
In a group of clownfish, there is a strict dominance hierarchy. The largest and most aggressive fish is female and is found at the top. Only two clownfish, a male and a female, in a group reproduce through external fertilization. Clownfish are sequential hermaphrodites, meaning that they develop into males first, and when they mature, they become females.
The adult fish is bright orange-red, with a white head bar or vertical stripe just behind the eyes, joined over the head and with a distinctive black outline. Females are mainly blackish on the sides. Males are considerably smaller and are red overall. Juveniles are a darker red, with two or three white bars.[5] They have 9-10 dorsal spines, 2 anal spines, 16-18 dorsal soft rays and 13-15 anal soft rays.[2] They reach a maximum length of 14 cm (5+1⁄2 in).[5]
The only color variation is sex related with females having darker coloration or dark spots on their sides.[5]
The Australian clownfish (A. rubrocinctus) has a similar coloration, however the female does not have the distinctive black outline of the white band, the band is poorly developed and may be discontinuous on top of the head. Geographic location is the easiest way to distinguish small juveniles as they are otherwise difficult to distinguish. The cinnamon clownfish (A. melanopus) is also similar, but has a broader white headbar and outside Melanesia it has black pelvic and anal fins.[5]
A. frenatus (Tomato anemonefish)
A. rubrocinctus (Australian anemonefish)
A. melanopus (Red & Black anemonefish)
This species is found as far north as Ryukyu Islands, Japan, to the South China Sea and surrounding areas including Malaysia and Indonesia.[5]
Some authors report that this species is associated with a single species of anemone, the bubble-tip anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor).[5] Other authorities report that it may be associated with the sebae anemone (Heteractis crispa), as well.[6]
As a pet, many marine hobbyists agree that at least 20 US gallons (76 L) of tank volume is necessary for the fish, however others believe larger is necessary for this fish to have ample room for maneuvering. Many hobbyists use a quarantine tank prior to introduction into the main tank as it helps to rid the tomato clownfish of saltwater-borne diseases.
This species of fish thrives well even without a host anemone. In the absence of a host, it may "adopt" corals of a tank to reside.[6] It will eat most meat or vegetable food preparations, including dried algae, mysis shrimp, and brine shrimp.[6] The tomato clownfish has been reported to be aggressive and territorial when mature, and specimens have been known to be extremely aggressive even towards clownfishes of other species. For this reason, it is best kept singly or in mated pairs. It can be bred in captivity,[6] and the fry can be fed on baby brine shrimp and rotifers.
The tomato clownfish (Amphiprion frenatus) is a species of marine fish in the family Pomacentridae, the clownfishes and damselfishes. It is native to the waters of the Western Pacific, from the Japan to Indonesia. Other common names include blackback anemonefish, bridled anemonefish, fire clown, and red tomato clown.
Amphiprion frenatus es una especie de peces de la familia Pomacentridae en el orden de los Perciformes. Su nombre común es pez payaso tomate o pez anémona tomate.
La intensa coloración puede ser de naranja a un marrón rojizo tomate, y se intensifica en la parte posterior hacia el pedúnculo caudal. Una barra blanca orlada de oscuro transcurre detrás del ojo, a través del opérculo branquial. Las aletas son de color naranja, más pálido en sus márgenes externos. [1] Los ejemplares más viejos mutan la coloración del cuerpo a un tono negro. En ocasiones pueden presentar una segunda barra blanca vertical, ribeteada de negro, en la mitad del cuerpo. De adultos, los machos son rojo naranja, y las hembras con el cuerpo negruzco, y el morro, la barbilla, el pecho y las aletas rojos.[2]
Tienen 9-10 espinas y 16-18 radios blandos dorsales, 2 espinas y 13-15 radios blandos anales.
Las hembras son mayores que los machos, y pueden llegar a alcanzar los 14 cm de longitud. total.[3][4]
Omnívoro; se alimenta de pequeños invertebrados crustáceos, del zooplancton, y, principalmente, de algas bénticas.[5][6]
Como todos los Amphiprion, es hermafrodita protándrico, todos los individuos nacen machos, y, en ausencia de hembra, el más fuerte cambia de sexo a hembra para convertirse en matriarca del grupo. Es monógamo. Durante la ceremonia de cortejo, el macho exhibe dos patrones de comportamiento ritual, por un lado, erige sus aletas dorsal, anal y pélvicas, situándose próximo a la hembra, como una estatua; y otro comportamiento frecuente es nadar de arriba abajo en torno a la anémona escogida para hogar familiar. También es usual en el macho el dedicarse a limpiar un trozo de roca próximo a la anémona, con el fin de mostrar a la hembra que tiene preparado el lugar de desove.
La hembra suele desovar en luna llena, durante todo el año en aguas tropicales, y en los meses cálidos en zonas templadas.
Es ovíparo y desovador béntico, oscilando entre 100 y 1000 huevos por puesta. El periodo de gestación es de 6-7 días, durante los cuales, el macho no se separa de ellos, agitando sus aletas para oxigenárlos. Adquieren la independencia entre 8-12 días, buscando refugio en una anémona, y no recibiendo más cuidados de sus progenitores.[6]
Tiene una expectativa de vida de 6-10 años en la naturaleza, y de 18 años en cautividad.[6]
Es un pez de mar de clima tropical (25°N-35°S ), y asociado a los arrecifes de coral, que vive entre 1-12 m de profundidad.[2] Frecuenta las lagunas y ensenadas, no es migratorio, y establece relación de mutualismo con la anémona Entacmaea quadricolor.[7]
Se ha comprobado que A. frenatus emite series de sonidos secos cortos, cuando persigue o somete a un subordinado jerárquico en el grupo, siendo diferentes los sonidos que emite el subordinado, que, finalmente se para y agita la cabeza mientras los emite.
Sonidos agresivos de A. frenatus
Sonidos de sumisión de A. frenatus
Se encuentra al oeste del Pacífico: desde el Golfo de Tailandia hasta el suroeste de Palaos, el sur del Japón y la isla de Java.
Está presente en Australia, China, Filipinas, Indonesia, Japón, Malasia, Micronesia, islas Ogasawara, Palaos, islas Ryukyu, Singapur, Tailandia, Taiwán y Vietnam. Siendo cuestionable su presencia en India.[8]
Puede ser criado en cautividad.
A. frenatus sobre anémonas Entacmaea quadricolor, en el Museo Oceanográfico de Mónaco
En E. quadricolor, Pulau Layang-Layang, islas Spratly
En E. quadricolor, Papúa Nueva Guinea
Amphiprion frenatus es una especie de peces de la familia Pomacentridae en el orden de los Perciformes. Su nombre común es pez payaso tomate o pez anémona tomate.
Amphiprion frenatus Amphiprion generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Pomacentridae familian sailkatzen da.
Amphiprion frenatus Amphiprion generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Pomacentridae familian sailkatzen da.
Punavuokkokala (Amphiprion frenatus) on koralliriuttojen kala, jota pidetään myös meriakvaarioissa.
Punavuokkokala on väriltään punaoranssi ja muuttuu vanhemmiten tummemmaksi. Pään takana on mustareunainen juova, joka ulottuu lähes kalan vatsapuolelle. Joillakin yksilöillä on toinen juova ruumiin keskivaiheilla. Kala kasvaa 14 cm pitkäksi.
Punavuokkokalat ovat kotoisin Tyynenmeren länsiosista. Sen esiintymisaluetta rajaavat Siaminlahti, Japanin eteläosa, Palau, ja Indonesia.[2]
Punavuokkokalat elävät symbioosissa kuplavuokkojen (Entacmaea quadricolor) kanssa.[3] Lajia pidetään hyvänä vuokkokalana riutta-akvaarioon. Niitä voi pitää yksittäin, parina tai pienenä parvena, jossa on suuri naaras ja muutamia pienempiä koiraita.[4]
Punavuokkokala (Amphiprion frenatus) on koralliriuttojen kala, jota pidetään myös meriakvaarioissa.
Poisson-clown rouge
Amphiprion frenatus, en français poisson-clown rouge, est une espèce de poissons marins de la famille des Pomacentridae qui fréquente les fonds récifaux coralliens des eaux tropicales de la zone ouest de l'Océan Pacifique [1] entre 3 et 15 m de profondeur. L'épithète spécifique frenatus signifie « pourvu d'une bride », faisant allusion à l'unique bande blanche caractéristique qui traverse leur joue à la verticale, présente derrière l'œil de ce poisson.
Ce petit poisson atteint une taille maximale adulte de 14 centimètres[2] pour les mâles, parfois légèrement plus en aquarium.
Adulte, le principal point de dimorphisme entre mâle et femelle est la taille des spécimens, plus petite chez la femelle. On distinguera également une différence de coloration, très nette à l'âge adulte, le mâle est plus sombre que la femelle qui cette dernière reste d'un rouge orangé.
Cette espèce vit en couple avec pour habitat une anémone de mer Entacmaea quadricolor[3]. Le poisson clown est immunisé contre les cellules urticantes de l'anémone de mer[4] (les filaments blancs urticants de l'anémone, appelés aconties, ont des effets semblables à ceux des méduses pour l'homme et pour les petits poissons c'est la mort ou la paralysie).
Ils vivent souvent avec plusieurs autres mâles plus jeunes, plus petits et immatures dit des « mâles satellites ».
Amphiprion frenatus est une espèce assez répandue en tant que poisson d'aquarium. Maintenue dans de bonnes conditions sa maintenance et sa reproduction sont des plus intéressantes.
L'Aquarium du palais de la Porte Dorée détient au moins un couple de Amphiprion frenatus (11/2014) dans une grande cuve d'eau de mer. Ils sont aisément observables lors de la promenade de l'Aquarium.[réf. nécessaire]
Poisson-clown rouge
Amphiprion frenatus, en français poisson-clown rouge, est une espèce de poissons marins de la famille des Pomacentridae qui fréquente les fonds récifaux coralliens des eaux tropicales de la zone ouest de l'Océan Pacifique entre 3 et 15 m de profondeur. L'épithète spécifique frenatus signifie « pourvu d'une bride », faisant allusion à l'unique bande blanche caractéristique qui traverse leur joue à la verticale, présente derrière l'œil de ce poisson.
Amphiprion frenatus Brevoort, 1856, conosciuto comunemente come pesce pagliaccio pomodoro, è un pesce marino appartenente alla famiglia Pomacentridae.
Questa specie è diffusa nell'Indo-Pacifico, dalla Thailandia all'Indonesia, fino al Giappone meridionale. Abita le acque basse (fino a -12 m di profondità) delle barriere coralline.
Questa specie presenta un corpo dal profilo ovaloide, piuttosto compresso ai fianchi, con ampie pinne tondeggianti. La livrea è semplice ma vivace, leggermente differente in base all'età dell'individuo: i giovani infatti presentano un fondo rosso vivo, a volte screziato di scuro, con una banda verticale bianco azzurra orlata di nero che, dalla fronte, scende oltre l'occhio, fino alla gola. Le pinne sono rosso arancio. Gli esemplari adulti presentano la medesima banda bianca sulla testa ma il corpo è tra il rosso mattone e il bordò scuro, con le pinne più chiare.
Raggiunge una lunghezza massima di 14 cm.
Vive in mutualismo con l'anemone Entacmaea quadricolor.
Specie monogama, A. frenatus è ermafrodita proterandromo: ogni esemplare, dalla nascita fino al raggiungimento dei 6,5 cm di lunghezza è maschio, dopodiché cambia sesso e diventa femmina. È specie ovipara: dopo la deposizione il maschio custodisce le uova fino alla schiusa.
Si nutre di piante acquatiche.
A. frenatus è allevato e commercializzato comunemente per l'acquario marino.
Amphiprion frenatus Brevoort, 1856, conosciuto comunemente come pesce pagliaccio pomodoro, è un pesce marino appartenente alla famiglia Pomacentridae.
De rode anemoonvis (Amphiprion frenatus) is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van rifbaarzen of koraaljuffertjes (Pomacentridae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1856 door Brevoort.
Deze vis is feloranje-rood met een witte verticale streep achter de ogen. Hij kan een lengte bereiken tussen 7,5 en 14 cm. Hij kan 3 tot 6 jaar oud worden.
Deze vis leeft in symbiose met zeeanemonen, van waaruit ze planktondiertjes vangen, maar ook parasieten die de anemoon bedreigen. Ook eten ze van in de buurt groeiende wieren en voedselresten van zijn gastheer. Ze beschermen zich tegen het netelgif door zich te overdekken met het slijm, dat de anemoon afscheidt. Ze moeten wel elke keer dat ze de anemoon verlaten, bij terugkeer hun immuniteit herstellen door een paar aanrakingen van de anemoon. De vis beschermt de anemoon ook tegen zijn natuurlijke vijanden, de koraalvlinders, door ze bij nadering van de anemoon te verjagen. Er wordt ook gezegd dat de vis andere vissen de anemoon in lokt als prooi voor de anemoon.
Indien ze worden bedreigd, maken ze een knappend 'tak, tak' geluid. Zij vormen monogame paren en bewaken samen het broed op een steen. Alle anemoonvissen worden geboren als mannetje. Als het vrouwtje sterft, dan neemt een mannetje haar plaats in en ondergaat een geslachtverandering.
De draagtijd bedraagt 6 tot 10 dagen. De twee grootste dieren zijn belast met de voortplanting.
Deze soort komt voor in de westelijke Grote Oceaan in de wateren van Indonesië, Melanesië, Micronesië, Zuidoost-Polynesië en in het Groot Barrièrerif.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesDe rode anemoonvis (Amphiprion frenatus) is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van rifbaarzen of koraaljuffertjes (Pomacentridae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1856 door Brevoort.
Amfiprion pomidorowy[potrzebny przypis] (Amphiprion frenatus) – gatunek ryby z rodziny garbikowatych.
Zamieszkuje rafy koralowe w pobliżu Filipin.
Długość od 7,5 cm do około 11 cm. Całe ciało ryby jest barwy pomarańczowej, jedyny biały pas opasany czarnymi paskami znajduje się za okiem, na granicy łuku skrzelowego.
Ryba odżywia się planktonem i glonami rosnącymi wokół ukwiału, gospodarza amfiprionów. Amphiprion frenatus żyje w rodzinach, jedna rodzina zamieszkuje jeden ukwiał. Rodzinę stanowią dominujący samiec i samica, tylko one się rozmnażają. Pozostałe osobniki rodziny to młode samce. Gdy zginie samica, jeden z samców zmienia płeć, stając się samicą i zajmuje miejsce swojej poprzedniczki.
Amfiprion pomidorowy[potrzebny przypis] (Amphiprion frenatus) – gatunek ryby z rodziny garbikowatych.
O peixe-palhaço-tomate (Amphiprion frenatus) é uma espécie de peixe do gênero Amphiprion.[1]
O peixe-palhaço-tomate (Amphiprion frenatus) é uma espécie de peixe do gênero Amphiprion.
Зустрічається на рифах в західній частині Тихого океану включаючи: південь Сіамської затоки, північ Палау, південь Японії, острів Ява, Індонезію.
Є об'єктом акваріумістики.
Протандрічний гермафродит. Перевизначення статі самця відбувається після загибелі самиці.
Cá hề cà chua (danh pháp hai phần: Amphiprion frenatus) là một loài cá hề. Toàn thân có màu đỏ cam, có một vạch trắng mép đen vắt ngay đỉnh đầu vị trí sau mắt, đuôi và vây có màu cam. Những cá thể già hơn có màu đen. Cá non có màu đỏ sẫm màu hơn, với ba sọc dọc màu trắng và các vây ngực màu đen. Chiều dài thân tối đa là 14 cm, con cái lớn hơn con đực, chúng là loài sống định cư, cộng sinh với hải quỳ ở biển ở độ sâu 1–12m. Phân bố ở vùng biển Tây Thái Bình Dương, quần đảo Ryukyu, Nhật Bản, Malaysia và Indonesia. Nó còn được gọi là cá hề bridled, chú cá hề đỏ, hoặc anemonefish cà chua. Trứng được đẻ trên một bề mặt phẳng và được chăm sóc cho đến khi chúng nở (6-11 ngày). Họ thích nép mình trong cỏ chân ngỗng màu tím chẳng hạn như cỏ chân ngỗng Entacmaea quadricolor, hoặc Sebae anemone, Heteractis crispa.
Cá hề cà chua (danh pháp hai phần: Amphiprion frenatus) là một loài cá hề. Toàn thân có màu đỏ cam, có một vạch trắng mép đen vắt ngay đỉnh đầu vị trí sau mắt, đuôi và vây có màu cam. Những cá thể già hơn có màu đen. Cá non có màu đỏ sẫm màu hơn, với ba sọc dọc màu trắng và các vây ngực màu đen. Chiều dài thân tối đa là 14 cm, con cái lớn hơn con đực, chúng là loài sống định cư, cộng sinh với hải quỳ ở biển ở độ sâu 1–12m. Phân bố ở vùng biển Tây Thái Bình Dương, quần đảo Ryukyu, Nhật Bản, Malaysia và Indonesia. Nó còn được gọi là cá hề bridled, chú cá hề đỏ, hoặc anemonefish cà chua. Trứng được đẻ trên một bề mặt phẳng và được chăm sóc cho đến khi chúng nở (6-11 ngày). Họ thích nép mình trong cỏ chân ngỗng màu tím chẳng hạn như cỏ chân ngỗng Entacmaea quadricolor, hoặc Sebae anemone, Heteractis crispa.
Amphiprion frenatus Brevoort, 1856
Охранный статусAmphiprion frenatus (лат.) — вид рыба из семейства помацентровых (Pomacentridae). Встречается на рифах в западной части Тихого океана включая: юг Сиамского залива, север Палау, юг Японии, остров Ява, Индонезию. Возможно содержать в морских аквариумах.
Территориальный и агрессивный вид, живёт парами среди стрекательных щупальцев актиний, предоставляющих ему защиту от хищников. Питается водорослями, беспозвоночными и остатками пищи своей актинии. Основной цвет красный. По голове проходит вертикальная белая полоса с чёрным кантиком. Размер до 14 см. В сообществе кораллового рифа рыбы существуют в симбиозе с актиниями (морскими анемонами) вида Entacmaea quadricolor. Протандрический гермафродит. Переопределение пола самца происходит после гибели самки.
Amphiprion frenatus (лат.) — вид рыба из семейства помацентровых (Pomacentridae). Встречается на рифах в западной части Тихого океана включая: юг Сиамского залива, север Палау, юг Японии, остров Ява, Индонезию. Возможно содержать в морских аквариумах.
Территориальный и агрессивный вид, живёт парами среди стрекательных щупальцев актиний, предоставляющих ему защиту от хищников. Питается водорослями, беспозвоночными и остатками пищи своей актинии. Основной цвет красный. По голове проходит вертикальная белая полоса с чёрным кантиком. Размер до 14 см. В сообществе кораллового рифа рыбы существуют в симбиозе с актиниями (морскими анемонами) вида Entacmaea quadricolor. Протандрический гермафродит. Переопределение пола самца происходит после гибели самки.