Diagnostic Description
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Dorsal fin XII,13-15 (usually 14), spinous and segmented-ray with deep notch in-between. Anal fin II,14-16 (typically 16). Pectoral fin 12 or 13 (typically 13). Segmented caudal-fin rays 13. Vertebrae 10 + 21-24 (typically 23). Dentary incisor teeth 48-57 which includes anterior canine teeth very similar in appearance with incisors; posterior canines 0 or 1 on each side (rarely 0). Lateral line lacking vertical pairs of pores, terminating posteriorly at point between vertical from interspace between dorsal-fin spines 10 and 11 and vertical from spine 12 (rarely anterior to spine 11). With cirrus on posterior rim of anterior nostril; absent on anterior rim. Dorsal row of dark spots below segmented-ray portion of dorsal fin usually saddle-like; space between pair of dorsal dark body spots just posterior to vertical from anteriormost (of 3) dark spot of ventral row narrower than space between second spot of pair and next spot posteriorly; slender, pale stripe extending most of midbody length usually present; dark spots on posterior half of body often not surrounded by conspicuous, discrete, pale rings (diffuse or faintly pale rings oftenpresent around spots) (Ref. 5296).
Life Cycle
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Oviparous, distinct pairing (Ref. 205).
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Dorsal spines (total): 12; Dorsal soft rays (total): 13 - 15; Analspines: 2; Analsoft rays: 14 - 16; Vertebrae: 31 - 34
Trophic Strategy
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Specimens collected from the ocean side of reef crest with rock and dead coral and some live coral (Ref. 5296).
- Recorder
- Grace Tolentino Pablico
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Specimens collected from the ocean side of reef crest with rock and dead coral and some live coral (Ref. 5296). Oviparous. Eggs are demersal and adhesive (Ref. 205), and are attached to the substrate via a filamentous, adhesive pad or pedestal (Ref. 94114). Larvae are planktonic, often found in shallow, coastal waters (Ref. 94114).
- Recorder
- Estelita Emily Capuli
Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Ecsenius portenoyi
Ecsenius (Ecsenius) oculus.—Springer, 1971:35 [paratypes, in part, ascribed to Banda Islands].
Ecsenius oculus.—McKinney and Springer, 1976:12 [Type F, in part, Samoa].
DESCRIPTION.—Dorsal fin XII,13–15 (usually 14), deeply notched between spinous and segmented-ray portions. Anal fin II,14–16 (usually 16). Pectoral fin 12 or 13 (usually 13). Segmented caudal-fin rays 13. Vertebrae 10 + 21–24 (usually 23). Dentary incisor teeth 48–57 (includes anterior canine teeth, which differ little, if at all, in appearance from incisors); posterior canines 0 or 1 on each side (rarely 0). Lateral line without vertical pairs of pores, terminating posteriorly at point between vertical from interspace between dorsal-fin spines 10 and 11 and vertical from spine 12 (rarely anterior to spine 11). Cirrus present on posterior rim of anterior nostril; none on anterior rim.
Preserved Color: No pair of dark spots present dorsally on nape; nape with up to 4 diffusely dusky stripes. Dusky stripe extending from postorbital margin across opercle dorsally, intensifying for short distance as it continues on body anteriorly, terminating below spinous-dorsal fin; pale stripe margining dusky postorbital stripe ventrally, often extending posteriorly almost entire body length; one or two pale stripes often on body dorsal to dusky postorbital stripe. No deep, short, dark stripe present just ventral to dorsal opercular stripe. Lower lip immaculate except for few fine melanophores along edge; blackish pigment in area ventroanterior to corners of mouth usually conspicuous in fresh specimens. Body sides generally dusky, with small, dark saddle-like spots on dorsal body contour (pair below middle of segmented-ray portion of dorsal fin closer together than either member of pair is to next adjacent spot of row); spots in dorsal row below segmented-ray portion of dorsal fin rarely free (not impinging on dorsal body contour) or pale ringed (see Figure 33a for exception); ventral half of body in region below segmented-ray portion of dorsal fin with row of 3 or 4 dark spots; one dark spot on body in area below anterior segmented dorsal-fin rays and between dorsal and ventral rows of dark body spots; pale rings, often indistinct, sometimes margining dark spots. Spinous-dorsal fin without fine, dusky, suprabasal stripe. Pectoral-fin axil moderately dark dusky, without distinct spot.
Live Color (based on photograph taken at Tutuila, Plate 8: figure 2): Ground color of head and body brownish. Head suffused with pink below midorbital level; postorbital stripe and crescentic stripe on opercle blackish; dorsal half of iris blackish with four or five pale spokes, ventral half bright white, aligning with faint, pale ventral margin of blackish postorbital stripe and continuing as bright-white stripe for most of body length. Body spots black; line of white dashes on ventral third of body; one or two bright white-spots on fleshy pectoral-fin base. Freshly collected specimens from Rotuma exhibit a salmon-pink, half-moon area enveloping the lower lip and small adjacent area posteriorly (not visible in photo taken at Tutuila).
DISTRIBUTION.—Known only from Rotuma and Tutuila, American Samoa.
COMPARISONS.—See comparisons section under Ecsenius pardus and discussion of relationships under account of Oculus Group.
ETYMOLOGY.—This species is named in honor of Norman S. Portenoy, Bethesda, Maryland, in recognition of his many years of support of ichthyological exploration by the staff of the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution.
HOLOTYPE.—USNM 226576, male, 37.6 mm SL, Rotuma, north coast (slighty east of vertical from Sumi, which is on south coast), ocean side of reef crest about 100 m from shore; rock and dead coral with some live coral; depth to 9 m. V.G. Springer, et al., 9 May 1986.
PARATYPES.—Rotuma: USNM 278914 (113 specimens: 21–43 mm SL, collected with the holotype); USNM 283103 (32:18–36), east side, just north of Afnaha Island, 0–13.7 m, V.G. Springer et al., 21 May 1986. American Samoa: Tutuila, BPBM 17514 (5:22–37, lost in mail), USNM 276370 (9:19–45).
ADDITIONAL MATERIAL.—USNM 195716 (3 specimens: 31–38 mm SL, paratypes of Ecsenius oculus Springer), originally believed to have come from the Banda Sea; later, McKinney and Springer (1976:15–16) proposed as probably having come from Samoa. Rotuma: USNM 283102 (54 specimens), 283100 (1), 283101 (2).
- bibliographic citation
- Springer, Victor G. 1988. "The Indo-Pacific blenniid fish genus Ecsenius." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-134. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.465
Ecsenius portenoyi: Brief Summary
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Ecsenius portenoyi is a species of combtooth blenny in the genus Ecsenius. It is found in the western central Pacific ocean. It can reach a maximum length of 4.5 centimetres. Blennies in this species feed primarily off of plants, including benthic algae and weeds. Its specific name honours Norman S. Portenoy of Bethesda, Maryland for his support of the ichthyological expeditions of the National Museum of Natural History.
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