Diagnostic Description
provided by Fishbase
Description: Pectoral rays 21-22 (20:1,21:24, 22:9); uppermost six rays more or less free from membrane, first to fourth branched only once (Fig. 2B). Pelvic disc (Fig. 5B) circular to somewhat elliptical, four fifths to nine-tenths length of abdomen; anterior pelvic membrane with lateral edges more or less angular, up to half length of free edge of membrane but typically less pronounced, and latter without median convexity in outline; scales in lateral series 34-36; opercle with a varying triangular patch of small scales in upper anterior corner, sometimes absent; predorsal scales 19-25, extending anteriorly to at least opposite pore beta, with distance thence to edge of orbit 1.6-4.8% SL; breast scaled; caudal fin 18.4-30%SL, pectoral fin 16.8-25.1%SL, pelvic disc length 18-22.6%SL, caudal peduncle depth 11.8-16.8%SL, eye 6.1-9.6%SL, upper jaw length 9.2-12.3%SL; posterior tip of second dorsal extending to upper origin of caudal fin in males, not reaching upper origin of caudal in females; coloration postorbital blotches small, not extending medially; scapular blotch dark; lateral midline with blotches not markedly extending below lateral midline; first dorsal fin with oblique dark band, most intense on distal part of I/II and II/III membrane and around origins of IV-VI, and upper posterior area of fin pale; second dorsal and anal fin dark, with pale rim; caudal fin dark but markings indistinct in larger fish; head usually without pale ocelli (Ref. 87607).
- Recorder
- Roxanne Rei Valdestamon
provided by Fishbase
Occurs in both tidepools and sublittoral areas (Ref. 87607).