Coral Sea, Schooling, Duration 10 seconds
Platax boersii is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Platax teira (Blunthead batfish). Coral Sea, Schooling, Duration 25 seconds
South Pacific Ocean, Schooling, Duration 16 seconds
Haus des Meeres, Vienna, Austria
Coral Sea, Shot at dusk, Duration 13 seconds
Coral Sea, Schooling, Duration 13 seconds, Shot includes Platax teira (Blunthead batfish)
Coral Sea, Duration 11 seconds
Coral Sea, Shot at dusk, Duration 14 seconds
North Pacific Ocean, Duration 42 seconds
Coral Sea, Schooling, Duration 9 seconds
North Pacific Ocean, Duration 11 seconds
Coral Sea, Schooling, Duration 29 seconds
Coral Sea, Duration 9 seconds, Shot includes Platax teira (Blunthead batfish)
Coral Sea, Schooling, Duration 33 seconds
Coral Sea, Duration 16 seconds
Coral Sea, Duration 35 seconds
Coral Sea, Duration 45 seconds
South Pacific Ocean, Duration 12 seconds
South Pacific Ocean, Schooling, Duration 11 seconds
South Pacific Ocean, Schooling, Duration 9 seconds
2005 California Academy of Sciences
Generally solitary. Feeds on algae and gelatinous zooplankton.