Diagnostic Description
provided by Fishbase
Small fish, laterally compressed; first dorsal fin with 6 spines; second dorsal fin with 1 spine with 9 soft rays (VI+1,9); anal fin with 2 spines and 8 soft rays (II,8); 24-26 lateral line scales; first gill arch with 15-17 gill rakers. Body ranging from red to pink with yellow highlights on the head and flanks; a short, narrow, dark bar at the beginning of the dorsal fin and a black bar on the mouth (Ref. 55763).
Life Cycle
provided by Fishbase
Mouthbrooders (Ref. 240). Distinct pairing during courtship and spawning (Ref. 205).
Trophic Strategy
provided by Fishbase
Stays under ledge overhangs and other shaded, reclusive areas on rocky reefs and slopes during the day. Feeds in the open at night. Planktivore (Ref. 57615).
- Recorder
- Grace Tolentino Pablico
provided by Fishbase
Stays under ledge overhangs and other shaded, reclusive areas on rocky reefs and slopes during the day. Feeds in the open at night. Often mingles with other cardinal fish (Ref. 5227).