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Iridescent Cardinalfish

Pristiapogon kallopterus (Bleeker 1856)

Diagnostic Description

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Tan to light red brown in color, dusky scale margins; a brown mid-lateral stripe from tip of snout, through eye to upper caudal base (stripe may fade on peduncle); black spot at base of caudal fin (Ref. 2334, 4329). Further characterized by relatively broad midlateral dark stripe; yellow anterior margin on dorsal fin; green to blue iridescent shades on body when viewed with light at night; juvenile with yellowish head and belly; greatest depth of body 2.5-3.3 in SL (Ref. 90102).
Rodolfo B. Reyes
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partner site

Life Cycle

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Mouthbrooders (Ref. 240). Distinct pairing during courtship and spawning (Ref. 205).
Susan M. Luna
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Dorsal spines (total): 8; Dorsal soft rays (total): 9; Analspines: 2; Analsoft rays: 8
Rodolfo B. Reyes
visit source
partner site

Trophic Strategy

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Nocturnal species which occurs inshore (Ref. 75154). Lives in caves or other projections in rocky and coral reefs (Ref. 9137). Feeds on fish, shrimps, crabs, copepods and isopods (Ref. 275).
Pascualita Sa-a
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Occurs in clear water lagoon patch reefs and seaward reefs from the lower surge zone to a depth of 45 m (Ref. 1602). Benthopelagic (Ref. 58302). Solitary (Ref. 93839). Feeds at night on small benthic and free-swimming crustaceans (Ref. 1602).
Estelita Emily Capuli
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aquarium: commercial
Estelita Emily Capuli
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partner site

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Apogon kallopterus Bleeker

Apogon kallopterus Bleeker, 1856b:33–34 [type-locality: Celebes Manado].

Apogon snyderi Jordan and Evermann, 1903:180–181 [type-localities: Hawaii, Honolulu, and Hilo].

Apogon frenatus yaeyamaensis Aoyagi, 1943:79–80, fig. 19 [type-locality: Ryukyu Islands, Ishigaki Island].

DIAGNOSIS.—A single dark stripe from snout through eye on middle of body not tapering in width to a round basicaudal spot above lateral line; pectoral rays usually 13; gillrakers on lower arch usually 14; circumpeduncular scales usually 14.

DESCRIPTION.—Important morphometric and meristic characters are treated in Tables 1–3. For general shape and pigment pattern see Figures 3 and 4. Proportions (as percent standard length): body depth 30–40; head length 39–42; eye length 11–14; snout length 9–13; bony interorbital width 7–8; upper jaw length 17–20; caudal peduncle depth 13–17; caudal peduncle length 23–28; dorsal spine lengths—first 3–5, second 11–13, third 17–21, fourth 16–21, spine in second dorsal 13–15; anal spine lengths—first 2–3, second 13–14; pectoral fin length 23–26; pelvic fin length 21–26.

Second dorsal fin I, 9; 2 anal spines; pectoral fin usually 13 (rarely 14); pelvic fin I, 5; well-developed gillrakers, 10–14 (2 upper rakers + 8 to 12 lower rakers); including rudiments 17–20 (2 to 3 rudiments + 2 rakers on upper arch; 8 to 12 rakers + 2 to 6 rudiments on lower arch); pored lateral-line scales 23–25; transverse scale rows above the lateral line 2; median predorsal scales 4–6; circumpeduncular scales 12–14 (5 + 2 + 5 to 7).

COLOR OF PRESERVED SPECIMENS.—The salient color pattern consists of a dark horizontal stripe on the midbody from snout to base of caudal fin where it just touches the lower portion of a round, dark, basicaudal spot. Head and trunk light dusky to tan, some specimens darker; lateral stripe usually dark brown, its width about one-half diameter of eye and extends from tip on snout on side of head to behind middle of eye and posteriorly along middle of trunk to midbase of caudal fin; stripe well developed in young and juveniles, but sometimes obscure in adults; spot at base of caudal fin usually conspicuous, circular to oval, and located above but touching lateral line in young to adults; a diffuse, faint dark brown band encircles base of caudal fin, passing through spot; a diffuse dark brown blotch at base of soft dorsal fin sometimes present; membrane between first and second spine of first dorsal fin, upper half of membrane between second and third spines, and upper third between third and fourth spines brownish black, remainder of fin dusky to pale; second dorsal fin with a row of brown spots on membranes just above and parallel to base forming a narrow stripe; another group of dark spots on membranes near center of second dorsal fin, in an irregular row, and sometimes merging with basal stripe; remainder of second dorsal fin transparent to dusky; outer two rays of caudal fin with a brownish streak, remainder of fin dusky to pale; anal fin with a brownish black stripe near base and parallel with it, remainder of fin pale; pectoral fins transparent; membranes of outer two rays of pelvic fins brownish, the remainder pale. Brownish band encircling base of caudal fin darker and more intensely developed in specimens from the Red Sea and the Line Islands.

COLOR IN LIFE.—Burgess and Axelrod (1975, figs. 82–84) show living coloration in color photographs.

LIFE HISTORY.—One specimen (82 mm SL) from Apia, Samoa, CAS 19846, and 2 specimens (80, 81) from Makyan Island, Celebes (Nov 1909) USNM 171966 and 171870, have egg masses in their mouth. Apogon kallopterus occurs in a wide array of habitats from tide pools to deep reef environments at depths to about 60 m.

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION.—The extensive distribution of A. kallopterus is shown in Figure 5. This map is based on specimens that we examined. Literature records show even more extensive distributions than our map. No specimens have been reported from the Eastern Pacific coast of North and South America.

DISTRIBUTION.—Known from the Red Sea and Comoro Islands and Cocos- Keeling Atolls, Indian Ocean, and widespread in the central and western Pacific Ocean (Figure 2). Based on material that we have examined, A. exostigma is absent in the central Indian Ocean.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—1990 specimens, the largest 94 mm SL.

Holotype: USNM 51732, 55.5, Apia, Samoa (specimen bears catalogue label and “drawn” label).

Paratypes: USNM 211511, originally catalogued with USNM 51732, 4 (27–29). SU 8688, 2 (53, 58), Apia and Pago Pago, Samoa, D.S. Jordan coll. (58 mm specimen bears tin tag 04609) (1 specimen, Apogon kallopterus, 28 mm, removed).

Other Material: RED SEA (Gulf of Aqaba): USNM 211465, 11 (15–74), NW coast. USNM 211466, 18 (33–75); USNM 211472, 14 (15–64); USNM 211473, 4 (50–61); all from bay at El Himeira. USNM 211467, 3 (41–58), near road at Marsa Muqabila, NW coast. USNM 211468, 3 (18–56), about 1 mi N of Ras Burqa, NW coast. USNM 211469, 5 (47–77), just N of Ras Burqa. USNM 211470, 12 (50–87), near road at Marsa Muqabila. USNM 211471, 14(18–83), between Marset Mahash el Ala and Marset Abu Samra. UTAI-NS 1791 (41); UTAI-NS 5398 (31); both Sinai Peninsula, Dahab.

RED SEA (other localities): USNM 211474 (58), Straits of Jubal. USNM 211475, 3 (37–68), Ras Muhammad, Straits of Jubal. USNM 211476, 7 (26–34), ½ mi off SW shore of Sciumma I., Ethiopia. USNM 211477, 9 (29–77), Massawa, Ethiopia. USNM 211478, 13 (26–42), Sheikh el Abu, just W of south end Harat I., Ethiopia. BMNH 1960.3.15.423–33, 11 (31–66), Aqiq, Sudan. USNM 211479 (71), 27°17′23″N, 33°48′52″E, Egypt. SMF 4688 (61), Al Ghardaqa, Egypt. USNM 227914, 2 (42, 66), reef on N side of Jedda Harbor.

GULF OF ADEN: USNM 211480 (80), Gold Mohur Bay.

COMORO ISLANDS: USNM 211481, 3 (53–94), W side Grande Comore I.

COCOS-KEELING ISLANDS: BMNH 1949.11.29. 149 (72). ANSP 131106, 4 (19–56), lagoon off West I. pier. ANSP 131107 (35), West 1. ANSP 131108 (59), Direction I.

SOUTH CHINA SEA: GVF 750, 2 (47, 82), Pratas Reef. GVF 535 (85), Goh Tao I., Gulf of Siam. GVF 2116, 2 (70, 93), Bay of Nha Trang.

NEW GUINEA: USNM 211482, 10(21–56), Madang Harbor, inside S tip Paeowai I. USNM 211483, 2 (41, 43); USNM, 211485 (70); both inlet on harbor side Krankett I., Madang. USNM 211484, 3 (39–57), S end Belian I., Madang. USNM 211486, 2 (49, 65), bay in Krankett I., Madang Harbor. USNM 211487, 2 (21, 46); AMS I.17096-023 (61); both NW Trobriand I. USNM 225683, 5 (20–30), Muschu I.

MOLUCCAS: USNM 210048 (26), just offshore and just W of Tandjung Namatatuni, Ceram. USNM 209642, 13 (57–78), Tandjung Liang, E shore Piru Bay, Ceram (Seram). USNM 210533, 2 (83, 87); USNM 210438 (80); both Poka, Ambon. USNM 211625 (57), Nusa Laut, N shore at Tandjung Tala. USNM 213090, 2 (25, 47), Banda Is. USNM 213202 (54), Latuhalat, Ambon I. USNM 213203, 3 (58–89), Ambon Bay, Ambon I.

CELEBES (Sulawesi): USNM 149747 (A. 23119) (60), Labuandata Bay, Gulf of Boni. USNM 149755 (A. 23889-90), 2 (48, 56), Pendek I., Buton Strait. USNM 213088, 19 (28–72); USNM 213089, 11 (30–65); both Kabaena I., Tallabassi Bay.

INDONESIA (Irian Jaya): USNM 225691, 9(30–80), Batanta I.

PHILIPPINES: USNM 149382 (A. 12697) (65), Tara I., Mindoro Strait. USNM 149384 (A. 24013) (57), Tara I. USNM 149386 (A. 14250) (48); USNM 149741 (A. 14253-4), 2 (59, 70); both Candaraman I., Balabac. USNM 149391 (A. 23508) (43), Dalaganem I., vicinity eastern Palawan. USNM 175752 (A. 8303) (60), Tabaco Bay, San Miguel I, Luzon. USNM 149742 (A. 14598) (83); USNM 149751 (A. 23274) (65); both Port Palapag, Samar I. USNM 149743 (A. 15507) (72); USNM 149753 (A. 23642) (73); both Caracaran, Batan I. USNM 149744 (A. 15778–9), 2 (45, 56), Sacol I. E of Zamboanga. USNM 149745 (A. 16854, 23987), 2 (74, 77), Cataingan Bay, Masbate I. USNM 149746 (A. 18783) (51), Tictauan I., E of Zamboanga. USNM 149748 (A. 23173–4), 2 (55, 69), Tutu Bay, Jolo I. USNM 149749 (A. 23188) (62), Romblon. USNM 149750 (A. 23207–10), 4 (62–74), S lagoon, Tumindao I. USNM 149752 (A. 23342–3), 2 (57, 69), Romblon Harbor. USNM 149754 (A. 23816–7), 23831–2), 4 (53–61), Pandanon I. between Cebu and Bohol. USNM 149757 (A. 23930) (72), Limbones Cove, Luzon. USNM 171963 (A. 10641) (69), Polloc, Mindanao.

AUSTRALIA: USNM 211488, 4 (83–84); USNM 211489 (88); USNM, 211490, 10 (76–93); AMS I. 15681-018, 2 (45, 80); AMS I. 19111017 (83); AMS I. 20210-049, 2 (70, 78); AMS I. 20208-025 (43); AMS I. 15679-016 (88); AMS I. 15634-015, 2 (64, 87); all One Tree I., Queensland. ANSP 123376, 4 (83–85); ANSP 123317, 3 (62–83); ANSP 123408, 8 (15–25); ANSP 123349, 2 (16, 19); ANSP 123350, 3 (15–17); all Endeavour Reef, Queensland. ANSP 123308 (78); ANSP 123378, 2 (55, 79); ANSP 128524, 6 (16–26) out of ANSP 123333; all Big Hope I., Queensland. AMNH 42975 (71); AMNH 42972, 4 (17–83); AMNH 42973, 9 (15–21); ANSP 123322, 22 (16–28); all Little Hope I., Queensland. ANSP 123326, 15 (17–44), Northern Escape Reef, Queensland. AMNH 42976 (67), Endeavour Reef, E section. AMNH 42984, 3 (21–29), Escape Reef, Queensland. AMNH 42974, 2 (16, 27), Endeavour Reef, ∼⅓ mi N Cook's wreck site. AMNH 42983, 4 (16–27), Endeavour Reef, ∼¼ mi N Cook grounding site. ANSP 123437, 7 (16–25), near Cook wreck site, Queensland. MCZ 36726 (43), Cairns. QM 24723, 3 (57–93), Lizard I., Queensland.

FIJI ISLANDS: USNM 211491, 8 (36–78), SW shore, Mbulia I. USNM 211492, 21 (33–80), reef N of Vuro I., Great Astrolabe Reef. USNM 211493, 4 (20–71), locality data as above. USNM 211494, 10 (42–84), Wailangilala I. USNM 176645 (65), Suva. BMNH 1856.9.4.18 (49). SU 24870 (24), Ovalau I.

SOLOMON ISLANDS: FMNH 22062 (61); SU 25362, 2 (50, 76); SU 67368 (56); all Isabel I. SU 25335, 2 (54, 73), Malaita I. USNM 211495, 3 (46–66); USNM 211496, 5 (50–72); USNM 211497 (49); USNM 211627, 2 (42, 53); all Munda Lagoon, New Georgia. BPBM 15693 (33), Guadalcanal. FMNH 22052 (63), Auki I. FMNH 22053 (66), locality as above. FMNH 22056 (68), Tenibuli, Isabel I.

NEW HEBRIDES (Vanuatu): AMS 1.17517-001 (46), Espiritu Santo. AMS I. 17475-002, 4 (33–77). AMS I. 17472-002, 3 (45–59), Efate I. GVF 1829, 3 (57–82), Efate I. USNM 211498, 5 (43–78), Espiritu Santos Harbor.

NEW BRITAIN: USNM 211499, 33 (28–77), Rabaul. USNM 211508, 9 (24–56), Keraward I., Duke of Kirk group, in St. George's Channel between New Britian and New Ireland.

GILBERT ISLANDS: USNM 167311, 4 (36–61), Onotoa. USNM 167307 (36), locality as above. USNM 211629, 13 (42–76), Apaiang Atoll.

PHOENIX ISLANDS: USNM 175463, 14 (48–69), Canton I.

TOKELAU ISLANDS: USNM 211500, 2(18, 33), Atafu I. USNM 211501 (33), Nukunono Atoll. USNM 211502 (64), Fakaofo Atoll.

TONGA ISLANDS: USNM 211503, 2 (67, 72), Neiafu, Vava'u Tonga.

SAMOA ISLANDS: USNM 152300 (78), Tafuna, Tutuila.

CAROLINE ISLANDS: GVF 1905, 5; 1907, 5; 1910, 15; 1912, 23; 1915, 2; 1917, 19; 1918, 30; 1920, 5; 1921, 2; 1923, 8; 1924, 6; 1927, 7; 1930, 18; 1935, 8; 1937, 8; 1938, 2; 1940, 12; 1946, 1; 894, 3; all Yap I. GVF 492, 4; 496, 20; 497, 8; all Ponape Is. GVF 993, I; 1001, 1; both Sorol Atoll. GVF 122, 4; 129, 15; 133, 5; 137, 8; 162, 13; 166, 28; 185, 13; 215, 9; 216, 23; 221, 25; 248, 6; 262, 1; all Ifaluk Atoll. GVF 309, 3; 315, 5; 317, 32; 323, 3; 338, 18; 341, 5; 345, 36; 350, 1; 364, 1; 367, 1; 374, 1; 377, 3; 380, 4; 401, 3; 410, 15; 420, 1; 424, 2; 429, 7; 436, 3; 437, 1;446, 22; 452, 10; 462, 1; 470, 65 (29–72); 475, 15; 479, 3; all Kapingamarangi Atoll.

PALAU ISLANDS (Belau): FMNH 47099, 2 (47, 51); SU 29160, 3 (39–72); GVF 866, 11 (58–73); GVF 867, 72 (26–62); GVF 868, 3 (65–74); GVF 941, 13 (31–67); GVF 946, 9 (48–62); all Kayangel I. GVF 653 (45), Rattakadokoru I. GVF 1380, 3 (60–80); 1409 (74); 503, 13 (39–83); all Koror I. GVF 1994, 2 (81, 81); 911, 3 (36–44); 843 (82); all Babelthuap I. GVF 1451, 3 (80–86), Auluptagel I. GVF 526, 6 (62–90); 1933, (67); 1979, 2 (68, 73); 811, (34); all Urukthapel I. GVF 450, 7 (34–71), Ngerdiluches Reef. GVF 1387, 5 (61–85), Gnadarak Reef. GVF 1439 (84), Sanryo I. GVF 925, 6 (25–68), Ngaruangl Reef. GVF 926, 36 (60–85). GVF 650, 2 (68, 76), Malakal I.

SOCIETY ISLANDS: USNM 164555, 2 (63, 71), Papeete, Tahiti. USNM 211504, 8 (41–85), Tikahau, Tahiti. USNM 211505, 2 (38, 43), off Matiti I., Tahiti. BPBM 6198, 4 (61–74), Moorea, Papetoai Bay. BPBM 15231, 24 (46–70), Punaauia, Tahiti. AMNH 42971, 10 (20–40), Tahiti, S of Tapueraha Pass. AMNH 42964, 34 (19–68), Tahiti, off Papeari. AMNH 42986, 7 (18–23), Moorea, pass into Cook's Bay. AMNH 42980 (47), Bora-Bora, S of Topua I. AMNH 42977 (20), Bora-Bora, 2 mi SW Topua I. AMNH 42966 (19), Tahaa I., just N Tiamahana Pass. AMNH 42967, 4 (21–29), Tahiti, off Papeari. AMNH 42963, 104 (19–68), Tahiti I., S of Tapueraha Pass. AMNH 42978 (20); AMNH 42981, 7 (17–20); both Bora-Bora, SW Topua I. AMNH 42985, 9 (18–39), Huahini Nui I. AMNH 42979, 3 (20–54), Bora-Bora, S of Topua I. AMNH 42965, 2 (63, 67); AMNH 42968, 5 (18–25); AMNH 42969 (66); AMNH 42970 (22); all Tahiti, off Papeari. AMNH 42987 (25), Raiatea, N of Uturoa. GVF 1358, 2, Huahini Iti. GVF 1369, 1; 1366, 6; 1371, 2; all Bora-Bora I. GVF 1354, I, Maiao I. GVF 1184, 1; 1289, 1; 1308, 1; all Moorea I. GVF 1340, 14; 1342, 4; 1344, 2; 1347, 18; 1350, 2; 1320, 2; 1189, 6; all Tahiti I.

TUAMOTU ARCHIPELAGO: GVF 63, 5; 67, 1; 77, 4; 82, 1; 96, 1; 102, 3; all Raroia Atoll. RUSI 3325, 23 (35–55), Rangiroa Atoll. USNM 65424, 2 (91, 94), Mangareva, Albatross. MCZ 29432 (63), Mangareva.

MARSHALL ISLANDS: USNM 112355, 2 (70, 72); USNM 112356, 7 (16–76); both Bikini Atoll. USNM 112354, 88 (30–69), Arji I., Bikini Atoll. USNM 112357, 8 (21–33), Rongerik Atoll, Bock I. USNM 166591 (68), Eoneb-je I., Arno Atoll. USNM 211506, 9 (36–71), Bikar I. USNM, 211507, 2 (71, 77), Taka I., Taka Atoll. USNM, 112358, 43 (38–67), Kieshiechi I., Rongelap Atoll. USNM 112359, 43 (20–62), Tufa I., Rongelap Atoll. USNM 166601 (21), Majuro Atoll. BPBM 8253 (62), Eniwetok Atoll. ANSP 121345 (58), Bikini Atoll, Bikini I. FMNH 60017, 4 (37–46), Bikini Atoll, Enyu I.

WAKE ISLAND: USNM 166592 (46), near Peale I. SU 50052 (58). SU 51221, 5 (56–75), between Wilkes and Peale Is.

MARIANA ISLANDS: UG 1428 (49); UG 1416, 8 (24–80); UG 1430 (69); GVF 1847 (24); GVF 788, 2 (75, 76); all Guam. GVF 790, 2 (19, 34); ANSP 128527, 3 (38–40); both Saipan. SU 29159, 3 (24–51), Tinian I. SU 19281 (20), Guam I.

LINE ISLANDS: BPBM 7625, 5 (20–61), Fanning I. GVF 42, 4 (44–51), Palmyra I.

COOK ISLANDS: BPBM 5616, 9 (18–43); FMNH 16235 (34); both from Aitutaki I.

AUSTRAL ISLANDS: ANSP 85896 (86); ANSP 85898 (95); both from Tubuai I.
bibliographic citation
Fraser, Thomas H. and Lachner, Ernest A. 1985. "A revision of the Cardinalfish Subgenera Pristiapogon and Zoramia (Genus Apogon) of the Indo-Pacific Region (Teleostei : Apogonidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-47. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.412


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體近菱形而側扁。頭大。吻長。眼大。前鰓蓋骨和眼下骨有鋸齒。主上頜骨到達眼睛的中央下方。 D. VII-I,9;A. II,8;P. 13;Ll. 25;Tr. 2/7;GR. (1-2)3+1+9-10(3);HL. 2.46- 2.47;BD. 3.08-3.46 in SL;ED. 3.06-3.43;SnL 4.07-4.42;IS 5.24-5.52 all in HL。體呈棕黃或淡紅褐色,各鱗片皆具深色緣;自吻端延伸至尾柄有一水平縱帶;尾柄側線上方有大斑點。第一背鰭前三硬棘間膜為黑色;第二背鰭基底下方體側具一不顯之暗色鞍狀班;另外第二背鰭和臀鰭各有一條與基底平行的褐色點帶縱紋。


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