Taractes is a genus of marine ray-finned fishes from the family Bramidae, the pomfrets. Taractes can be distinguished from other bramid genera but having a flat, or slightly curved profile, between the eyes (unlike the definitive arched profile present in the other genera) and by having scales on both the dorsal and anal fins (unlike Pterycombus and Pteraclis which lack these scales). [2]
There are currently two recognized species in this genus:[3]
These two species are easily distinguished from one another as adults. Adult T. rubescens develop a dense, bony keel on the caudal peduncle that is thought to be composed of enlarged, fused scales, which are absent in T. asper. Additionally, adult T. rubescens lack a noticeable lateral line, which is typically present in adult T. asper.[2]
The genus is widely distributed across both Atlantic and Pacific oceans. T. asper has been documented to possess range from the Norwegian Sea to the Sea of Japan and Cape of Good Hope in Southern Africa. T. rubescens has been documented in the Gulf of Mexico and the Eastern and Central Pacific Ocean.[2] Despite being found across all seas, they remain difficult to collect and are quite uncommon. [2]
Taractes is a genus of marine ray-finned fishes from the family Bramidae, the pomfrets. Taractes can be distinguished from other bramid genera but having a flat, or slightly curved profile, between the eyes (unlike the definitive arched profile present in the other genera) and by having scales on both the dorsal and anal fins (unlike Pterycombus and Pteraclis which lack these scales).
Taractes è un genere di pesci marini appartenenti alla famiglia Bramidae[1].
Le due specie del genere hanno ambedue un vasto areale: semicosmopolita T. asper e limitato alle aree tropicali circumglobali eccettuato l'oceano Indiano T. rubescens. Il genere è assente dal mar Mediterraneo[2].
Hanno abitudini epipelagiche o mesopelagiche oceaniche fino a una profondità di 600 metri[2].
L'aspetto è simile a quello del pesce castagna presente anche nel Mediterraneo ma hanno un aspetto più slanciato, soprattutto nella regione della testa che non è arrotondata nella parte frontale come la generalità dei Bramidae. Le pinne dorsale e anale hanno un lobo lungo e acuto nella parte anteriore. Sul peduncolo caudale è presente una vistosa carena[2].
Si tratta di pesci migratori. Di solito sono solitari[2].
Vengono pescati come bycatch con i palamiti destinati ai tonni e ad altri grandi pelagici. Le carni sono molto pregiate[2].
Il genere comprende 2 specie:[2]
Taractes is een geslacht van straalvinnige vissen uit de familie van zilvervissen (Bramidae).[1] Het geslacht is voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven in 1843 door Lowe.
Taractes is een geslacht van straalvinnige vissen uit de familie van zilvervissen (Bramidae). Het geslacht is voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven in 1843 door Lowe.
Taractes – rodzaj ryb z rodziny bramowatych.
Gatunki zaliczane do tego rodzaju [2]:
Taractes – rodzaj ryb z rodziny bramowatych.