Diagnostic Description
provided by Fishbase
Description: Characterized by males having generally pink color with orange head and anterior body, lavender-edged yellow band from upper lip to pectoral-fin base, isolated red bar on side and prominent red spot between sixth to eighth dorsal spines; female with orange pink color with dusky spot on each scale on upper two thirds of side and orange head; fleshy protuberance at front of upper lip in males; prolonged third dorsal spine of males; deeply emarginate caudal fin; filamentous tips of caudal fins (Ref. 90102).
- Recorder
- Grace Tolentino Pablico
provided by Fishbase
Dorsal spines (total): 10; Dorsal soft rays (total): 16; Analspines: 3; Analsoft rays: 7
- Recorder
- Grace Tolentino Pablico
provided by Fishbase
Occurs inshore (Ref. 7300), near small patch reefs at the bases of drop-offs (Ref. 37816). Forms aggregations (Ref 90102). Female max length (Ref. 48242).