Scanning Remarks: The following specimens, originally x-rayed together, were scanned as a single image and divided into multiple images using Adobe Photoshop: USNM 108915 (RAD116928-002), USNM 195831 (RAD116931-001). The original image containing all specimen lots is available via the supplementary tab upon request. Rehousing Remarks: As of July 2016 this film has channeled due to vinegar syndrome, is extremely fragile, and therefore has been rehoused using a different standard that separates it from its unaffected taxonomic counterparts. See storage location for further information.
Scanning Remarks: The following specimens, originally x-rayed together, were scanned as a single image and divided into multiple images using Adobe Photoshop: USNM 125684 (RAD116927-001), USNM 108915 (RAD116928-001), USNM 93843 (RAD116929-001), USNM unknown (RAD116930-001). The original image containing all specimen lots is available via the supplementary tab upon request. Rehousing Remarks: As of July 2016 this film has channeled due to vinegar syndrome, is extremely fragile, and therefore has been rehoused using a different standard that separates it from its unaffected taxonomic counterparts. See storage location for further information.
Conradi Gesneri medici Tigurini Historiae animalium liber IV :.
Francofurti :In Bibliopolio Andreae Cambieri,anno MDCIIII [1604].
D. Marcus Elieser Bloch's, ausübenden Arztes zu Berlin ... Oeconomische Naturgeschichte der Fische Deutschlands ....
Berlin :Auf Kosten des Verfassers und in Commission bei dem Buchhändler Hr. Hesse,1782-1795..
Description: Čeština: Tato položka se nachází v zoologických sbírkách Katedry biologie a environmentální výchovy Pedagogické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy. English: This item is a part of zoological collections of the Department of Biology and Environmental Studies of the Faculty of Education of Charles University. Date: 31 May 2019, 11:30:36. Source: Own work. Author: MAKY.OREL.
Description: English: A Swedish fisher, landing his catch. Svenska: En sportfiskare som landar en gädda vid angelfiske. Date: 14 February 2009. Source: Own work. Author: Karrock.
Description: English: Pike unintentionally abandoned in a boat with an oar in passing the overgrown channels between the Islands Bucatinsky and Kilpola. Русский: Непреднамеренно заброшена в лодку веслом при прохождении заросшей протоки между островами Пакатинсаари и Кильпола. Deutsch: Ungewollt von einem Ruderboot beim passieren eines überwucherten Kanals zwischen den Inseln Pakatinsaari und Kilpola geworfen. Date: Taken in 1967. Source: Own work. Author: Vitold Muratov.