a, Frame grab of holotype SIO-BIC BI1040, a female, from the Guaymas Transform Fault, Gulf of California, Mexico, at ~1,700?m depth in situ. The ring furrow (rf) is visible towards the anterior end. b, Ventral view of the holotype SIO-BIC BI1040, (relaxed) showing mouth (m), ring furrow (rf), oocytes (oo), side furrow (sf) and epidermal ventral glandular network (vgn). Part of the dorsal side (d) is visible. c, Dorsal view of paratype SIO-BIC BI1039 showing ring furrow (rf) and oocytes (oo). d, Close-up of the ventral posterior of the holotype, showing the trailing off of the ventral glandular network (vgn), oocytes and the distinctively tapering posterior tip. e, Close-up of the anterior end of the holotype, showing the mouth (m), ring furrow (rf) and the beginning of the ventral glandular network (vgn) near the anterior tip of the animal.