Phagomyxids are a group of obligate endoparasitic protists belonging to the subphylum Endomyxa in Cercozoa.[1] Taxonomically, they are united under a single family Phagomyxidae, order Phagomyxida, sister to the plasmodiophores.[2]
Phagomyxids are mainly parasites of brown algae,[3] but some can parasite oomycetes.[4]
The group was created in 1993 by Cavalier-Smith, when it contained only the genus Phagomyxa.[2] Since then, Maullinia, a genus previously in Plasmodiophoridae, has joined the phagomyxids.[4]
Phagomyxids are a group of obligate endoparasitic protists belonging to the subphylum Endomyxa in Cercozoa. Taxonomically, they are united under a single family Phagomyxidae, order Phagomyxida, sister to the plasmodiophores.