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Characteristic features of tapinella atrotomentosa (pictures and text) ( German )

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Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Paxillus atrotomentosus (Batsch) Pries, Epicr. Myc. 317. 1838
Agaricus atrotomentosus Batsch, Elench. Fung. 89. 1783.
Pileus compact, convex, becoming expanded or centrally depressed, solitary or cespitose, 7.5-15 cm. broad; surface varying from subglabrous to scabrous-granulose, sometimes tomentose-hairy on the disk, often minutely rivulose, ochraceous-red, ferruginous-brown, or reddishbrown, margin sometimes paler; context white, occasionally emitting an unpleasant, dirt-like odor; lamellae crowded, rather broad, adnate or slightly decurrent, somewhat branched and anastomosing at the base, pale-creamy-yellow, the interspaces venose; spores ellipsoid, 5-6 X /x; stipe firm, stout, solid, eccentric or lateral, rarely central, densely tomentose-hairy, dark-brown, 7.5-15 cm. long, 1.2-3 cm. thick.
Type locality: Europe.
Habitat: On the ground and on much decayed wood of pine and hemlock.-
Distribution : Canada to North Carolina and west to Oregon ; also in Europe.
bibliographic citation
William Alphonso Murrill. 1917. (AGARICALES); AGARICACEAE (pars); AGARICEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 10(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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Samtfuß-Holzkrempling ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE

Der Samtfuß-Holzkrempling oder kurz Samtfußkrempling (Tapinella atrotomentosa) ist eine Pilzart aus der Familie der Holzkremplingsverwandten (Tapinellaceae). Die seitlich gestielten Fruchtkörper haben einen braunen Hut, gelbliche Lamellen und einen dunkel- bis schwarzbraunen, samtig beschaffenen Stiel. Die Art besiedelt ausschließlich Nadelholzstümpfe.


Makroskopische Merkmale

Der Samtfuß-Holzkrempling bildet in Hut und Stiel gegliederte Fruchtkörper, deren Stiel meist exzentrisch oder seitlich sitzt. Der Hut wird 2–7(–20) cm breit und ist halbrund, muschel- oder zungenförmig, dickfleischig und fest; seine Oberfläche ist jung feinfilzig und braunsamtig, im Alter verkahlend und rissig, der Hutrand bleibt lange eingerollt. Die am Stiel herablaufenden Lamellen sind schmal, oft gegabelt und durch Querwände verbunden. Die Lamellenschicht ist vom Hut ablösbar. Die Farbe der Lamellen ist blassgelb bis hellocker, an Druckstellen langsam bräunend. Der bauchige Stiel wird 8 cm lang und 2–4 cm breit, seine Oberfläche ist samtig-filzig, dunkelbraun-braunschwarz und deutlich von den Lamellen abgesetzt. Das Fleisch ist dick, weich, weißlich bis blassgelblich. Es riecht säuerlich und schmeckt leicht bitter. Das Sporenpulver ist gelb-braun gefärbt.

Mikroskopische Merkmale

Mikroskopisch zeichnet sich die Art durch 5–6(7) µm × 3,5–4,5 µm große Sporen und zylindrische bis schmal keulige Basidien aus.

Ökologie und Phänologie

Der Samtfuß-Holzkrempling ist ein holzbewohnender Saprobiont, der ausschließlich an toten Stümpfen von Nadelhölzern gefunden wird. Er besiedelt bodensaure Buchen- und Fichten-Tannenwälder, Fichten- und Kiefernforste und kann auch in Parks gefunden werden. Obwohl die Art saure Böden basischem und neutralem Untergrund etwas vorzieht, ist sie kein typischer Säurezeiger. Die Art bevorzugt eine mittlere Stickstoffversorgung, bei starker Stickstoffbelastung verschwindet er.

In Mitteleuropa erscheinen die Fruchtkörper im Spätsommer und Herbst, die Fruktifikation endet Anfang Oktober. Überständige Exemplare können noch einige Wochen danach gefunden werden.


Hauptsächlich ist der Samtfuß-Holzkrempling von den nördlichen subtropischen Zonen bis in die Nadelwaldregionen verbreitet: Er wird in Japan, den USA sowie in Mexiko gefunden und kommt daneben auch in Südamerika vor. In Europa ist er verbreitet und überall häufig.


Mit einem Sud aus Alaun und Tapinella atrotomentosa gebeizte Wolle

Der Samtfuß-Krempling ist nur jung essbar und gilt aufgrund seiner Bitterkeit im Allgemeinen nicht als Speisepilz; als Holzzersetzer ist er nicht von wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung. Der violette Sud aus dem Fruchtfleisch kann zum Färben von Textilien verwendet werden.




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Samtfuß-Holzkrempling: Brief Summary ( German )

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Der Samtfuß-Holzkrempling oder kurz Samtfußkrempling (Tapinella atrotomentosa) ist eine Pilzart aus der Familie der Holzkremplingsverwandten (Tapinellaceae). Die seitlich gestielten Fruchtkörper haben einen braunen Hut, gelbliche Lamellen und einen dunkel- bis schwarzbraunen, samtig beschaffenen Stiel. Die Art besiedelt ausschließlich Nadelholzstümpfe.

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Благушка ( Belarusian )

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Благушка (Капытнік цёмналямцавы, сьвінарка; лац. Paxillus atrotomentosus)

Капялюш 3-20 см у дыямэтры, з завёрнутымі ў ніз краямі, сьветла-карычневы сухі. Мякаць ледзь бураватая. Пласьцінкі жаўтаватыя. Ножка 5-8 * 2-3 см, чорна-бурая.

Малавядомы ядны грыб, расьце каля пней дрэў у ігліцавых і мяшаных лясах. Пладаносіць у ліпені — верасьні. Спаратрофны ксілатроф. У Беларусі расьце паўсюль, звычайна ў невялікай колькасьці.

Пашыраны ў Эўразіі (краіны Зах. Эўропы, Балтыі, Беларусь, эўрапейская частка Расеі, Украіна, Малдова, Закаўказьзе, Урал, Казахстан, Зах. і Усх. Сыбір, Сярэдняя Азія) і Паўночнай Амэрыцы. Геаграфічны элемэнт барэяльны. Тып арэалу эўразійска-амэрыканскі[1].

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  1. ^ Сяржаніна Г. Базідыяльныя грыбы Беларусі: Балетальныя, Агарыкалььныя, Русулальныя.. — Мн.: Навука і тэхніка, 1994. — С. 33. — 1700 ас. — ISBN 5-343-01476-3
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Благушка: Brief Summary ( Belarusian )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

Благушка (Капытнік цёмналямцавы, сьвінарка; лац. Paxillus atrotomentosus)

Капялюш 3-20 см у дыямэтры, з завёрнутымі ў ніз краямі, сьветла-карычневы сухі. Мякаць ледзь бураватая. Пласьцінкі жаўтаватыя. Ножка 5-8 * 2-3 см, чорна-бурая.

Малавядомы ядны грыб, расьце каля пней дрэў у ігліцавых і мяшаных лясах. Пладаносіць у ліпені — верасьні. Спаратрофны ксілатроф. У Беларусі расьце паўсюль, звычайна ў невялікай колькасьці.

Пашыраны ў Эўразіі (краіны Зах. Эўропы, Балтыі, Беларусь, эўрапейская частка Расеі, Украіна, Малдова, Закаўказьзе, Урал, Казахстан, Зах. і Усх. Сыбір, Сярэдняя Азія) і Паўночнай Амэрыцы. Геаграфічны элемэнт барэяльны. Тып арэалу эўразійска-амэрыканскі.

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Tapinella atrotomentosa

provided by wikipedia EN

Tapinella atrotomentosa, commonly known as the velvet roll-rim or velvet-footed pax, is a species of fungus in the family Tapinellaceae. Although it has gills, it is a member of the pored mushroom order Boletales. August Batsch described the species in 1783. It has been recorded from Asia, Central America, Europe and North America. Tough and inedible, it grows on tree stumps of conifers. The mushroom contains several compounds that act as deterrents of feeding by insects.


Tapinella atrotomentosa was originally described as Agaricus atrotomentosus by German naturalist August Batsch in his 1783 work Elenchus Fungorum,[2] and given its current name by Josef Šutara in 1992.[3] It is commonly known as the "velvet-footed pax",[4] and the "velvet rollrim".[5] Historical synonyms include Paxillus atrotomentosus by Elias Magnus Fries (1833),[6] Rhymovis atrotomentosa by Gottlob Ludwig Rabenhorst (1844),[7] and Sarcopaxillus atrotomentosus by Ivan Zmitrovich (2004).[1][8] The variety bambusinus was described from Trinidad in 1951 by British mycologists Richard Eric Defoe Baker and William Thomas Dale.[9]

The species name is derived from the Latin words atrotomentosus, meaning "black-haired".[10] It is still commonly seen under its old name Paxillus atrotomentosus in guidebooks.[11] Tapinella atrotomentosa and its relative T. panuoides were placed in a separate genus Tapinella on account of their habit of growing on (and rotting) wood, and microscopic differences including much smaller spore size, lack of cystidia, and differing basidia.[3] Their off-centre stipe also distinguished them from other members of the genus Paxillus,[12] and genetic analysis confirmed them as only distantly related.[13]


The fruit body is squat mushroom with a cap up to 28 cm (11 in) across, sepia- or walnut brown in colour with a rolled rim and depressed centre. The stem is covered with dark brown or black velvety fur. The gills are cream-yellow and forked, while the thick stipe is dark brown and juts out sidewards from the mushroom.[14] The flesh is yellowish,[15] and has been described as appetising in appearance, and is little affected by insects;[16] the taste however is acrid.[15] The spore print is yellow and the spores are round to oval and measure 5-6 μm long.[17]

Distribution and habitat

It is a saprobic fungus found growing on tree stumps of conifers in North America, Europe,[18] Central America (Costa Rica),[19] east into Asia where it has been recorded from Pakistan[20] and China.[21] The fruit bodies appear in summer and autumn, even in drier spells when other mushrooms are not evident.[16]


The species contains toxins which may cause gastrointestinal upset.[22] There have been cases of poisoning reported in European literature.[23]

Although Tapinella atrotomentosa mushrooms are not generally considered edible,[10] they have been used as a food source in parts of eastern Europe.[18] Tests on the chemical composition and free amino acid levels of the mushroom suggest that they are not considerably different from other edible gilled mushrooms such as Armillaria mellea.[24] Linus Zeitlmayr reports that young mushrooms are edible, but warns than older ones have a foul bitter or inky flavour and are possibly poisonous.[17] The bitter flavour is allegedly improved by boiling the mushrooms and discarding the water, but is indigestible to many.[16]


Tapinella atrotomentosa has a wound-activated defence mechanism whereby injured fruit bodies convert chemicals known as leucomentins into atromentin, butenolide, and the feeding deterrent osmundalactone.[25] Atromentin had previously been identified as the pigment producing the brown colour of the cap,[26] but was not characterized as a chemical defence compound until 1989.[27] Other compounds produced by the fungus include the orange-yellow flavomentins and violet spiromentin pigments.[28] A novel dimeric lactone, bis-osumundalactone, was isolated from the variety bambusinus.[29]

Several phytoecdysteroids (compounds related to the insect moulting hormone ecdysteroid) have been identified from the fungus, including paxillosterone, 20,22-p-hydroxybenzylidene acetal, atrotosterones A, B, and C, and 25-hydroxyatrotosterones A and B.[30]


  1. ^ a b "Tapinella atrotomentosa (Batsch) Šutara, Ceská Mykologie, 46 (1-2): 50, 1992". MycoBank. International Mycological Association. Retrieved 2013-05-28.
  2. ^ Batsch AJGK. (1783). Elenchus Fungorum (in Latin and German). Magdeburg, Halle: Apud Joannem Jacobum Gebauer. p. 89, plate 8:32.
  3. ^ a b Šutara J. (1992). "The genera Paxillus and Tapinella in Central Europe". Ceská Mykologie. 46 (1–2): 50–56.
  4. ^ Bessette A. (2007). Mushrooms of the Southeastern United States. Syracuse University Press. p. 181. ISBN 978-0-8156-3112-5.
  5. ^ Holden L. (July 2014). "English Names for fungi 2014". British Mycological Society. Retrieved 2015-11-17.
  6. ^ Fries EM. (1838). Epicrisis Systematus Mycologici seu Synopsis Hymenomycetum (in Latin). Uppsala: Typographia Academica. p. 317.
  7. ^ Rabenhorst L. Deutschlands Kryptogamenflora (in German). Vol. 1 (2 ed.). Leipzig. p. 453.
  8. ^ Zmitrovich IV, Malysheva VF, Malysheva EF, Spirin WA (2004). "Pleurotoid fungi of Leningrad Region (with notes on rare and interesting East-European taxa)". Folia Cryptogamica Petropolitana. 1: 1–124 (see p. 53).
  9. ^ Baker RE, Dale WT (1951). Fungi of Trinidad and Tobago. Mycological Papers. Vol. 33. Kew: Commonwealth Mycological Institute. p. 92.
  10. ^ a b Nilson S, Persson O (1977). Fungi of Northern Europe 1: Larger Fungi (Excluding Gill-Fungi). Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin. pp. 120–21. ISBN 0-14-063005-8.
  11. ^ Buczacki S, Shields C, Ovenden D (2012). Collins Fungi Guide: The most complete field guide to the mushrooms and toadstools of Britain & Ireland. HarperCollins UK. ISBN 978-0007413430.
  12. ^ Høiland K (1987). "A new approach to the phylogeny of the order Boletales (Basidiomycotina)". Nordic Journal of Botany. 7 (6): 705–18. doi:10.1111/j.1756-1051.1987.tb02038.x.
  13. ^ Bresinsky A; Jarosch M; Fischer M; Schönberger I; Wittmann‐bresinsky B. (1999). "Phylogenetic relationships within Paxillus s. I. (Basidiomycetes, Boletales): Separation of a Southern Hemisphere genus". Plant Biology. 1 (3): 327–33. doi:10.1111/j.1438-8677.1999.tb00260.x. ISSN 1435-8603.
  14. ^ Breitenbach J, Kränzlin F (1991). Fungi of Switzerland 3: Boletes & Agarics, 1st Part. p. 90. ISBN 3-85604-230-X.
  15. ^ a b Trudell, Steve; Ammirati, Joe (2009). Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest. Timber Press Field Guides. Portland, OR: Timber Press. p. 185. ISBN 978-0-88192-935-5.
  16. ^ a b c Haas H. (1969). The Young Specialist Looks at Fungi. Burke. p. 56. ISBN 0-222-79409-7.
  17. ^ a b Zeitlmayr L. (1976). Wild Mushrooms: An Illustrated Handbook. Hertfordshire, UK: Garden City Press. pp. 75–76. ISBN 0-584-10324-7.
  18. ^ a b Roberts P, Evans S (2011). The Book of Fungi. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. p. 304. ISBN 978-0-226-72117-0.
  19. ^ Gómez-Pignataro LD. (1992). "Los Basidiomicetes de Costa Rica: V. Paxillaceae Agaricales, Boletineae" [Basidiomycetes from Costa Rica. V. Paxillaceae Agaricales, Boletineae]. Brenesia (in Spanish) (38): 105–13. ISSN 0304-3711.
  20. ^ Sarwar S, Khalid AN (2013). "Preliminary Checklist of Boletales in Pakistan" (PDF). Mycotaxon: 1–12.
  21. ^ Zang M, Zeng XL (1978). "A preliminary study of the family Paxillaceae of Yunnan and Tibet China". Weishengwu Xuebao (in Chinese). 18 (4): 279–86. ISSN 0001-6209.
  22. ^ Miller Jr., Orson K.; Miller, Hope H. (2006). North American Mushrooms: A Field Guide to Edible and Inedible Fungi. Guilford, CN: FalconGuide. p. 288. ISBN 978-0-7627-3109-1.
  23. ^ Musselius SG, Ryk AA, Lebedev AG, Pakhomova GV, Golikov PP, Davydov BV, Donova LV, Zimina LN, Platonova GA, Selina IE, Skvortsova AV (2002). "K voprosu o toksichnosti gribov vida svinushka tonkaia i tolstaia" [Toxicity of mushrooms Paxillus involutus and Paxillus atrotomentosus]. Anesteziologiia I Reanimatologiia (in Russian) (2): 20–35. PMID 12226995.
  24. ^ Zhuk YT, Papilina VA. "Food value of the fungi Lactarius necator, Lactarius deliciosus and Paxillus atrotomentosus growing in western Siberia USSR". Rastitel'nye Resursy (in Russian). 18 (2): 256–59. ISSN 0033-9946.
  25. ^ Spiteller P. (2002). "Chemical defence strategies of higher fungi". Chemistry: A European Journal. 14 (30): 9100–10. doi:10.1002/chem.200800292. PMID 18601235.
  26. ^ Kögl F, Becker H, Detzel A, De Voss G (1928). "Untersuchungen über Pilzfarbstoffe. VI. Die Konstitution des Atromentins". Liebigs Annalen der Chemie (in German). 465 (1): 211–42. doi:10.1002/jlac.19284650111.
  27. ^ Holzapfel M, Kilpert C, Steglich W (1989). "Pilzfarbstoffe, 60 Über Leucomentine, farblose Vorstufen des Atromentins aus dem Samtfußkrempling (Paxillus atrotomentosus)". European Journal of Organic Chemistry (in German). 1989 (8): 797–801. doi:10.1002/jlac.198919890227.
  28. ^ Besl H, Bresinsky A, Geigenmüller G, Herrman R, Kilpert C, Steglich W (1989). "Pilzfarbstoffe, 61 Flavomentine und Spiromentine, neue Terphenylchinon-Derivate aus Paxillus atrotomentosus und P. panuoides (Boletales)". Liebigs Annalen der Chemie (in German). 1989 (8): 803–10. doi:10.1002/jlac.198919890228.
  29. ^ Hashimoto T, Arakawa T, Tanaka M, Asakawa Y (2002). "A novel dimeric lactone bis-osmundalactone from the Japanese inedible mushroom Paxillus atromentosus var. bambusinus". Heterocycles. 56 (1–2): 581–88. doi:10.3987/com-01-s(k)66. ISSN 0385-5414.
  30. ^ Vokáč K, Buděšínský M, Harmatha J, Píš J (1998). "New ergostane type ecdysteroids from fungi. Ecdysteroid constituents of mushroom Paxillus atrotomentosus". Tetrahedron. 54 (8): 1657–66. doi:10.1016/S0040-4020(97)10373-8.

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Tapinella atrotomentosa: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Tapinella atrotomentosa, commonly known as the velvet roll-rim or velvet-footed pax, is a species of fungus in the family Tapinellaceae. Although it has gills, it is a member of the pored mushroom order Boletales. August Batsch described the species in 1783. It has been recorded from Asia, Central America, Europe and North America. Tough and inedible, it grows on tree stumps of conifers. The mushroom contains several compounds that act as deterrents of feeding by insects.

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Paxille à pied noir ( French )

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Tapinella atrotomentosa

Tapinella atrotomentosa, le paxille à pied noir (autrefois Paxillus atrotomentosus), est une espèce de champignons basidiomycètes de la famille des Tapinellaceae.

Le nom de l'espèce est tiré du latin ater, atrum signifiant "noir mat" (par opposition à niger) et tomentosus, c’est-à-dire "tomenteux", "velu", en référence à l'aspect caractéristique de son pied.

Description du sporophore

Chapeau : de 5 à 15 cm ou plus, convexe, bosselé, puis étalé et déprimé, brun, d'aspect velouté.

Marge : enroulée.

Lames : serrées, fragiles, crème, brunissant avec l'âge et au toucher.

Stipe (pied) : 4 à 9 cm, robuste, souvent excentrique et incliné, couvert d'une toison brun-noir.

Chair : épaisse, aqueuse, crème, plus foncée dans le pied ; odeur non caractéristique, saveur amère.

Sporée : brun-rouille.


Le paxille à pied noir pousse de juillet à octobre en Europe et en Amérique du Nord, sous les conifères ou occasionnellement les feuillus, sur ou à proximité de souches pourrissantes. Il est commun, quoique beaucoup moins que le paxille enroulé.

Paxille à pied noir


C'est un médiocre comestible en raison de l'amertume de sa chair.

Espèces proches

Avec son pied guêtré de velours, ce champignon ne présente guère de risque de confusion.

L'espèce la plus proche est le paxille en forme de Panus (Paxillus panuoides), lui aussi reclassé en Tapinella panuoides.


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Paxille à pied noir: Brief Summary ( French )

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Tapinella atrotomentosa

Tapinella atrotomentosa, le paxille à pied noir (autrefois Paxillus atrotomentosus), est une espèce de champignons basidiomycètes de la famille des Tapinellaceae.

Le nom de l'espèce est tiré du latin ater, atrum signifiant "noir mat" (par opposition à niger) et tomentosus, c’est-à-dire "tomenteux", "velu", en référence à l'aspect caractéristique de son pied.

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Tapinella atrotomentosa ( Italian )

provided by wikipedia IT
Caratteristiche morfologiche
Tapinella atrotomentosa Cappello convesso icona.svg
Cappello convesso Gills icon.png
Imenio lamelle Decurrent gills icon2.svg
Lamelle decorrenti Tan spore print icon.png
Sporata ocra Bare stipe icon.png
Velo nudo Virante icona.svg
Carne virante Saprotrophic ecology icon.png
Saprofita Foodlogo exclamation point.png

Tapinella atrotomentosa (Batsch) Šutara, Česká Mykol. 46(1-2): 50 (1992)


La T. atrotomentosa è un fungo corposo che non molto tempo fa apparteneva - insieme ad altre specie congeneri - al genere Paxillus.
La stessa è lignicola e si sviluppa normalmente cespitosa, inconfondibile per il gambo assai scuro e vellutato.

Descrizione della specie


Convesso, poi spianato ed infine concavo e persino imbutito, con margine revoluto.


Fitte, decorrenti sul gambo; color giallo-ocra chiaro, si macchiano al tocco; separabili.


Massiccio e radicato, scuro e velluatato per tutto il suo sviluppo, non presenta soluzione di continuità con il cappello del quale condivide la parte terminale delle lamelle che assumono al suo apice il medesimo colore bruno scuro.


Soda e consistente ma presto fibrosa, di color cuoio chiaro vira al blu-violetto al taglio.

  • Odore: mite, appena fruttato.
  • Sapore: acerbo e legante.


Color ocra-brunastro, come molte altre Paxillaceae.


Ceppaie marcescenti di cui si nutre (saprofita).


Sospetto, come tutte le specie del genere Tapinella. Si pensa possa scatenare la pericolosa Sindrome paxillica come P. involutus.
In ogni caso non sarebbe ugualmente commestibile per via del sapore ripugnante.


Sinonimi e binomi obsoleti

  • Agaricus atrotomentosus Batsch, Elench. fung. (Halle): 89 (1783) var. atrotomentosus
  • Paxillus atrotomentosus (Batsch) Fr., Epicrisis Systematis Mycologici (Upsaliae): 317 (1838) [1836]
  • Paxillus atrotomentosus (Batsch) Fr., Epicrisis Systematis Mycologici (Upsaliae): 317 (1838) [1836] var. atrotomentosus
  • Sarcopaxillus atrotomentosus (Batsch) Zmitr., Malysheva & E.F. Malysheva, in Zmitrovich, Malysheva, Malysheva & Spirin, Folia Cryptogamica Petropolitana (Sankt-Peterburg) 1: 53 (2004)
Gruppo di T. atrotomentosa

Nomi comuni

Specie simili

  • A volte può essere confuso con qualche specie del genere Pleurotus

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Tapinella atrotomentosa: Brief Summary ( Italian )

provided by wikipedia IT

Tapinella atrotomentosa (Batsch) Šutara, Česká Mykol. 46(1-2): 50 (1992)


La T. atrotomentosa è un fungo corposo che non molto tempo fa apparteneva - insieme ad altre specie congeneri - al genere Paxillus.
La stessa è lignicola e si sviluppa normalmente cespitosa, inconfondibile per il gambo assai scuro e vellutato.

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Juodkotė meškutė ( Lithuanian )

provided by wikipedia LT

Juodkotė meškutė (lot. Paxillus atrotomentosus, sin. Tapinella atrotomentosa) – meškutinių (Paxillaceae) šeimos, meškučių (Paxillus) genties grybų rūšis.

  • Augimo vieta

Supuvusios eglės, pušies mediena, sutręšę kelmai, stuobriai, išvartos.

  • Augimo laikas

Vasara, ruduo.

  • Pagrindiniai požymiai

Kepurėlė ekscentriška, kotas trumpas, juodai aksominis, ekscentriškas.

Vaisiakūniai dideli, masyvūs. Kepurėlė užauga iki 25 cm skersmens ir didesnė, aksomiška, rausvai ruda, geltonai ruda, masyvi, mėsinga. Lakšteliai gelsvi, rausvai gelsvi, tankūs, platūs, minkšti. Kotas trumpas, storas (2–6×2–4 cm), aksominis, šoninis, beveik juodos spalvos. Trama gelsva, tampri, sena - minkšta, nekarti. Sporos 5–6×4 μm.

Būdingi požymiai: vaisiakūniai masyvūs, dygsta ant supuvusios spygliuočių medienos.

Auga spygliuočių, mišriuosiuose miškuose, dažniausiai pavieniui, retai po kelis vaisiakūnius. Nevalgoma. Nedažna.


Lietuvos grybų atlasas, Vincentas Urbonas, Kaunas, LUTUTĖ, 2007, ISBN 978-9955-692-59-1, 86 psl.



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Juodkotė meškutė: Brief Summary ( Lithuanian )

provided by wikipedia LT

Juodkotė meškutė (lot. Paxillus atrotomentosus, sin. Tapinella atrotomentosa) – meškutinių (Paxillaceae) šeimos, meškučių (Paxillus) genties grybų rūšis.

Augimo vieta

Supuvusios eglės, pušies mediena, sutręšę kelmai, stuobriai, išvartos.

Augimo laikas

Vasara, ruduo.

Pagrindiniai požymiai

Kepurėlė ekscentriška, kotas trumpas, juodai aksominis, ekscentriškas.

Vaisiakūniai dideli, masyvūs. Kepurėlė užauga iki 25 cm skersmens ir didesnė, aksomiška, rausvai ruda, geltonai ruda, masyvi, mėsinga. Lakšteliai gelsvi, rausvai gelsvi, tankūs, platūs, minkšti. Kotas trumpas, storas (2–6×2–4 cm), aksominis, šoninis, beveik juodos spalvos. Trama gelsva, tampri, sena - minkšta, nekarti. Sporos 5–6×4 μm.

Būdingi požymiai: vaisiakūniai masyvūs, dygsta ant supuvusios spygliuočių medienos.

Auga spygliuočių, mišriuosiuose miškuose, dažniausiai pavieniui, retai po kelis vaisiakūnius. Nevalgoma. Nedažna.

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wikipedia LT

Paxillus atrotomentosus ( Pms )

provided by wikipedia PMS
Drapò piemontèis.png Vos an lenga piemontèisa Për amprende a dovré 'l sistema dle parlà locaj ch'a varda sì.

Capel fin a 20 cm, vlutà, brun giaunastr, da oliva a neirastr. Bòrd soens anrolà. Lamele s-ciasse, òcra giàun groson o bistrà, separàbij. Gamba àuta fin a 10 cm e larga fin a 4 cm, nen an sentr, tomentosa, brun nèir. Carn spëssa, brun-a ant la gamba, amèra.


A chërs ëdzora a 'd bòsch mars, dzortut ëd conìfere.


WHMIS Class D-1.svg A venta mai mangé un bolè trovà se un a l'é nen un bon conossidor dij bolè!
As peul nen mangesse.

Arferiment bibliogràfich për chi a veul fé dj'arserche pì ancreuse

Paxillus atrotomentosus (Batsch : Fr.) Fries

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Paxillus atrotomentosus: Brief Summary ( Pms )

provided by wikipedia PMS

Capel fin a 20 cm, vlutà, brun giaunastr, da oliva a neirastr. Bòrd soens anrolà. Lamele s-ciasse, òcra giàun groson o bistrà, separàbij. Gamba àuta fin a 10 cm e larga fin a 4 cm, nen an sentr, tomentosa, brun nèir. Carn spëssa, brun-a ant la gamba, amèra.


A chërs ëdzora a 'd bòsch mars, dzortut ëd conìfere.


WHMIS Class D-1.svg A venta mai mangé un bolè trovà se un a l'é nen un bon conossidor dij bolè!
As peul nen mangesse.

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wikipedia PMS

Tapinella atrotomentosa ( Portuguese )

provided by wikipedia PT

Tapinella atrotomentosa é uma espécie de cogumelo da família Tapinellaceae. Foi encontrado na Ásia, América do Norte e Central, e Europa.[1]


  1. Bresinsky A, Jarosch M, Fischer M, Schönberger I, Wittmann‐bresinsky B. (1999). «Phylogenetic relationships within Paxillus s. I. (Basidiomycetes, Boletales): Separation of a Southern Hemisphere genus». Plant biology. 1 (3): 327–33. ISSN 1435-8603. doi:10.1111/j.1438-8677.1999.tb00260.x

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Tapinella atrotomentosa: Brief Summary ( Portuguese )

provided by wikipedia PT

Tapinella atrotomentosa é uma espécie de cogumelo da família Tapinellaceae. Foi encontrado na Ásia, América do Norte e Central, e Europa.

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wikipedia PT