Description: Less moths but more quality Trapping under clear skies on Monday night yielded a mixed catch of quality moths and worn dross. With temperatures getting a little chilly early morning recently, there is certainly an Autumnal feel in the early morning air. Pick of the bunch was a Twin-spotted Wainscot, a garden first, along with other new moths such as Wormwood Pug, Mouse Moth, Iron Prominent and Orange Swift. Also a lovely yellow-tinged Marbled Beauty caught my eye this morning. A strange one this year, Common Carpet is my first record for this year! Totally missing out on the first brood for this species Away from the moths I am also quite excited about receiving my new camera and lens, stepping up from my ageing 10.2mp Sony Alpha 200 I have bit the bullet and gone for a 3 year old Sony A65 24.3mp camera, hoping to use my old lenses as well as purchasing a Tamron 90mm 1:1 Macro (my current macro is a 1:2) Catch Report - 28/07/14 - Back Garden Stevenage - 1x 125w MV Robinson Trap Macro Moths 1x Twin-spotted Wainscot [NFG] 1x Wormwood Pug [NFG] 1x Common Carpet [NFY] 2x Iron Prominent [NFY] 2x Mouse Moth [NFY] 1x Orange Swift [NFY] 1x Campion 1x Clay 1x Cloaked Minor 1x Common Carpet 4x Common Rustic 3x Dark Arches 5x Dot Moth 1x Grey Dagger 1x Haworth's Pug 1x Large Twin-spot Carpet 1x Large Yellow Underwing 1x Lesser Yellow Underwing 1x Magpie Moth 1x Maiden's Blush 3x Marbled Beauty 1x Mottled Beauty 1x Nut-tree Tussock 2x Oak Hook-tip 9x Riband Wave 2x Ruby Tiger 1x Rustic 1x Scarce Footman 2x Scalloped Oak 1x Setaceous Hebrew Character 4x Shuttle-shaped Dart 1x Silver-Y 2x Single-dotted Wave 4x Straw Underwing 2x Uncertain 1x Willow Beauty 3x Yellow Shell Micro Moths 1x Epiblema foenella [NFG] 1x Acleris laterana [NFY] 2x Trachycera advenella 10x Blastobasis adustella 1x Epiphyas postvittana 5x Amblyptilia acanthadactyla 1x Emmelina monodactyla 5x Pleuroptya ruralis 1x Endrosis sarcitrella 1x Celypha striana 2x Argyresthia albistria. Date: 28 July 2014, 19:26. Source:
[2370] Twin-spotted Wainscot (Archanara geminipuncta). Author:
Ben Sale from UK.