Dexia rustica is a species of fly in the family Tachinidae.[2]
This species can be found in most of Europe.[3] These tachinids usually inhabit hedge rows and flowery environments.[4][5]
Dexia rustica can reach a body length of 8.4–12.7 millimetres (0.33–0.50 in) and a wingspan of 16–24 mm.[5] These small tachinids have generally a black thorax, with grayish yellow pruinosity. Four longitudinal black vittae appear on dorsum,[6] Abdomen appears greyish-brown or reddish, with a darker longitudinal dorsal marking, more or less evident. It is cylindric-conic, with two setae among each segment. Probocis is short and membranous.[7] Females usually are darker than males.[8][4] Wings are hyaline, with a reddish yellow tegula and a dark brown basicosta. Legs are reddish yellow.[6]
Adults can be found from June to August,[4][5] feeding on nectar and pollen, especially of Heracleum sphondylium.[5]
Larvae develop in the soil feeding on beetle larvae (endoparasitism),[4] mainly of Melolontha melolontha,[5] Amphimallon solstitialis, Rhizotrogus marginipes[6] and Phyllopertha horticola (Scarabaeidae).[9]
Dexia rustica is a species of fly in the family Tachinidae.