Robert Wharton, Sophia Daniels, Xanthe Shirley, Danielle Restuccia
Figures 1–4.Opius spp., face. 1 Opius matthaei Fischer, holotype, showing granular sculpture 2 Opius raphaeli Fischer, holotype 3 Opius melchioricus Fischer 4 Opius rojam Daniels & Wharton sp. n., holotype.
Robert Wharton, Allen L. Norrbom
Figures 1–4.Opiinae spp., occipital and hypostomal carinae. 1 Doryctobracon crawfordi (Viereck) showing occipital carina completely absent 2 Opius peleus Fischer, showing the two carinae widely separated at mandible 3 Opius godfrayi Wharton, sp. n., with both carinae meeting well above base of mandible 4 Opius nympha Fischer, similar to Opius peleus.
Robert Wharton, Sophia Daniels, Xanthe Shirley, Danielle Restuccia
Figures 5–8.Opius spp. 5 Opius melchioricus Fischer, mesosoma, dorsal view6 Opius rojam Daniels & Wharton sp. n., holotype, mesopleuron 7 Opius rojam holotype, propodeum posterior-lateral view 8 Opius rojam head and pronotum, dorsal view, showing enlarged pronope.
Robert Wharton, Allen L. Norrbom
Figures 21–24.Opius spp., habitus. 21 Opius danielsae Wharton, sp. n. 22 Opius gabriellae Wharton, sp. n. 23 Opius godfrayi Wharton, sp. n. 24 Opius marshi Wharton, sp. n.
Robert Wharton, Sophia Daniels, Xanthe Shirley, Danielle Restuccia
Figures 9–12.Opius spp. holotypes, petiole (T1). 9 Opius rojam Daniels & Wharton sp. n., lateral view 10 Opius bicarinifer Fischer, lateral view 11 Opius raphaeli Fischer, dorsal view 12 Opius curiosicornis Fischer, dorsal view.
Robert Wharton, Allen L. Norrbom
Figures 55–58.Opius godfrayi Wharton, sp. n. 55 face, anterior view 56 head, lateral view 57 face tilted to show labrum narrowly exposed 58 mesoscutum, dorsal view.
Robert Wharton, Sophia Daniels, Xanthe Shirley, Danielle Restuccia
Figures 13–16.Opius spp. holotypes, habitus. 13 Opius rojam Daniels & Wharton sp. n. 14 Opius antennatus Fischer 15 Opius curiosicornis Fischer 16 Opius gabrieli Fischer.
Robert Wharton, Allen L. Norrbom
Figures 41–46.Opius spp. 41 Opius cablus Wharton, sp. n., face, anterior view 42 Opius dablus Wharton, sp. n., face, anterior view 43 Opius cablus head, lateral view 44 Opius dablus head, lateral view 45 Opius cablus mesosoma, dorsal view 46 Opius dablus mesosoma, dorsal view.
Robert Wharton, Sophia Daniels, Xanthe Shirley, Danielle Restuccia
Figures 29–32.Opius spp., holotypes. 29 Opius rojam Daniels & Wharton sp. n., fore and hind wing 30 Opius matthaei fore wing31 Opius curiosicornis Fischer, T1 lateral view 32 Opius filiflagellatus Fischer, metasoma.
Robert Wharton, Allen L. Norrbom
Figures 21–24.Opius spp., habitus. 21 Opius danielsae Wharton, sp. n. 22 Opius gabriellae Wharton, sp. n. 23 Opius godfrayi Wharton, sp. n. 24 Opius marshi Wharton, sp. n.
Robert Wharton, Sophia Daniels, Xanthe Shirley, Danielle Restuccia
Figures 37–40.Opius spp. holotypes. 37 Opius rojam Daniels & Wharton sp. n., T1 dorsal-lateral view 38 Opius ingenticornis Fischer, T1 dorsal view 39 Opius rojam, mesosoma oblique view 40 Opius rojam, T2+3 showing deformity.
Robert Wharton, Allen L. Norrbom
Figures 59–62.Opius marshi Wharton, sp. n. 59 face, anterior-lateral view 60 head, lateral view 61 mesoscutum, dorsal view 62 wings.
Robert Wharton, Sophia Daniels, Xanthe Shirley, Danielle Restuccia
Figures 41–44.Opius spp. 41 Opius duplocarinatus Fischer, holotype, mesoscutum showing distinct anterior declivity 42 Opius nimifactus Fischer, paratype, dorsal view showing color pattern 43 Opius rojam Daniels & Wharton sp. n., holotype, head lateral view showing setal pattern on basal flagellomeres 44 Opius curiosicornis Fischer, holotype, head lateral view showing setal pattern on basal flagellomeres.
Robert Wharton, Allen L. Norrbom
Figures 25–28.Opius spp., habitus. 25 Opius nablus Wharton, sp. n. 26 Opius nympha Fischer 27 Opius peleus Fischer 28 Opius pipitae Wharton, sp. n.
Robert Wharton, Sophia Daniels, Xanthe Shirley, Danielle Restuccia
Figures 17–20.Opius spp., holotypes 17 Opius albericus Fischer, habitus 18 Opius albericus head in dorsal view 19 Opius pilosicornis Fischer, habitus 20 Opius pilosicornis head in dorsal view.
Robert Wharton, Allen L. Norrbom
Figures 63–66.Opius nablus Wharton, sp. n. 63 face, anterior view 64 face, rotated to show broadly exposed labrum 65 head, lateral view 66 mesosoma, dorsal view.
Robert Wharton, Sophia Daniels, Xanthe Shirley, Danielle Restuccia
Figures 21–24.Opius spp. holotypes. 21 Opius albericus Fischer, T2+3 sculpture 22 Opius michaeli Fischer, T2+3 sculpture 23 Opius bicarinifer Fischer, head in dorsal view 24 Opius michaeli, head in dorsal view.
Robert Wharton, Allen L. Norrbom
Figures 1–4.Opiinae spp., occipital and hypostomal carinae. 1 Doryctobracon crawfordi (Viereck) showing occipital carina completely absent 2 Opius peleus Fischer, showing the two carinae widely separated at mandible 3 Opius godfrayi Wharton, sp. n., with both carinae meeting well above base of mandible 4 Opius nympha Fischer, similar to Opius peleus.
Robert Wharton, Sophia Daniels, Xanthe Shirley, Danielle Restuccia
Figures 13–16.Opius spp. holotypes, habitus. 13 Opius rojam Daniels & Wharton sp. n. 14 Opius antennatus Fischer 15 Opius curiosicornis Fischer 16 Opius gabrieli Fischer.
Robert Wharton, Allen L. Norrbom
Figures 25–28.Opius spp., habitus. 25 Opius nablus Wharton, sp. n. 26 Opius nympha Fischer 27 Opius peleus Fischer 28 Opius pipitae Wharton, sp. n.
Robert Wharton, Sophia Daniels, Xanthe Shirley, Danielle Restuccia
Figures 45–48.Opius spp. holotypes. 45 Opius antennatus Fischer, habitus 46 Opius antennatus head dorsal view 47 Opius duplocarinatus Fischer, habitus 48 Opius simplicornis Fischer, habitus.
Robert Wharton, Allen L. Norrbom
Figures 67–70.Opius nympha Fischer. 67 face, anterior view 68 head and mesosoma, lateral view 69 dorsal habitus 70 wings.
Robert Wharton, Sophia Daniels, Xanthe Shirley, Danielle Restuccia
Figures 9–12.Opius spp. holotypes, petiole (T1). 9 Opius rojam Daniels & Wharton sp. n., lateral view 10 Opius bicarinifer Fischer, lateral view 11 Opius raphaeli Fischer, dorsal view 12 Opius curiosicornis Fischer, dorsal view.
Robert Wharton, Allen L. Norrbom
Figures 1–4.Opiinae spp., occipital and hypostomal carinae. 1 Doryctobracon crawfordi (Viereck) showing occipital carina completely absent 2 Opius peleus Fischer, showing the two carinae widely separated at mandible 3 Opius godfrayi Wharton, sp. n., with both carinae meeting well above base of mandible 4 Opius nympha Fischer, similar to Opius peleus.