
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Cerceris imperialis Saussure

Cerceris imperialis Saussure, 1867:98, fig. 56.—Schletterer 1887:494—Cameron 1890:122, pl. VII: figs. 21, 21a, b, c, d, e, f.—Dalla Torre, C. G., 1897:463.—Ashmead 1899:296.—Scullen 1961:47.

Cerceris exsecta F. Smith, 1873:410.—Schletterer 1887:491.—Cameron 1890:123.—Dalla Torre, C. G., 1897:459.—Ashmead 1899:296.

Cerceris pilosa Cameron, 1890:128, pl. VIII: fig, 9, 9a, b, c.—Dalla Torre, C. G., 1897:470.—Ashmead 1899:296.

FEMALE.—Length 18 mm. Black (becoming fuscous on some specimens) with yellow markings; punctation and pubescence average.

Head one-fifth wider than the thorax; black except for large frontal eye patches, the apical half of the clypeal process, a small spot on the frons, and a small spot back of the eyes, all of which are yellow; clypeal margin with four denticles, the medial pair the larger and widely separated with a carina connecting the two; clypeal process spreading apically; mandibles with two denticles; antennae normal in form, dark fuscous.

Thorax black except for a divided band on the pronotum, two lateral spots on the scutellum, the metanotum, lateral patches on the propodeum, and a small spot on the teguale, all of which are yellow; tegulae normal in form; enclosure smooth except for micropunctation and an indistinct medial groove; propodeum closely and deeply pitted; mesosternal tubercle absent; legs black, immaculate; wings subhyaline but darker than the average.

Abdomen black except for emarginate bands on terga 1 and 3 (in some specimens bands of yellow appear on terga 4 and 5 and with lateral patches on tergum 2, also small lateral spots may appear on sterna 2, 3, 4, and 5 and large medial patches on sterna 1 and 2), venter usually immaculate except for patches of yellow on sterna 1 and 2; pygidium as illustrated (Figure 157c).

MALE.—Length 13–14 mm. Black with yellow markings; punctation large and crowded; pubescence average; body slender.

Head subequal in width to the thorax, black except for large frontal eye patches, the medial lobe of the clypeus, basal half of the mandibles, and most of the scape, all of which are yellow; clypeal border black with three denticles, the medial one somewhat the larger; mandibles with two denticles, the more apical one much the smaller; antennae normal in form.

Thorax black except for a widely divided band on the pronotum, two lateral patches on the scutellum, a patch on each side of the propodeum, and a patch on the tegulae, all of which are yellow; mesosternal tubercle absent; legs black to distal ends of femori except the hind trochanter, which is light yellow, and the distal tips of the fore- and midfemori, which are light; the more apical leg segments are yellow infused with amber except for dark patches on the fore- and midtibiae and most of the hind tibiae, which are largely dark; wings subhyaline but somewhat darker than average.

Abdomen black with subequal narrow bands on terga 3, 4, 5, and 6; venter immaculate; pygidium as illustrated (Figure 157e).

Specimens from the Oaxaca area and nearby show much of the black background color becoming fuscous. This form possibly should be recognized as a subspecies. Some male specimens from El Salvador show yellow patches on the sides of tergum 2. One specimen taken north of San Luis Potosí has bands on terga 3, 4, 5, and 6 broader than normal.

TYPES.—The holotype of C. imperialis Saussure was not found either in Geneva or Vienna in 1959 by the present author. A female so labeled at Geneva, apparently by Saussure, was designated a lectotype. The holotypes of C. exsecta F. Smith (21.1,429) and C. pilosa Cameron (21.1,436) are at the British Museum.

DISTRIBUTION.—Central Mexico south through Central America. Specimens are as follows:

MEXICO: CHIAPAS: 2♂, Simojovel, Santa Domingo, 1–6 August, 18–31 July (JAC); ♂, 15 mi SE Simojovel, Santa Domingo, 8–15 July 1958 (JAC). GUANAJUATO: ♂, Guanajuato (ED); 2♂, Salvatierra, 5600 ft, 7 August 1962 (HEE). HIDALGO: ♀, 12♂, Jacala, 4500 ft, l September 1963 (S and B). JALISCO: ♂, El Molino, 10 July 1956 (R and KD); 5♀, 11♂, Guadalajara, 17 July 1951, 17–20, 23–28 July, 4, 10–11 August 1965 (HEE); 39, same locality, 23–24 July 1951 (PDH); ♀, ♂, same locality, 17 September 1957 (R and KD). MEXICO: 2♂, Atlalahuca, 24 July 1963 (P and S). MICHOACÁN: 2♀, 2♂, Morelia, 15 July 1956 (R and KD); 2♂, Tuxpan, 11 July 1951 (HEE). MORELOS: ♂, Cuernavaca, 12–19 July 1961 (RRD); ♂, Yautepec, 13 July 1963 (P and S); ♀, 7.3 mi SSW Yautepec, 2 July 1961 (UKE). NAYARIT: ♀, San Blas, 2 July 1956 (R and KD); ♂, Tepic, 5 July 1956 (same collectors); 2♂, 18 mi S Tepic, 7 July 1963 (P and S). OAXACA: ♂, 12 mi S Chivela, 18 August 1958 (LAS, ASM); ♀, 23 mi S Matias Romero, 200 ft, 25 June 1961 (UKE); 2♀, 3♂, Mitla, 5700 ft, 2 September 1957 (HAS); 5♂, same locality, 5600 ft, 28 June, 20 August 1963 (S and B); ♂, Monte Alban Ruins, 3 August 1964 (AVD); 3♀, 25♂, Oaxaca, 5400 ft, 24 August, 1 September 1957 (HAS); 5♂, 31♂, 5, 7, 12, 20, 22, and 24 mi SE Oaxaca, 5350, 5700, 6150 ft, 2 September 1957, 21–22 August 1963 (S and B); ♂, Palomares, 5–21 September 1961 (R and KD). SAN LUIS POTOSÍ: 4♀, 2 and 5 mi E Ciudad del Maiz, 4700 ft, 22–23 August 1954 (UKE); 5♀, same location, 23, 25 August 1954 (RRD); ♀, El Salto, 1600 ft, 24 August 1954 (UKE); 3♂, Rascion, SW San Luis Potosí to Tampico, August 1911 (SVP); ♂, 40 mi S San Luis Potosí, 5700 ft, 5 September 1963 (HAS). VERACRUZ: 4♂, Cordoba, 6, 20, 25 July 1966 (JCB, MRG, RCG); ♂, Coatepec; 4♀, 7♂, Fortin de Flores, 13–17 September 1954 (FXW); ♀, 7♂, Lago Catemaco, 14 July 1968 (MAW, JSI); 17♀, 15♂, Jalapa, 1, 6, 12, 22 August 1961 (R and KD); 5, same locality, 22 September 1961 (JA); ♀, Jesus Carranza, June 1944 (MG); 2♂, Orizaba, 1920 (PS); 5♀, 3♂, same locality, 1862 (LB); ♂, San Andres Tuxtla, 25 October 1957 (R and KD). CENTRAL AMERICA: COSTA RICA: ♂, 16 mi SE Liberia, 300 ft, 27 July 1963 (S and B); 2♂, San José, 1928 (MV); ♂, same locality, 15 June 1963 (CDM). EL SALVADOR: ♂, Conchaqua, 27–29 May 1958 (OLC); 3♀, 49♂, Quezaltepeque, 17, 19, 27 June 1961, 17–19, 22 June, 1 July, 12 August 1963 (MEI, DQC); 9♂, same locality, 3 July 1963 (S and B). NICARAGUA: ♂, Granada (B).


bibliographic citation
Scullen, Herman Austin. 1972. "Review of the genus Cerceris Latreille in Mexico and Central America (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-121. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.110