
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Cerceris semipetiolata Saussure

Cerceris semipetiolata Saussure, 1867:88.—Schletterer 1887:502.—Cameron 1890:118, pl. VII: figs. 14, 14a, b, c.—Dalla Torre, C. G., 1897:476.—Ashmead 1899:296.

TYPES.—No type or other named material was found by the writer at Vienna or Geneva in 1959. It was described from a male “0.008–0.007” in length from “Mexico, Orizaba.”

Cameron described what he considered the female and the male. His description of the female as well as his illustrations would place it in Group III. The size of the male as given by Saussure is small for that group.

Cerceris semipetiolata Saussure is therefore retained as a valid species, but so far it is unrecognized until some type or named specimens can be located.

DISTRIBUTION.—Known only from the type-locality.
bibliographic citation
Scullen, Herman Austin. 1972. "Review of the genus Cerceris Latreille in Mexico and Central America (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-121. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.110

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Cerceris williamsi

FEMALE.—Length 11 mm. Black with very limited white markings; punctation average; pubescence very short.

Head subequal in width to the thorax; black except for very narrow frontal eye patches, a very small spot back of the eye, an irregular area on the basal half of the mandible, and a small patch on the scape, all of which are white to gray; clypeal border with five very distinct denticles on the medial lobe; clypeal process small, subequal to one-third the distance between the eyes, with two semioval lamellae attached to the free margin (in form like those of C. compacta Cresson, but smaller); mandibles tridentate, the basal one very low and rounded, the two distal ones subequal and prominent; antennae normal in form.

Thorax black except for a very indistinct broken line on the pronotum and two very indistinct elongate patches on the metanotum, all of which are white infuscated; tegulae smooth; enclosure distinctly ridged; mesosternal tubercles very prominent; legs black; wings somewhat darker than average with the anterior area of the forewings still darker.

Abdomen black except a band on tergum 1, a narrow line on tergum 2, the entire first sternum, a lateral patch on sternum 2, all of which are white to light gray; pygidium as illustrated (Figure 133b).


TYPES.—The type female, taken from Fortin de las Flores, Veracruz Llave, Mexico, 17 September 1954 (F. X. Williams), is at the California Academy of Sciences. One paratype as follows: Fortin de las Flores, Veracruz Llave, Mexico, 17 September 1954 (FXW).

DISTRIBUTION.—Known only from the type-locality.




43a. Cerceris femurrubra femurrubra Viereck and Cockerell

Cerceris femurrubrum Viereck and Cockerell, 1904:135.—Viereck 1906:234.—Mickel 1917b:451.—Banks 1947:15.—Scullen 1951:1007; 1960:78; 1965a:348, 354, 435–437, figs. 51, 53, 140a, b, c, d, e, f.

TYPES.—The type male of C. femurrubra Viereck and Cockerell, from Albuquerque, N. Mex., 30 June (Cockerell), is at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (10040). The type male of C. thione Banks, from Colton, Calif. (Plate), is at the Museum of Comparative Zoology (23593).

DISTRIBUTION.—Females of the nominate subspecies C. femurrubra femurrubra Viereck and Cockerell are recorded in limited numbers from the state of Chihuahua and with one record each from the states of Coahuila and Sonora. One female placed in the subspecies C.f. thione Banks is recorded from near Chihuahua. Males that are indistinguishable in each of the above subspecies are recorded from wide areas of northern Mexico and as far south as the states of Puebla and Guerrero. The subspecies C.f. thione Banks should be taken in northwestern Sonora and nothern Baja California, as it is common in the arid parts of southern California and Arizona. Distribution records for Mexico are as follows:

MEXICO (females): CHIHUAHUA: ♀, 10 mi N Chihuahua, 17 August 1965 (HEE); ♀, 33 mi SE Chihuahua, 4100 ft, 12 September 1963 (S and B); 3♀, 45 mi NW Chihuahua, 4800 ft, 27 July 1953 (UKE); ♀, San Buenaventura, 5100 ft, 13 September 1963 (S and B); 2♀, 18 mi W Jimenez, 10 August 1951, at Baccharis (HEE); 39, Villa Ahumada, 3700 ft, 28 July 1953 (UKE). COAHUILA: 2♀, 23 mi N Sabinas, 10 August 1959 (ASM, LAS). SONORA: ♀, 2 mi N El Dortor, 6 June 1968 (JMD).

MEXICO (males): BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR: ♂, Paredones, 2 July 1953 (Sn). CHIHUAHUA: 2♂, San Buenaventura, 5100 ft, and ♂, 9 mi NW of same locality, 5000 ft, 13 September 1963 (S and B); ♂, 33 mi SE Chihuahua, 4100 ft, 12 September 1963 (S and B); 6♂, 35 mi N Chihuahua, 5400 ft, 14 September 1963 (S and B); 3♂, 45 mi NW Chihuahua, 27 July 1953 (UKE); 5♂, 15 mi S Chihuahua and 7♂, 10 mi N Chihuahua, 16–17 August 1965 (HEE); ♂, Gallego, 6 August 1954 (MAC and party); 5♂, Villa Ahumada, 3700 ft, 28 July 1953 (UKE); 5♂, 13 mi N and 12 mi S of Ahumada, 3700 ft, and 3800 ft, respectively, 28 July 1953 (UKE); ♂, Ahumada, 4 July 1954 (JWM). DURANGO: ♂, 7 mi El Ceballos, 3900 ft, 9 September 1963 (S and B); 5♂, 45 mi NW Gomez Palacio, 3800 ft, 10 September 1963 (S and B). GUERRERO: ♂, 18 mi N Chipancingo, 3100 ft, 7 August 1962 (UKE); ♂, 16 mi N same locality and date (NM). MORELOS: 2♂, 5 km N Alpuyeca, 3400 ft, 10 August 1962 (HEE); ♂, Tequesquitengo, 15 July 1961 (R and KD). PUEBLA: ♂, 8 mi SE Tehuitzingo, 4100 ft, 29 July 1961 (UKE). SONORA: 2♂, 32 mi SE Guaymas, 125 ft, 23 September 1963 (S and B).


PLANT RECORDS.—Baccharis species (San Buenaventura, Chihuahua).
bibliographic citation
Scullen, Herman Austin. 1972. "Review of the genus Cerceris Latreille in Mexico and Central America (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-121. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.110