I have wrestled with how to treat these plants since beginning my research for this treatment. After careful consideration of the complex patterns of variation among members of the C. arizonicum complex, I acknowledged the futility of trying to distinguish more than one species. Any character combinations that I or others have attempted to use to distinguish species break down hopelessly when enough specimens are examined. Instead I have chosen to recognize that in this complex, as in several others, the plants in question are a work of evolution in progress. Cirsium arizonicum is a rapidly evolving, only partially differentiated assemblage of races that have not reached the level of stability that is usually associated with the concept of species. Certainly there is much variation within the group that deserves a level of taxonomic recognition, or at least should be mentioned, but I think it much more prudent to recognize varieties–entities that may be expected to freely intergrade–rather than species. The geographic area where these plants occur, the highlands of the American Southwest, has had a turbulent history in the Quaternary with major shifts in climate, vegetation, and elevational zonation accompanying the vicissitudes of glacial and interglacial episodes. The complicated patterns of variation in C. arizonicum reflect both that history and the geographic and topographic complexity of the region.
Heads of Cirsium arizonicum are visited by hummingbirds as well as a variety of insects (P. L. Barlow-Irick 2002). Hummingbirds are the most common visitors, but hummingbirds and bees are both apparently effective pollinators in C. arizonicum.
Cirsium arizonicum, the Arizona thistle, is a North American species of thistle in the family Asteraceae, native to the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. It has been found in Arizona, southeastern California, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado, Utah, Sonora, and northwestern Chihuahua.[2][3][4][5][6]
Cirsium arizonicum is a herbaceous plant that can be either biennial or perennial, reaching 30–150 cm in height. The spiny leaves are oblong-obovate with pinate lobes; the basal leaves are larger, 10–40 cm long, while leaves on the upper stem can be only 3 cm long. The inflorescence is 3–4 cm in length and 1.5–2 cm diameter, red to pink or purple, with all the florets of similar form (no division into disc and ray florets); individual plants are very variable in the number of heads produced, from one to 100. Flowering is from mid spring to mid fall. The species occurs in mountains, at elevations of 900–3,600 m.[2][3][7]
Five varieties have been identified:[2]
Cirsium arizonicum, the Arizona thistle, is a North American species of thistle in the family Asteraceae, native to the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. It has been found in Arizona, southeastern California, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado, Utah, Sonora, and northwestern Chihuahua.
Cirsium arizonicum is a herbaceous plant that can be either biennial or perennial, reaching 30–150 cm in height. The spiny leaves are oblong-obovate with pinate lobes; the basal leaves are larger, 10–40 cm long, while leaves on the upper stem can be only 3 cm long. The inflorescence is 3–4 cm in length and 1.5–2 cm diameter, red to pink or purple, with all the florets of similar form (no division into disc and ray florets); individual plants are very variable in the number of heads produced, from one to 100. Flowering is from mid spring to mid fall. The species occurs in mountains, at elevations of 900–3,600 m.
Five varieties have been identified:
Cirsium arizonicum var. arizonicum (syn. var. nidulum (M.E.Jones) S.L.Welsh) – Arizona, New Mexico, California, Nevada, Utah, Sonora, Chihuahua Cirsium arizonicum var. bipinnatum (Eastwood) D.J.Keil. Four Corners thistle – Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Sonora Cirsium arizonicum var. chellyense (R.J.Moore & Frankton) D.J.Keil (syn. C. chellyense R.J.Moore & Frankton) Navajo thistle – Arizona, New Mexico Cirsium arizonicum var. rothrockii (A.Gray) D.J.Keil (syn. C. rothrockii (A.Gray) Petrak). Rothrock's thistle – Arizona, New Mexico, Sonora; this variety is found on both rims of the Grand Canyon and for a short distance below. Cirsium arizonicum var. tenuisectum D.J.Keil. Desert mountains thistle – California, Nevada, Sonora