Image of Pseudomorpha (Pseudomorpha) pima Amundson & Erwin 2013
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Pseudomorpha (Pseudomorpha) pima Amundson & Erwin 2013


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(Figs 4, 10, 17). Table 4. Size: Large for genus, ABL = 6.3 to 6.8 mm, SBL = 6.3 to 6.7 mm, TW = 5.1 to 5.7 mm. Preocular lobe-eye ratio: 0.56 to 0.57. Pronotum ratio (L/W): 0.31. Elytron ratio (L/W): 1.5 to 1.6. Color: Dorsum piceous, slightly lighter brown along explanate edges of dorsum. Luster:Dorsum dull, slightly matte. Microsculpture: Small isodiametric sculpticells throughout dorsal surface. Head: Genal lobe obsolete, rim posteriad and below eye bearing at least five robust setae directed perpendicular to head; preocular lobe distinct, moderately prominent, and more or less straight (Fig. 10); eye not exceeding preocular lobe/gena boundary, shallowly arcuate; clypeus fused to frons with pigmented furrow entire and visible, bisetose, setae laterad on margin; labrum with four setae projecting anteriorly (Fig. 10); antennal flagellum markedly setose, antennomeres 1-3 bisetose. Prothorax: Pronotum (Fig. 4) mostly glabrous with irregularly and wide-spaced short erect setae, apex slightly arcuate medially and narrower than ocular boundary, disk markedly convex and planar, width slightly wider than elytra across humeri, base and apex fringed with more or less evenly spaced setae, median line ending about ¾ before basal margin, lateral margins of pronotum with wide explanate sides, anterior angle 89.22°; prosternal apex fringed with short, evenly spaced setae. Pterothorax: Scutellum (normally) visible, moderate sized, narrowly rounded apically; elytra smooth (Fig. 4), interneurs very shallow, clearly visible under low magnification, markedly zig-zagged, intervals slightly convex on disc, lateral margin very slightly sinuate at basal third, 10 umbilicate erect setae on the ventrally directed curvature of the elytral lateral portion. Abdomen: All sterna sparsely setiferous, sternum III densely so; male unknown; female with 2 pairs of 4 setae on sternum, and numerous longer setae on sterna IV, V, and VI. Legs: Legs flattened, setiferous, tibia bearing fringed ring of setae on distal end, femur with distinct lateral sulcus, femora and tibiae sparsely setose. Female Genitalia: (see Fig. 17).
Terry L. Erwin, Lauren M. Amundson
bibliographic citation
Erwin T, Amundson L (2013) Beetles that live with ants (Carabidae, Pseudomorphini, Pseudomorpha Kirby, 1825): A revision of the santarita species group ZooKeys 362: 29–54
Terry L. Erwin
Lauren M. Amundson
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