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Diplocheila (Isorembus) pinodes Andrewes 1922

Comprehensive Description

provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Diplocheila (Isorembus) pinodes Andrewes
Diplocheila pinodes Andrewes, 1922 : 281 and 282. Type locality : Annam (Hue) (determined from original description).
The distinctive features of pinodes are indicated in the key. The shape of the female stylus clearly separates this species from the other members of the zeelandica group (fig. 66; cf. figs. 65 and 67).
Description. — Cotype, female, Annam (Hue), February, 1917 (R. V. de Salvaza), [Museum of Comparative Zoology Coll.].
Female. Length 26.1 mm., width 12.8 mm. Surface opaque, not smooth and shining. Microsculpture not studied. Macrosculpture as in zeelandica.
Frontal impressions of head broad, shallow, longitudinal basins extending posteriorly to plane of anterior pair of supraorbital setigerous punctures. Clypeus 6.70 times wider than long, 2.04 times wider than labrum, with a deep longitudinally directed groove on each side, anterior margin broadly and deeply emarginate (fig. 21a). Labrum 1.74 times wider than long, width 2.94 times greater than minimum length, maximum length 1.70 times greater than minimum length, anterior margin moderately and somewhat asymmetrically incised, right lobe a little longer and narrower than left lobe (fig. 21b). Right mandible as in zeelandica, left not studied.
Pronotum with anterior margin shallowly concave, sides strongly arcuate, constricted more anteriorly than posteriorly, not sinuate posteriorly; disc very broadly and slightly convex medially, becoming more abruptly declivous laterally, flattened postero-laterally, impressions average for genus ; metepimeron broadly rounded posteriorly, posterior margin not sinuate laterally. Elytra with striae punctate, moderately deeply impressed, intervals moderately convex. Retractile stylus as in fig. 66. Eighth sternite as in zeelandica.
Distribution. — This species is known only from Indo-China.
bibliographic citation
Ball, G.E. 1959. A Taxonomic Study of the North American Licinini with Notes on the Old World Species of the Genus Diplocheila Brulle (Coleoptera). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 16. Philadelphia, USA