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Diplocheila (Isorembus) laevis (Lesne 1896)

Comprehensive Description

provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Diplocheila (Isorembus) laevis Lesne
Rhembus laevis Lesne, 1896:243, fig. 6.— Bouchard, 1903:171. Diplocheila laevis Lesne, 1904:72, t. 8, fig. 8, text — fig. 6. — Andrewes, 1922: 284 and 286.
The highly polished integument and shallow elytral striae are diagnostic characteristics of this species. The female stylus of laevis is similar in shape to that of a Japanese specimen of zeelandica.
Variation. — Size of four males varies as follows : length, 20.8-24.3 mm. (mean 22.9 mm.), width 9.0-10.0 mm. (mean 9.6 mm.). The microsculpture is isodiametric to weakly transverse on the head and pronotum, isodiametric on the elytra, meshes longitudinal on the proepisternum, transverse on the remaining ventral surface. Macrosculpture is as described for zeelandica, but lines are finer and less numerous, the dorsal surface of the head, pronotum, and elytra, and ventral surface of the 6th abdominal sternite is micropunctate, the punctures on the head more numerous than in zeelandica. The Leyte specimens have the lines of macrosculpture somewhat deeper than in a specimen from Tonkin, especially on the head and pronotum. One Leyte specimen has the surface of the left elytron crenulate and opaque, but the right elytron is normal for the species. The clypeus and labrum are as in pinodes (figs. 21a and b). The pronotum is as in fig. 35. The metepimeron is the same as in zeelandica. The elytra are more parallel-sided than in zeelandica. Median lobe of the male genitalia is as in fig. 79; female stylus as in fig. 67 (one male and one female dissected).
Distribution. — This species ranges throughout southeast Asia, the Greater Sundas, and the Philippines. Andrewes (1930) gives a list of localities.
I have seen four males and one female from the following localities.
Ixdo-Chixa: Tonkin. Philippine Islands: Plains of X.E. Leyte, Nov. 1944Jan. 1945 (Darlington;.
bibliographic citation
Ball, G.E. 1959. A Taxonomic Study of the North American Licinini with Notes on the Old World Species of the Genus Diplocheila Brulle (Coleoptera). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 16. Philadelphia, USA